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Medicaid Managed Care
State Model "Passive Enrollment" Notice (1) Sent to Members of Most FIDA Plans that FIDA Closing Download
Final FIDA Non-Renewal Model Letter - Passive Enrollment - 09.25.19 ORIGINAL.PDF
State Template for "Notice 1" or "Passive Enrollment" notice sent to members of most FIDA plans that FIDA program is closing Dec. 31, 2019. This notice tells members in this group that unless they select a different plan before Dec. 20, 2019, they will be assigned to the Medicaid Advantage Plus(MAP) plan operated by the same company that operates their FIDA plan. This "Notice 1" sent to members of all FIDA plans EXCEPT Riverspring, and for those in Senior Whole Health FIDA, only members who live in the Bronx received this notice.
07 Oct, 2019 309 kb Downloads: 2156
Statewide list of MLTC-MAP-PACE plans by County with Enrollment April 2019 Download
Statewide and NYC MLTC plan list with enrollment 4-2019.pdf
Statewide Contact list of MLTC-MAP-PACE plans by County is at http://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/mltc/mltcplans.htm. This list by county is updated with April. 2019 enrollment data
NYC list is last pages.
29 May, 2019 1.08 mb Downloads: 30118
Number Enrolled in Each MLTC Plan in NYC - 5-Year Comparison - April 2013 to April 2019 Download
NYC MLTC plan list 4-2019 in order of largest enrollment.pdf
Change in enrollment by plan in NYC from 4/2013 to April 2019 - from Source: DOH Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Reports (Oct 2018)
Sorted in 2 ways- A.order of highest enrollment currently, B alphabetivally
29 May, 2019 475 kb Downloads: 6061
Letter to Members of ICS Jan. 25, 2019 from NYS Dept. of Health re Options for Plan Closing effective April 1, 2019 Download
"Official" closing letter to members of the ICS Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) Plan from the NYS Dept. of Health dated Jan. 25, 2019 explaining that those members who did not choose to enroll in an MLTC plan by Mar. 20, 2019 would be assigned to VNS Choice MLTC plan eff. 4/1/19. Letter explains one-year continuity protections at VNS only, and new ICS Health Home that will continue to manage care for some ICS members who transfer to VNS. See http://www.wnylc.com/health/news/78/.
04 Mar, 2019 135 kb Downloads: 2742
E-mail from Rick Surpin, President of Independence Care Systems, Jan. 8, 2019, announcing Closing of ICS Download
ICS E-mail 2019-01-08.pdf
E-mail to "Dear Colleague" announcing closing of ICS effective 3/31/19
12 Jan, 2019 156 kb Downloads: 2620
Exhaustion of MLTC Plan Appeals before Requesting a Fair Hearing - NYSBA Elder Law and Special Needs Journal article 2018 Download
Exhaustion of MLTC Plan Appeals Before Requesting a Fair Hearing, Starting May 1, 2018,)(By Valerie Bogart; reprinted with permission from: Elder and Special Needs Law Journal, Spring 2018, Vol, 28 No. 2, published by the New York State Bar Association, One Elk Street, Albany, NY 12207.
12 Dec, 2018 105 kb Downloads: 3821
Guildnet FIDA Closing Letter Download
Guildnet FIDA Closing Notices - Combined.pdf
31 Oct, 2018 721 kb Downloads: 2847
Guildnet Closing Notice sent by NY Medicaid Choice dated Oct. 19, 2018 to 8000+ members Download
Guildnet closing Notice 10-2018.pdf
Notice sent by New York Medicaid Choice, the enrollment contractor for NYS Dept. of Health handling MLTC enrollment. Notice sent to nearly 8000 members of Guildnet's MLTC and Medicaid Advantage Plus plans that Guildnet closing 12/31/19. If they don't select a new plan by 12/19 they will be autoassigned for January 1st. Explains 120 days of continuity of care in new plan.
29 Oct, 2018 1.93 mb Downloads: 3100
Announcement of CLE/Training on Managed Long Term Care - Nov. 14, 2018 1 PM - 5:30 PM Download
NYALCA - Medicaid Seminar Registration Form November 2018.pdf
The New York Aging Life Care Association is pleased to announce a seminar:
NYS MEDICAID AND MLTC 2018 Medicaid & MLTC Changes enacted in NYS 2018-19 Budget.

Registration info in announcement.
21 Sep, 2018 765 kb Downloads: 3378
HRA Medicaid Alert 7/26/18 Special Income Standard for Housing Expenses when Discharged from Nursing Home to MLTC Download
2018-07-26 Medicaid Alert - Special Income Standard for Discharge from NH to MLTC.pdf
Update about the Special Income Standard for Housing Expenses for Individuals
Discharged from a Nursing Facility and who Enroll into the Managed Long Term Care Program - see article at http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/212/
28 Aug, 2018 303 kb Downloads: 4551
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