NYLAG 2016 Presentation - Overview of Medicaid Managed Care Landscape
Accessing Services FINAL.pptx
Part 3 of 5-part Medicaid webinar series. This presentation focuses on types of managed care plans and which Medicaid recipients may -- or must - enroll in each type.
28 Apr, 2016
1.94 mb
Downloads: 4480
NYLAG Testimony on NYS Budget 2016-17 - Medicaid and Health Access Issues
NYLAG Health Testimony 2016-2017.pdf
Testimony of NYLAG to the New York State Legislature Joint Hearing of the Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means Committees - January 2016
04 Feb, 2016
480 kb
Downloads: 3214
NYLAG Comments on Proposed State Regulations to Expedite Medicaid and Personal Care for those with Immediate Need
NYLAG Comments Immediate Need PCS 12-9-2015.pdf
Comments filed Dec. 9, 2015 in response to proposed state regulations (10-28-2015) to implement 2015 state law changes requiring expedited 7-day approval of Medicaid for those with immediate need for personal care or consumer directed personal assistance.
21 Dec, 2015
191 kb
Downloads: 4548
NYC HRA MICSA/NHED Submission Protocol - Transition of Nursing Home Benefits into Medicaid Managed Care
MICSA-NHED Submission Protocol Transition of NH into MMC-MLTC 10-26-15.pdf
Official training PowerPoint for MLTC and Managed care plans, nursing homes and NYC Medicaid staff on submission of Medicaid applications for nursing home care under new 2015 changes requiring permanent nursing home residents to enroll in or stay in managed care or mLTC plans. October 2015.
22 Nov, 2015
794 kb
Downloads: 22143
NYS Duals Coalition Statement on Issues in Nursing Home Transition to MLTC and Managed Care (Oct. 2015)
Issues in Carve-in Nursing Home Benefit CPRNYDE 10-22-15.pdf
Coalition to Protect the Rights of NY Dually Eligible - Issues and Concerns Related to the Carve-in of Nursing Home Benefit into Mainstream Managed Care and MLTC
22 Nov, 2015
353 kb
Downloads: 5628
Table of MLTC & FIDA Enrollment in NYS - OCt. 2015
Enrollment in FIDA and MLTC Plans – October 2015.2.pdf
Excerpt of data from Excel chart posted at http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/588/ For more breakdown re enrollment in MLTC plans in upstate counties see most recent report in https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/reports/enrollment/monthly/ - tab for MLTC plans.
08 Nov, 2015
102 kb
Downloads: 3469
Spreadsheet with Oct. 2015 Enrollment Data for FIDA and MLTC in NYS
Data from CMS Medicare Advantage monthly data and NYS DOH monthly managed care enrollment data https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/MCRAdvPartDEnrolData/Monthly-Enrollment-by-Plan.html and https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/reports/enrollment/monthly/
Both for October 2015.
08 Nov, 2015
46 kb
Downloads: 3212
2nd Notice of Passive Enrollment into HARP/Behavioral Health Organization - 8/2015
Second form letter sent by NY Medicaid Choice to managed care members identified as eligible for Behavioral Health services, based on past usage. This is the second notice sent to people whose managed care plan has a sister behavioral health organization or HARP, in which the member will be passively enrolled because they did not choose a different HARP after receiving the first "announcement" notice (posted at http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/586/).
In NYC notices were sent in fall 2015 for enrollment in Oct, Nov or Dec 2015. Services begin January 2016. Upstate counties later.
06 Nov, 2015
237 kb
Downloads: 4021
NYS Announcement Letter Passive Enrollment into HARP Sister Plan
Form letter sent from NYS DOH, OMH and OASAS to managed care members identified as eligible for Behavioral Health services, based on past usage. This is the "announcement" notice sent to people whose managed care plan has a sister behavioral health organization or HARP, in which the member will be passively enrolled unless they choose a different HARP.
In NYC notices were sent in fall 2015 for enrollment in OCt, Nov or Dec 2015. Services begin January 2016. Upstate counties later.
06 Nov, 2015
277 kb
Downloads: 4238
Caregiver FIDA Fact Sheet (Korean)
Caregiver Fact Sheet (Korean) FINAL.pdf
19 Sep, 2015
596 kb
Downloads: 6346