Dual Consumer Coalition Comments on Draft "IDT" InterDisciplinary Care Team Policy for FIDA (12/13/13)
CPRNYDE letter to NYSDOH re draft IDT policies and procedures 12-13-13 rev.pdf
Dual Consumer Coalition Comments on Draft "IDT" InterDisciplinary Care Team Policy for FIDA (12/13/13)
25 Jul, 2014
79 kb
Downloads: 4560
Final NYS DOH Policy on FIDA Inter-Disciplinary Teams (IDT) (June 5, 2014)
FINAL IDT Policy 6514.pdf
Final NYS DOH Policy on FIDA Inter-Disciplinary Teams (IDT) (June 5, 2014)
25 Jul, 2014
521 kb
Downloads: 4294
NYS DOH FAQ on FIDA Enrollment, June 20, 2014
FIDA Enrollment FAQ 062014.pdf
NYS DOH FAQ on FIDA Enrollment, June 20, 2014
25 Jul, 2014
172 kb
Downloads: 9191
Consumer Coalition July 2015 Letter to DOH and CMS on FIDA Enrollment Issues
FIDA enrollment letter to CMS and NYSDOH 07-14-14 FINAL.pdf
Letter of the Consumer Coalition to Protect the Rights of New York's Dual Eligibles Letter to the NYS Dept of Health and CMS on concerns about the enrollment info FIDA plans.
25 Jul, 2014
254 kb
Downloads: 3802
FIDA - Fully Integrated Dual Advantage Demonstration Starts 2015 - Fact Sheet
FIDA Fact Sheet 7-23-14.docx
Fact Sheet on the FIDA Demo that will start in NYC and Nassau in January 2015, and in Suffolk and Westchester in April 2015. Dual Eligibles who need Medicaid long term care services in those downstate areas must either enroll or OPT OUT of these managed care plans that will manage BOTH Medicare AND all Medicaid services.
23 Jul, 2014
30 kb
Downloads: 3807
Consumer Coalition March 2013 Position Paper on Appeals System in "FIDA" Dual Eligible Demo Waiver
CPRYDE Integrated Appeals March 2013.pdf
"Creating an Integrated Appeal Process for the Fully Integrated Dual Advantage Health Plans" - Coalition to Protect the RIghts of New York's Dual Eligibles March 27, 2013
12 Jun, 2014
781 kb
Downloads: 3654
PowerPoint explaining Spousal Impoverishment Protections in Managed Long Term Care
Spousal Impoverishment Protections in MLTC.pptx
Prepared by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program
12 Jun, 2014
1.1 mb
Downloads: 5978
Consumer Advocates Letter to DOH & CMS 5-20-14 - Concerns about MLTC Managed Long Term Care Implementation
Letter to State and CMS_MLTC abuses_FINAL2.pdf
MFY Legal Services, NYLAG and other organizations sent this letter in response to New York Times article published May 9, 2014, titled Medicaid Shift Fuels Rush for Profitable Clients" - which uncovers disturbing behavior among the Managed Long Term Care plans early in the implementation of mandatory MLTC, as they competed for market share of new enrollees (published May 9, 2014). Article attached to letter
12 Jun, 2014
1.75 mb
Downloads: 4743
FIDA - Consumer Comments on Final Proposal to CMS June 30, 2012
Letter from beneficiary advocates re NYS dual eligible demonstration 6-30-12 pdf.pdf
FIDA - Consumer Comments on Final Proposal to CMS June 30, 2012 (Consumer Coalition to Protect Rights of NY Dual Eligibles)
11 Jun, 2014
242 kb
Downloads: 3734
Consumer Advocate Comments on Revised NYS Proposal for Fully Integrated Dual Eligible Waiver (FIDA)
Comments from beneficiary advocates re NYS dual eligible demonstration.pdf
Comments filed May 17, 2012 on proposal to require all dual eligibles to join a managed care plan covering both Medicare and Medicaid services
05 Jun, 2014
291 kb
Downloads: 4537