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Fact Sheet & Form for Keeping SSI for 90 Days in Temporary Hospital or Nursing Home Placement Download
SSI Temporary Institutional Stay Fact Sheet and Form 2024-03 (3-11-14 VB).pdf
This fact sheet explains requirements for maintaining SSI (Supplemental Security Income) for up to 90 days during a temporary hospital or nursing home stay. The PDF also includes a new official form (2023) for requesting continuation of SSI benefits, which must be filed with the Social Security Administration within strict timelines. Note that if SSI benefits are terminated, Medicaid will also be terminated, after "Stenson" notices are mailed giving the recipient an opportunity to recertify for Medicaid without SSI. See http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/85/
11 Mar, 2024 312 kb Downloads: 13523
NYLAG Statement Opposing Proposed Cuts to the CDPAP Program in NYS 2024-25 Budget Download
NYLAG MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION - CDPAP in 30-day Amendments FINAL.3 (2-27-24).pdf
NYLAG's statement opposing various cuts to the Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Program proposed by the Governor in the 2024-25 Budget. (revised 2/27/24)
27 Feb, 2024 696 kb Downloads: 1409
NYLAG Memo in Support of HOME CARE SAVINGS AND REINVESTMENT ACT (S7800/A8470) Download
NYLAG Memo in Support of HOME CARE SAVINGS AND REINVESTMENT ACT (S7800/A8470) that would replace the MLTC program with a managed fee- for service program.
26 Feb, 2024 790 kb Downloads: 712
Basic Eligibility for Medicaid and Home Care in NYS - Age 65+, Disabled, Blind Download
Medicaid Basic - 2024 FINAL (2-20-2024).pdf
This is basic information about Medicaid eligibility for the Disabled, Aged 65+, and Blind (DAB) category and about applying for Community Medicaid in order to receive home care (personal care or consumer-directed personal assistance) through Managed Long Term Care or based on Immediate Need through the local Medicaid program. (updated Feb. 20, 2024 with final 2024 Income and Asset limits released by DOH)
20 Feb, 2024 344 kb Downloads: 191795
NYLAG Comments to CMS Proposed Standards for Improved Access to Home & Community Based Services Download
NYLAG Comments HCBS-Access Rule 6-30-23 CMS-2442-P.pdf
NYLAG filed these comments on June 30, 2023 to the federal CMS Medicaid agency's proposal to improve standards for accessing Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Provisions - see CMS summary at https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/fact-sheets/ensuring-access-medicaid-services-cms-2442-p-notice-proposed-rulemaking and

18 Sep, 2023 940 kb Downloads: 588
Supplemental Needs Trusts Outline for Advocates - Including Impact on Various Benefits of Transfers of Lump Sums into SNT's UPdated 6/2023 Download
SNT Outline 2023-06.pdf
Training Outline for Advocates on Supplemental Needs Trusts (SNTs) (individual and pooled), and the effect of SNTs on various public benefit programs (updated 6/30/2023). Updated sections include Temporary/Public cash assistance, SNAP, ABLE accounts, Public Housing and Section 8, changes in procedures for submitting pooled trusts in NYC. Also heads up about 2023 increases in Medicaid income and asset limits and update about the 30-month community based lookback).
01 Jul, 2023 1.3 mb Downloads: 216726
NYLAG PowerPoint on NY Independent Assessor - Feb. 2023 Download
NYIA Webinar CLE Slides Handout 2-2023.pdf
Presentation given in webinar conducted by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program on Feb. 8, 2023 on the NY Independent Assessor.
15 Feb, 2023 1.99 mb Downloads: 2005
APPENDIX from NYLAG webinar 1/18/23 on Medicaid Increased Income Limits 2023 (Updated 1/27/23) Download
Medicaid NYLAG CLE Appendix final.revised3 UPDATED.pdf
APPENDIX distributed at webinar of Jan. 18, 2023 - UPDATED after webinar with UPDATED HRA Chart of Medicaid Income Levels and UPDATED HRA form MAP-3190 (1/10/23). See further updates of that chart posted at http://health.wnylc.com/health/entry/15/. (Will be updated soon when NYS DOH issues a GIS implemented the 2023 FPL levels. Meanwhile, the 2023 Medicaid levels announced to date were based on the 2022 FPLs.
28 Jan, 2023 3.16 mb Downloads: 2479
Training Powerpoint on 2023 Medicaid Increases in NYS Download
PPT NYLAG CLE Medicaid Increases 2023-01.pdf
PowerPoint presented in CLE Webinar on Jan. 18, 2023 by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Legal Resources program on how NYS is rolling out the increases in Medicaid eligibility for the Aged 65+, Blind, & Disabled category (ABD or DAB or NOn-MAGI). Includes how this rollout intersects with "unwinding the Public Health Emergency" starting in March 2023. See updates at http://health.wnylc.com/health/news/90/
25 Jan, 2023 696 kb Downloads: 2706
NYLAG PowerPoint on NY Independent Assessor - and other Home Care Changes 2022 Download
NYLAG NYIA for CDPAANYS 10-2022 - corrected.pdf
NYLAG Slides on NY Independent Assessor - and other Medicaid and Home Care Changes 2022 - current as of 10/27/2022, based on regulations and DOH policies slides posted at https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/nyia/repository/index.htm \ See more info and updates at http://www.wnylc.com/health/news/85/
05 Dec, 2022 384 kb Downloads: 3321
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