Know your Rights: Tips for Requesting New or Increased Services from a Medicaid Managed Care or MLTC Plan (RUSSIAN)
Requesting Services from an MCO - 2021 Russian Translation.pdf
Russian Translation of Fact Sheet prepared by the NYLAG Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program explaining tips on how to request new or increased services from a Medicaid managed care or MLTC plan, including the timeline in which the plan must process the increase. English version is at http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/723/
If the request is denied, see separate Fact sheet on appealing denials. http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/654/
03 Aug, 2021
659 kb
Downloads: 1646
"Coverage Determination Notice" - Official Template for NYS MAP Plans using Integrated Appeal process
ICDN_NY_MAP - Coverage Determination Notice 11.15.19.docx
Official template for NYS Medicaid Advantage Plus plans to deny an initial request for prior approval for a service or for an increase in a service. See article at http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/225/. This form is from a zipped file of MAP notice templates posted at https://www.cms.gov/files/zip/nyiagintegratedbenenotices.zip.
01 Apr, 2021
64 kb
Downloads: 1959
"Appeal Decision Notice" for NYS Medicaid Advantage Plus plans (MAP)
AppealDenial_NY_MAP FINAL 11.15.19.docx
State template for final decisions after the internal plan appeal in the new integrated appeal procedure that began in 2020 for MAP plans. See article at http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/225/. This form is from a zipped file of MAP notice templates posted at https://www.cms.gov/files/zip/nyiagintegratedbenenotices.zip.
01 Apr, 2021
81 kb
Downloads: 2116
Healthfirst MAP Plan Letter to Member Affected by Mistake in Failing to Schedule Hearing - March 2021
Redacted IAHO healthfirst letter 3-23-21.pdf
Redacted sample of a letter sent in late March 2021 to 789 members of the Healthfirst Medicaid Advantage Plus plan explaining the plan's mistake in failing to forward their case for a hearing, as required in the new Integrated Appeal process for MAP plans that began 2020. Read about this new appeal process and more about this letter at http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/225/
30 Mar, 2021
139 kb
Downloads: 2198
NYLAG & Other Advocates Call For NYS Budget to Ensure Access to Community Based Long Term Care Services
Consumer Advocate Letter re Community based LTC NYS 21-22 Budget.2.pdf
Letter to Governor Cuomo and leaders of the legislature calling for NYS Budget initiatives that will ensure access to home care to prevent unnecessary institutionalization -- COVID-19 has been a wake-up call for the need to avoid nursing home placement when ever possible.
26 Mar, 2021
638 kb
Downloads: 1782
NYLAG COMMENTS on Proposed Home Care Regulation Changes - Eligibility and Assessment Procedures
NYLAG Comments 505.14 - 505.28 3-13-21 with NYSBA copy.pdf
NYLAG's comments submitted on the 2nd round of proposed State regulations implementing 2020 changes in State law restricting eligibility for personal care, CDPAP and MLTC enrollment, and changing the procedures for how Medicaid home care services are assessed. The proposed State reg can be found at https://health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/mrt2/express_terms_summary.htm. The NYSBA Elder Law & Special Needs Section comments are also attached to and referenced in the NYLAG comments.
19 Mar, 2021
1.28 mb
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NYLAG Comments on Proposed Changes in 1115 Waiver - ADL Limits for MLTC and Staying in Medicaid Managed Care when Enroll in Medicare
NYLAG CMS comments 1115 Waiver NYS 12-24-20.pdf
NYS DOH has requested that CMS change the 1115 waiver that governs MLTC and managed care in 2 ways. (1) Restrict enrollment in MLTC to those meeting new 2- or 3- ADL requirement enacted in State budget in April 2020; (2) Keep people in mainstream Medicaid managed care plans when they start getting Medicare, if they are enrolled in a Dual-Special Needs Plan. They could opt out but otherwise would automatically stay in managed care. See waiver request at https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USCMSMEDICAID/bulletins/2aea7cd. NYLAG comments posted here
24 Dec, 2020
1012 kb
Downloads: 1724
NYLAG Comments on Medicaid State Plan Amendment to Implement the ADL Restrictions on Eligibility for Personal Care & CDPAP
Comments filed by NYLAG dated Oct. 29, 2020 on the proposed Medicaid State Plan Amendment (SPA) that would restrict elgibility for personal care and CDPAP services to require 2 or 3 ADL needs. The proposed SPA No. 20-41 was posted September 29, 2020 and is available at https://www.health.ny.gov/regulations/state_plans/status/ltcare/original/docs/os_2020-09-29_spa_20-41.pdf.
24 Dec, 2020
841 kb
Downloads: 1668
Sample Notice to MLTC Members Explaining new Lock-In Rule that Starts Dec. 1, 2020
Lock in notice 2020-10 redacted.pdf
Sample Notice sent to MLTC Members in October 2020 Explaining new Lock-In Rule that Starts Dec. 1, 2020. This notice is from VNS Choice, but each plan would be sending their own versiono n their letterhead, using State-approved language.
29 Oct, 2020
1.95 mb
Downloads: 2412
MLTC Member Handbook Amendment - New "Lock-in"
MLTC Partial Lock In Member Handbook.pdf
Language that Plans must add to their MLTC Member Handbooks to explain the new Lock-in that begins Dec 1, 2020 for people enrolling in a plan after that date, whether a first-time enrollee or changing plans on or after that date
29 Oct, 2020
18 kb
Downloads: 2502