MLTC Nursing Home Networks
MLTC Nursing Homes Final.xls
Spreadsheet prepared by Selfhelp Community Services listing which nursing homes are covered by which Partial-Cap Managed Long-Term Care (MLTC) plans in New York.
12 Jul, 2012
134 kb
Downloads: 645
NYS Managed Long Term Care - Data on Percentage of Capitation Rate Spent on Various Expenses - 2010
2010Q4 MLTC data highlights expense.pdf
Data Compiled by Selfhelp Community Services based on Cost Reports filed by MLTC Plans with the NYS Dept. of Health for 2010
10 Jul, 2012
8 kb
Downloads: 801
NYS Managed Long Term Care - Data on Numbers of MLTC Members in Nursing Homes for a Full Quarter - 2010
2010Q4 MLTC data highlights NH use.pdf
Data compiled by Selfhelp COmmunity Services based on Cost Reports filed with NYS Dept. of Health by MLTC plans for 2010.
10 Jul, 2012
6 kb
Downloads: 580
NYS Managed Long Term Care - Hours of Home Care Provided 2010, Broken down by Categories of Usage
2010 MLTC -PACE data HHA-PCA hours.pdf
Data calculated from Cost Reports filed by MLTC and PACE plans for 2010. Shows number of hours provided by plan for Home Health Aide (HHA) and Personal Care Aide (PCS) service, with numbers of members receiving care in different amounts of hours
10 Jul, 2012
35 kb
Downloads: 656
HRA MICSA Medicaid Alert - Mandatory Enrollment into Managed Long Term Care
HRA Alert Mandatory MLTC.pdf
Dated July 3, 2012
05 Jul, 2012
309 kb
Downloads: 946
NYS DOH Powerpoint on New Populations and Benefits Transitioning to Mainstream Medicaid Managed Care - May 2012
DOH Non-dual New Populations and Benefit PPt.ppt
New Populations and Benefits Transitioning to Mainstream Medicaid Managed Care - presentation by NYS DOH, Vallencia Lloyd May 31, 2012
13 Jun, 2012
969 kb
Downloads: 713
Chart Explaining 5 Types of Medicaid Managed Care/ Managed Long Term Care Plans in NYS - 2012
Chart Explaining differences between 5 Types of Medicaid Managed Care/ Managed Long Term Care/ PACE Plans in NYS - 2012, showing enrollment upstate/NYC in May 2012
13 Jun, 2012
29 kb
Downloads: 5177
NYS Dept of Health "Dual Eligible Initiative," Feb. 16, 2012
Initial timetable for NYS plan to coordinate all Medicare and Medicaid care for all dual eligibles in NYS beginning January 2014.
17 Feb, 2012
82 kb
Downloads: 191
NYS DOH Enrollment Plan for Managed Long Term Care
PowerPoint released Feb. 15, 2012 moving effective date back to July 1, 2012 from April 1, 2012 .. see article on Managed Long Term Care
16 Feb, 2012
125 kb
Downloads: 1129
List of Certified Home Health Agencies (CHHA) and Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) Plans in NYC
CHHA Certified Home Health Agencies & MLTC in NYC.pdf
List of Certified Home Health Agencies (CHHA) and Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) Plans in NYC as of October 2011, with enrollment figures for MLTC plans as of Oct. 2011, and links to contact information
31 Oct, 2011
88 kb
Downloads: 698