Medicare Advantage, Medicaid Advantage/ MAP/PACE/MLTC enrollment by plan in NYC Feb - March 2013
Medicare Advantage-MA-MA Plus enrollment NYC 2-2013.pdf
Chart showing all Medicare Advantage, Medicaid Advantage, Medicaid Advantage Plus and PACE plans in NYS - IN NEW YORK CITY by borough, with number of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in each plan.
Medicare Advantage data from Feb. 2013 - http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/MCRAdvPartDEnrolData/index.html
Medicaid plan data from Mar. 2013 - monthly Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Report - http://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/reports/enrollment/monthly/
23 Apr, 2013
11 kb
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Medicare and Medicaid Managed Care for Dual Eligibles - Enrollment Penetration in Plans in NYS (Outside NYC)
MA Chart NYS February 2013 with MAP - MA - MLTC - Outside NYS.pdf
Chart showing all Medicare Advantage, Medicaid Advantage, Medicaid Advantage Plus and PACE plans in NYS - outside NYC by county, with number of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in each plan.
Medicare Advantage data from Feb. 2013 - http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/MCRAdvPartDEnrolData/index.html
Medicaid plan data from Mar. 2013 - monthly Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Report
23 Apr, 2013
33 kb
Downloads: 8061
New York’s 2012 Managed Long Term Care Report: An Incomplete Picture
CPRNYDE Response to the 2012 DOH Report - April 5 2013.pdf
Critique of State Dept of Health Report on MLTC, prepared by Coalition to Protect the Rights of New York’s Dually Eligible, dated April 5, 2013
05 Apr, 2013
756 kb
Downloads: 5379
New York Medicaid Choice - Managed Long Term Care Exclusion Form
Maximus MLTC Exclusion Form.pdf
Form MM/MLTCXC-0612 Excludes from joining an MLTC Plan if:
* Are receiving family care home care by OMH agency
* Is receiving hospice care
* Has a developmental disability
* Resides in an ICF-DD, a residential Alcohol & Substance Abuse LTC Residential Program, in Foster Care Home, or
* has Complex mental health needs and receiving services through ICF or HCBS Waiver.
26 Feb, 2013
118 kb
Downloads: 7471
MAP3057E Special Income Standard for Housing Expenses Form
MAP-3057E Special income housing Expenses NH-MLTC.pdf
20 Feb, 2013
490 kb
Downloads: 7981
HRA Medicaid Alert: Special Income Standard for Housing Expenses for Individuals Discharged from NH and Enroll in MLTC
Medicaid Alert Special Income Standard for housing expenses NH-MLTC 2-9-2013.pdf
20 Feb, 2013
85 kb
Downloads: 6370
Performance Standards and Quality Measures for FIDA Program
Consumer Advocate Recs on Performance Standards and Quality Measures 010913.pdf
Trepared by the Center for Disability Rights, Center for Independence of the Disabled NY
Community Service Society of NY, Empire Justice Center, and Medicare Rights Center --
January 9, 2013 -- The following principles and recommendations are submitted to the New York State Department ofHealth and members of the FIDA work group on quality by the Duals Taskforce of Health Care for All New Yorkers.
07 Feb, 2013
218 kb
Downloads: 6275
HealthFirst CompleteCare Grievance Procedure MAP
Healthfirst MAP Complaint- Complaint Appeal for Long term ca.pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy is undated and includes track changes.
06 Feb, 2013
59 kb
Downloads: 4631
Eldeplan, Inc. Grievance Policy MAP
Elderplan MAP GrievancesDRAFT.pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy is labeled draft and undated.
06 Feb, 2013
70 kb
Downloads: 6217
Healthplus (Amerigroup) MAP Grievance Policy
Amerigroup MA and MAP Complaints Grievance Policy.pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy effective date January 1, 2010. Note document contains track changes.
06 Feb, 2013
124 kb
Downloads: 5381