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Medicaid Managed Care
Letter from State Dept. of Health to Guildnet members in Long Island & Westchester - 3/13/2017 Download
guildnet letter from DOH - 2 - May 2016.pdf
Letter dated Mar. 13, 2017 from NYS Dept of Health to 4000+ members of Guildnet MLTC in Suffolk, Nassau, and Westchester counties, clarifying that Guildnet MLTC is not closing in those 3 counties on June 1, 2017 and that the plan is required to continue providing services to members after that date. See letter for more.
18 May, 2017 654 kb Downloads: 3723
Letter Template from Guildnet in Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester to Members - Feb. 2017 Download
GuildNet plan withdrawal - member notification letter 3 counties combined.pdf
Letter Guildnet is sending to it;s 4,000+ members in Nassau, Suffolk and Westechester counties in Feb and March 2017 stating, "GuildNet will no longer offer Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) services in [county] effective June 1, 2017. It is important that you select a new MLTC plan before May 18, 2017 to assure a smooth transfer to your new plan. You will continue to receive services from GuildNet until your transfer to your new plan is complete." Letter does not explain that if person does NOT transfer to another plan, they may still stay in Guildnet. Nor does letter explain that new plan is not required by State to honor Guildnet's same plan of care and number of hours. NOr does letter give contact info for ICAN ombuds program. icannys.org
29 Mar, 2017 263 kb Downloads: 4474
Explanation of the Conflict Free Evaluation and Enrollment Center and MLTC Evaluation (rev. 12-2016) Download
Explanation of the CFEEC and MLTC Evaluation NYLAG Letterhead rev 12-2016.pdf
This outline describes the evaluation process for someone who is on Medicare and Medicaid (approved or application pending) who requires enrollment into a Managed Long Term Care plan. Revised 12-2016 to include change that CFEEC now valid for 75 instead of 60 days.
23 Dec, 2016 413 kb Downloads: 32821
NYS FIDA Special Mailing to MLTC Members Explaining FIDA Program - 2016 Download
DOH FIDA enrollment solicitation 11-16.pdf
Mailing from New York Medicaid Choice to MLTC Members in FIDA Demo Area (New York City and Nassau County) explaining FIDA program. May be confusing to members who previously opted out of FIDA.
23 Dec, 2016 206 kb Downloads: 2790
11/9/2016 Letter from NYS Dept. of Health Extending FIDA 2 years Download
FIDA extension letter 11.09.16.pdf
Extends FIDA demo extra 2 years through Dec. 31, 2019
09 Nov, 2016 87 kb Downloads: 2996
CMS Memo 10/28/16 re FIDA Plans Not Renewing Contracts for 2017 Download
NY_FIDA_Non-renewing_Contracts_closeout instructions.pdf
Describes procedures for how members in those 3 plans not renewing contracts will be transitioned to other FIDA plans or may choose Original Medicare and MLTC.
02 Nov, 2016 141 kb Downloads: 2983
NYLAG Comments on State "Immediate Need" Regulations - April 1, 2016 Download
NYLAG Comments Immediate Need PCS FINAL.pdf
Comments to last in series of proposed regulations implementing 2015 law requiring expedited processing of Medicaid apps in 7 days where there is an immediate need for personal care or CDPAP. Regs published for comment March 2, 2016.
05 Aug, 2016 534 kb Downloads: 3748
NYLAG 2016 Presentation - Overview of Medicaid Managed Care Landscape Download
Accessing Services FINAL.pptx
Part 3 of 5-part Medicaid webinar series. This presentation focuses on types of managed care plans and which Medicaid recipients may -- or must - enroll in each type.
28 Apr, 2016 1.94 mb Downloads: 4203
NYLAG Testimony on NYS Budget 2016-17 - Medicaid and Health Access Issues Download
NYLAG Health Testimony 2016-2017.pdf
Testimony of NYLAG to the New York State Legislature Joint Hearing of the Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means Committees - January 2016
04 Feb, 2016 480 kb Downloads: 2940
NYLAG Comments on Proposed State Regulations to Expedite Medicaid and Personal Care for those with Immediate Need Download
NYLAG Comments Immediate Need PCS 12-9-2015.pdf
Comments filed Dec. 9, 2015 in response to proposed state regulations (10-28-2015) to implement 2015 state law changes requiring expedited 7-day approval of Medicaid for those with immediate need for personal care or consumer directed personal assistance.
21 Dec, 2015 191 kb Downloads: 4212
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