2025 List of NYS Medicaid Plans with "Aligned" Medicare D-SNP Plans - Integrated Care Options (PDF)
Default Enrollment chart - 2025 -with all MAP plans.pdf
List adapted from NYS DOH List posted at https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/duals/index.htm (scroll down to IB-DUAL drop down and then to end). This list adds the names of the Medicare D-SNP plans and also names of counties that are excluded from Default Enrollment. Separate Excel file is posted. Some info taken from CMS 2025 plan files at http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Prescription-Drug-Coverage/PrescriptionDrugCovGenIn (NYS extracted at http://health.wnylc.com/health/download/864/). Last page lists MAP plans that do NOT have Default Enrollment, with counties and aligned D-SNP plans.
30 Oct, 2024
122 kb
Downloads: 224
2025 List of NYS Medicaid Plans with "Aligned" Medicare D-SNP Plans - Integrated Care Options (Excel)
Default Enrollment chart - 2025 -with all MAP plans.xlsx
List adapted from NYS DOH List posted at https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/duals/index.htm (scroll down to IB-DUAL drop down and then to end). This list adds the names of the Medicare D-SNP plans and also names of counties that are excluded from Default Enrollment. Separate PDF file is posted. Some info taken from CMS 2025 plan files at http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Prescription-Drug-Coverage/PrescriptionDrugCovGenIn (NYS extracted at http://health.wnylc.com/health/download/864/). Second tab shows MAP plans with NO Default Enrollment.
30 Oct, 2024
16 kb
Downloads: 164
2025 NYS Medicare Advantage and Special Needs Plans
Medicare Advantage + SNP Plans NYS 2025 -Star Ratings + Default Enrollment.3.xlsb
2025 NYS Medicare Advantage and Special Needs Plans - see different tabs for different types of plans and NYC Medicare Advantage plan list. Can filter list by county, company, etc. Revised to include Star Ratings and Default Enrollment info
30 Oct, 2024
112 kb
Downloads: 224
NYLAG Memo in Support of MLTC Data Transparency Bill A10176 / S9266
NYLAG MEMO IN SUPPORT A10176 S9266 MLTC Data Transparency CORRECTED.pdf
NYLAG's Memo in support of bill calling for the State to increase transparency about MLTC - where does the money go, what services are provided and how much, track record of plans in keeping members out of nursing homes, etc.
21 May, 2024
880 kb
Downloads: 429
NYLAG Statement Opposing Proposed Cuts to the CDPAP Program in NYS 2024-25 Budget
NYLAG MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION - CDPAP in 30-day Amendments FINAL.3 (2-27-24).pdf
NYLAG's statement opposing various cuts to the Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Program proposed by the Governor in the 2024-25 Budget. (revised 2/27/24)
27 Feb, 2024
696 kb
Downloads: 1589
NYLAG Memo in Support of HOME CARE SAVINGS AND REINVESTMENT ACT (S7800/A8470) that would replace the MLTC program with a managed fee- for service program.
26 Feb, 2024
790 kb
Downloads: 814
2024 Medicare Special Needs Plans (SNPs) in NYS
NYS 2024 Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans with plan ratings REVISED.xlsx
2024 Medicare Special Needs Plans (SNPs) in NYS, with Star Ratings (as of 10/5/23). Indicates whether plan is aligned with and part of a Medicaid Advantage Plus (MAP) plan (includes MLTC plan in same plan) or an IB-Dual plan (Integrated benefit - Dual) which is a type of a Medicaid managed care plan for people who have Medicare. These plans are subject to Default Enrollment. See http://health.wnylc.com/health/entry/226/ and https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/duals/index.htm
21 Nov, 2023
227 kb
Downloads: 858
NYLAG Comments to CMS Proposed Standards for Improved Access to Home & Community Based Services
NYLAG Comments HCBS-Access Rule 6-30-23 CMS-2442-P.pdf
NYLAG filed these comments on June 30, 2023 to the federal CMS Medicaid agency's proposal to improve standards for accessing Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Provisions - see CMS summary at https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/fact-sheets/ensuring-access-medicaid-services-cms-2442-p-notice-proposed-rulemaking and
18 Sep, 2023
940 kb
Downloads: 669
NYC HRA Medicaid Alert NY Independent Assessor & Changes to Personal Care (PCS) Assessment Process (5/31/23)
2023-05-31 NYIA and Changes to Personal Care Assessment Process.pdf
Explains what consumers seeking Medicaid CDPAP or personal care (PCS) should do in 2 situations: (1) Those who contacted NYIA directly, rather than applying for Immediate Need services and who are not in a Mainstream Medicaid managed care plan (known as "Fee for service (FFS) consumers") - If the NYIA notice says they are not eligible to enroll in MLTC and refers them to the LDSS - they should fax a copy of their NYIA decision notice to the CASA Central Intake unit (718) 636-7784. Case will be assigned to a CASA to use the notice to retrieve the NYIA assessments and then proceed to assess whether eligible for PCS or CDPAPt. But.. if they are a dual eligible and not in a hospice program, or in OPWDD, TBI or NHTD waiver - they are probably only eligible for 8 hours/WEEK of Housekeeping services from CASA. T
(2) If you applied to HRA for Immediate Need services - PCS or CDPAP via eFax (917) 639-0665 - you should not have to contact the HRA Home Care Services Program/CASA after the NYIA assessessments -- because NYIA should notify CASA of the outcome of the assessments directly and they should contact you about next steps to decide if you are eligible for services and if so - what is your plan of care.
03 Jun, 2023
132 kb
Downloads: 1433
MAPDR-05 (08/04/2022) List of Managed Care & Managed Long Term Care Plans in NYC
2022-08-04 MAPDR-05 Medicaid Managed Care Plans NYC.pdf
This includes a list of all managed care organizations participating in the following types of Medicaid managed care, including ID and code numbers, contact information, and service areas:
* Medicaid Managed Care
* Health and Recovery Plan Managed Care Plans (HARP)
* Managed Long Term Care (MLTC)
* Medicaid Advantage Plus (for dual eligibles, includes MLTC)
* HIV Special Needs Plans (SNP)
* Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
* Fully Integrated Dual Advantage (FIDA) IDD
Updated August 4, 2022 (current on HRA site as of 5/31/23)
31 May, 2023
129 kb
Downloads: 61848