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Medicaid Managed Care
FINAL FIDA "Announcement Notice" being sent to MLTC Members in NYC and Nassau County Download
FIDA_Program_Announcement_ Sample_NYC_Nassau combined with inserts.docx
Letter being sent by State Dept. of Health to over 110,000 MLTC members in NYC and Nassau County. Letter being sent on a rolling basis in batches. (This version includes attached list of FIDA plans for both NYC and Nassau County. Client will only receive the one for their district.
NOTE: DOH failed to include crucial information - rejecting consumer advocacy, including:
* Right to Opt Out of FIDA
* Fact that you will be passively enrolled in FIDA if you don't opt out
* Says FIDA is free but doesn't explain that still owe Spend-down, if you have one - a source of confusion
* Nothing clarifying that must obtain all medical and long term care in-network from plan,
and more..
25 Nov, 2014 53 kb Downloads: 6247
NYS Dept. of Health Update on FIDA 10/16/2014 with Roll-out Schedule for Letters to MLTC Recipients Download
DOH 10-16 14 Policy and Planning Update.pptx
DOH updates the MLTC plans on FIDA - the only real source of information on what is happening. This update has important info: (1) When will MLTC recipients in NYC and Nassau receive the "announcement" letter starting December 2014 about FIDA and when will they be passively enrolled into FIDA plans - will be on a rolling basis depending on when they renew Medicaid for the year (2) NEWS that current NURSING HOME RESIDENTS will NOT be passively enrolled into FIDA plans! Only NEW people who first become PERMANENT NH residents in 2015 will be passively enrolled but not til August 2015.
22 Nov, 2014 939 kb Downloads: 5787
CORRECTED Training CLE Announcement - Dec. 3, 2014 - MLTC & FIDA - Co-Sponsored by NYLAG and NY New York Chapter of Professional Geriatric Care Managers Download
Live training and webinar on Dec. 3, 2014 on MLTC and FIDA in Manhattan. NOTE CORRECTED ADDRESS
18 Nov, 2014 626 kb Downloads: 4123
Consumer Coalition Comments on Draft Quality Strategy of NYS DOH Managed Care Program Download
CPRNYDE comments on 2014 Quality Strategy 07-13-14 - FINAL.pdf
Consumer Coalition Comments on Draft Quality Strategy of NYS DOH Managed Care Program (JUly 13, 2014)
08 Sep, 2014 419 kb Downloads: 4116
Medicaid Matters Fact Sheet: Managed Long Term Care in NYS Part I: The Basics Download
MMNY - MMC Fact Sheet Advocate - MLTC 1 The Basics 08-14.pdf
Medicaid Matters Fact Sheet: Managed Long Term Care in NYS Part I: The Basics - updated August 2014. See also Fact Sheet II - Grievance and Appeal Rights in MLTC
27 Aug, 2014 577 kb Downloads: 8591
NYC HRA MICSA Medicaid Alert - Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance (CDPAP) & Managed Care (10/26/12) Download
2012-10-26 CDPAP and Managed Care.pdf
Effective Nov. 1, 2012, Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) is included in the benefit package for both Mainstream Medicaid Managed Care and Managed Long Term Care. This change affects both people who have Medicaid only and people who have both Medicaid and Medicare ("dual eligibles). See info on CDPAP at http://wnylc.com/health/entry/40/.

(1) Most people STATEWIDE with Medicaid Only (but no Medicare) are already required to enroll in a Mainstream Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) plan. Those plans will now approve, authorize and pay for CDPAP. See http://wnylc.com/health/news/22/

(2) Managed Long Term Care (MLTC)-- See info at http://wnylc.com/health/news/41/.

Since MLTC is now mandatory as of 9/1/2012 in NYC for "dual eligibles" needing personal care, CDPAP recipients in NYC will begin receiving letters giving them 60 days to select an MLTC plan, or they will be auto-assigned to a plan on a random basis. The MLTC plans must contract with CONCEPTS and Chinese-American Planning Council through 10/31/13 so consumers can keep their current aides. See more at http://wnylc.com/health/entry/40/
18 Aug, 2014 117 kb Downloads: 11870
Letter to CMS from Consumer Advocates August 29, 2012 on Managed Long Term Care Download
Consumer Letter NY CMS 8-28-2012.pdf
Letter to CMS from Consumer Advocates August 29, 2012 on protections needed in Managed Long Term Care
07 Aug, 2014 118 kb Downloads: 3691
Dec. 27, 2011 Letter to CMS from Consumer Groups re Managed Long Term Care Waiver Download
consumer letter to cms 12-2011 rev.pdf
Letter expressing concerns re expansion of 1115 waiver to mandate enrollment in managed long term care
06 Aug, 2014 826 kb Downloads: 6106
Comments of Community Catalyst on NYS Proposal for FIDA (June 28, 2012) Download
CCatalyst response to NY proposal 6 28 12 final.pdf
Comments of Community Catalyst on NYS Proposal for FIDA (June 28, 2012)
25 Jul, 2014 236 kb Downloads: 3656
Coalition of Dual Eligibles Comments on Draft 3-Way Contract for FIDA Download
CPRNYDE Comments re FIDA draft three-way contract 05-05-14.pdf
Coalition to Protect the Rights of NY Dual Eligibles Comments, May 5, 2014
25 Jul, 2014 264 kb Downloads: 4624
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