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Medicaid Managed Care
MICSA - Renewal Status File Download
HRA Presentation to MLTC Plans - Renewal Status File.pdf
Presentation from NYC Human Resources Administration to managed care plans on the NYC process for helping managed care plans work with their members to renew Medicaid coverage. Describes renewal timeline in general, as well as special weekly data file (RS) sent to plans to help them identify members who need follow-up. May 14, 2012.
27 Jul, 2015 171 kb Downloads: 3563
State DOH Templates for MLTC Denials, Reductions, Terminations - effective July 1, 2015 Download
New MLTC Notices of Adverse Action - June 2015.pdf
Combined in one PDF is March 2015 State directive to MLTC plans requiring use of new templates for notifying member of reductions, denials, and terminations of services. Templates should be used by mid-May 2015. PDF includes Directive plus TWO new notice templates and the state's EXAMPLES of how the two templates are used. Also included is a sample of notice that MLTC plans sent to all members in June 2015 notifying of elimination of requirement to "exhaust" internal appeals before requesting fair hearing
25 Jun, 2015 1.2 mb Downloads: 45003
Number Enrolled in Each FIDA and MLTC plan in FIDA Demo Area - April - May 2015 Download
MLTC and FIDA Enrollment April May 2015 FIDA plans only.xlsx
Data compiled from CMS site https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/MCRAdvPartDEnrolData/Monthly-Enrollment-by-Plan-Items/Monthly-Enrollment-by-Plan-2015-05.html?DLPage=1&DLEntries=10&DLSort=1&DLSortDir=descending

and DOH site http://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/reports/enrollment/monthly/
01 Jun, 2015 16 kb Downloads: 5001
NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program "Appendix" of documents on MLTC and FIDA for CLE 4/20/15 Download
Appendix Final.pdf
NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program "Appendix" of documents on MLTC and FIDA for CLE 4/20/15 - includes helpful lists of plans, forms, and a Troubleshooting guide.
27 Apr, 2015 2.24 mb Downloads: 19016
PowerPoint Presentation by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program on FIDA and MLTC 4/23/2015 Download
2015 NYLAG CLE MLTC-FIDA updated 4-23-2015.pptx
PowerPoint Presentation by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program on FIDA and MLTC 4/23/2015.
Updated version of presentation in live CLE conducted APril 20, 2015
27 Apr, 2015 1.89 mb Downloads: 5594
Presentación de Powerpoint Sobre FIDA y MLTC Download
Caregiver Presentation Spanish Final 4-13-15.pdf
Esta presentación fue realizada el 13 de Abril 2015 en una organización local en Brooklyn para los residentes de ese edificio. La presentación es en español. Esta presentación se enfoca en los temas de Medicare, Medicaid, planes de cuidado a largo plazo (MLTC), y planes de doble ventaja totalmente integrado (FIDA).

Debe de usar estos materiales con la grabación sobre FIDA.

This presentation took place on April 13th, 2015 for local Brooklyn residents residing in senior housing. The presentation was conducted in Spanish. The presentation discussed Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Long Term Care plans (MLTC), and Fully Integrated Dual Advantage plans (FIDA).

Please view the powerpoint in conjunction with the Spanish recording of the presentation.
27 Apr, 2015 355 kb Downloads: 4113
Consumer Coalition Proposed Revision - FIDA NOTICES 3-4 - 60-Dayand 30-Day Passive Enrollment Notice (5/30/14) Download
FIDA 60 day and 30 day Notices combined 04-20-2015.pdf
On May 22, 2014, DOH provided Consumer advocates with drafts of notices regarding passive enrollment in FIDA to begin fall 2014. This is the Consumer coalition's proposed revision of NOTICEs 3 and 4 (60-day and final 30-day notices before Passive Enrollment).
20 Apr, 2015 356 kb Downloads: 8339
Troubleshooting Problems Enrolling in MLTC Plans - Tips for Avoiding Delays and Medicaid Spend-down Problems Download
Troubleshooting - 4-16-15 pp.pdf
Fact sheet written by New York Legal Assistance Group Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Problem addressing common problems encountered by those trying to enroll in MLTC plans, especially where they have a spend-down OR are trying to leave a nursing home. Learn how to avoid delays in enrollment. Includes helpful forms, focused on NYC but can be adapted statewide (updated April 15, 2015)
16 Apr, 2015 2.11 mb Downloads: 27089
NY HRA HCSP MLTC Cover Sheet ("Conversion" Form) -- HCSP 3047a (1/26/2015) replaces HCSP-3022 (9/26/2013) Download
HCSP-3047a MLTC-PRU 1-26-15_150415121649.pdf
"Conversion" Form used in NYC by MLTC, PACE and Medicaid Advantage Plus plans to ask HRA Medicaid program to convert the Medicaid eligibility codes and allow them to enroll an individual who has been determined eligible for Medicaid into MLTC plan. Most commonly needed for people with a spend-down. They may have been found eligible for Medicaid but Medicaid is not activated until spend-down is met OR until HRA has processed this "conversion" to activate Medicaid even if spend-down is not met. Also see MLTC Frequently Asked Questions HCSP Quick Reference- REVISED 11-13-2013.pdf posted on this site
15 Apr, 2015 58 kb Downloads: 7610
HCSP 3047 MLTC Cover Sheet Download
HCSP 3047 1-26-2015.pdf
This is the cover sheet to be used for MLTC cases
13 Apr, 2015 44 kb Downloads: 3692
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