NYLAG Comments on Proposed Changes to State Regulations for Medicaid Managed Care Appeals and Fair Hearings
Final Comments to Proposed Regulations Managed Care Fair Hearing 09.8.2020.pdf
NYLAG Comments filed on Sept. 8, 2020 on Proposed Changes to State Regulations for Medicaid Managed Care Appeals and Fair Hearings. The proposed amendments implement the "exhaustion" requirements implemented in NYS in 2018, implementing federal changes adopted in 2016.
23 Sep, 2020
511 kb
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NYLAG COMMENTS on Proposed Home Care Changes - Eligibility and Assessment Procedures
NYLAG COMMENTS on Proposed Regulations implementing the Medicaid Home Care Changes - Eligibility and Assessment Procedures enacted in the 2020-21 NYS Budget. The proposed regulations are posted here - https://regs.health.ny.gov/sites/default/files/proposed-regulations/Personal%20Care%20Services%20and%20Consumer%20Directed%20Personal%20Assistance%20Program.pdf
09 Sep, 2020
1.07 mb
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PowerPoint on NYS Medicaid Changes Coming in 2020-21 - Lookback, Restricted Home Care Eligibility & New Assessment Procedures
NYLAG Presentation - NYS Budget Changes - Medicaid FY 2020-21.pdf
Webinar presentation by Valerie Bogart, EFLRP, NYLAG, presented on Sept. 9, 2020 on upcoming changes in Medicaid - a new lookback for community based long term care services, new ADL requirements on eligibiliity for personal care and CDPAP, and new assessments for all home care in MLTC, managed care and local Medicaid offices
09 Sep, 2020
534 kb
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Letters Asking Governor & State DOH to Halt Disenrollment from MLTC Plans for Nursing Home members until Pandemic Over
2020-07-02 Consumer LT GOV NH Disenrollment FINAL.pdf
Letter of 7/2/20 to Gov. Cuomo and letter dated June 29, 2020 to DOH from NYLAG, Legal Aid Society, CIDNY, Empire Justice Center & other organizations demanding the state halt disenrollment of almost 20,000 MLTC members from their MLTC plans because they have been in nursing homes for more than 3 months. With visitors banned from nursing homes, they'll have no help to appeal - and many will be forced to stay in the nursing homes, at risk of exposure to COVID.
12 Jul, 2020
1.37 mb
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NYSDOH Dear Administrator Letter to Nursing Homes 6-11-2020 re Disenrollment from MLTC of Nursing Home Residents
DAL Updated NHBL 6.11.20.pdf
NYSDOH Dear Administrator Letter (DAL) to Nursing Homes 6/11/2020 revising the one issued 1-21-2020 (posted at http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/718). DAL advising them that residents who are members of MLTC plans will be disenrolled after 3 months in NY. The letter should eventually be posted with other DAL letters here - https://www.health.ny.gov/professionals/nursing_home_administrator/letters.htm#dal. See discussion in this article http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/199/
28 Jun, 2020
181 kb
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NYLAG, Empire Justice Center & Bronx Legal Serv Letter to DOH re MLTC/ Home Care Protections re Covid-19 0 4/1/2020
Letter from Advocates to NYS Dept. of Health requesting clarification of various policies issued re Covid-19 and for protections for Medicaid home care applicants and recipients in MLTC, mainstream managed care plans and other home care programs.
03 Apr, 2020
432 kb
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NYLAG, Legal AId, EJC & Other Advocates Letter to OTDA 3-24-20 on Covid-19 Fair Hearing Procedures
Letter from advocates to the NYS Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance, 3/24/20 requesting clarification of GIS isued 3/12/2020 https://otda.ny.gov/policy/gis/2020/20DC014.pdf establishing phone hearing procedures during Covid-19 and as a demonstration program.. Letter requests additional protections for appellants.
01 Apr, 2020
122 kb
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NYLAG Statement Opposing Proposed Medicaid Redesign Team II Cuts in Home Care, Eligibility & Prescription Drugs
NYLAG - MRT Statement - 3-18-20.pdf
For the NYS Budget 2020-21, Gov. Cuomo appointed the Medicaid Redesign Team II to recommend Medicaid cuts to balance the budget. A set of proposals were developed by the MRT and are supposed to be voted on by the MRT on 3/18 or 3/19. Between then and April 1, 2020 the legislature and Governor are supposed to agree on a budget. NYLAG opposes many of the recommended cuts in Medicaid eligibility and access to home care and prescription drugs.
18 Mar, 2020
310 kb
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NYS Notice of Disenrollment to MLTC Members in Nursing Homes for 3+ Months (revised 2-27-20)
DU Batch Notice 2.27.20 Draft Final.docx
Revised form Notice to be sent by New York Medicaid Choice to about 23,000 MLTC members who, as of April 2020 have been in nursing homes for 3+ months, telling them they will be disenrolled from the MLTC plan unless they request an assessment to return home or a fair hearing before the effective date, May 1, 2020.
09 Mar, 2020
48 kb
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NYS DOH-OTDA WMS Workers' Guide to Codes (2-9-2017)(Excerpt on MEDICAID only)
Workers Guide to Codes - MEDICAID ONLY 2-2017.pdf
Excerpt of State publication that explains the millions of eligibility codes that show restrictions on or categories of individual's Medicaid eligibility. The entire guide is much bigger. This SEARCHABLE excerpt contains the chapter on MEDICAID CODES.
25 Feb, 2020
3 mb
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