KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Medicaid Managed Care in New York State
LAS medicaid_managed_care 8_10.pdf
Legal Aid Society fact sheet on Medicaid Managed Care, oriented to consumers
27 Aug, 2010
31 kb
Downloads: 4319
Local Districts Updated Medicaid Managed Care Exemption Request Form
LDSS exemption request form 0609 sample.pdf
11 Jun, 2010
165 kb
Downloads: 3988
NY Medicaid Choice Exemption Request Instruction Form Sample 6_09
NYMC exemption instructions 0609 sample.pdf
11 Jun, 2010
2.47 mb
Downloads: 5809
NY Medicaid Choice Exemption Request Form Sample 6_09
NYMC exemption request form 0609_sample.pdf
11 Jun, 2010
3.77 mb
Downloads: 5095
Medicaid Managed Long Term Care in New York State, Part II
MLTC II Article Print.pdf
By David Silva, Assistant Director, Selfhelp Community Services Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program, and David Kronenberg, Goldfarb, Abrandt Salzman & Kutzin, reprinted with permission from: Elder Law Attorney, Summer 2010, Vol. 20, No. 2, published by the New York State Bar Association, One Elk Street, Albany, NY 12207.
03 May, 2010
134 kb
Downloads: 7683
Medicaid Managed Care in New York State - Part I
MLTC I Article Print.pdf
By David Silva, Assistant Director, Selfhelp Community Services Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program, and David Kronenberg, Goldfarb, Abrandt Salzman & Kutzin, reprinted with permission from: Elder Law Attorney, Winter 2010, Vol. 20, No. 1, published by the New York State Bar Association, One Elk Street, Albany, NY 12207
03 May, 2010
170 kb
Downloads: 12448
SDOH Updated Transitional Care Policy 5_09
SDOH transitional care policy.pdf
Clarifies the responsibilities of Medicaid and Family Health Plus managed care plans for providing continuity of care for new enrollees who are receiving an ongoing course of treatement upon enrollment.
04 Jun, 2009
139 kb
Downloads: 6855
Public Health Insurance
Public Health Insurance 4_09.pdf
Overview of public health insurance programs in New York.
03 Jun, 2009
136 kb
Downloads: 7861
Medicaid Managed Care
Medicaid Managed Care 6_09.pdf
Overview of how the Medicaid managed care program works. Includes description of mandatory enrollment process; exemptions and exclusions; access to health care services and issues faced by mandatory enrollees.
01 Jun, 2009
103 kb
Downloads: 3524
Behavioral Health Carve-outs for SSI enrollees
Behavioral Health Carve Outs 8_07.pdf
Medicaid provider billing codes for behavioral health services that are carved-out of the Medicaid managed care benefit package.
01 Jun, 2009
63 kb
Downloads: 15125