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Currency Conversion Worksheet for Holocaust Reparations Download
Reparation worksheet.xls (06-2024).xlsx
Use this worksheet to convert lifetime total amount received in Holocaust reparations / restitution from foreign currencies (Deutschmarks and Euros) into U.S. Dollars. This is for purposes of taking advantage of the exemption of saved reparations payments from the resource test for Federally-funded means-tested benefits, like Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income. Updated through Feb. 2022
01 Jul, 2024 147 kb Downloads: 8617
NYLAG Memo in Support of MLTC Data Transparency Bill A10176 / S9266 Download
NYLAG MEMO IN SUPPORT A10176 S9266 MLTC Data Transparency CORRECTED.pdf
NYLAG's Memo in support of bill calling for the State to increase transparency about MLTC - where does the money go, what services are provided and how much, track record of plans in keeping members out of nursing homes, etc.
21 May, 2024 880 kb Downloads: 154
Using an SNT to Eliminate the Medicaid spend-down - Fact Sheet (May 2024) Download
SNT Short 2024-05-02 FINAL.pdf
How to get Medicaid despite having "excess income" - Using a Supplemental Needs Trust to Eliminate the Spend-down for Persons who are Elderly (65+), Blind or Disabled. Written by New York Legal Assistance Group Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program, updated May 2024 with new procedures in NYC for submitting disability forms, and with 2024 figures.
02 May, 2024 450 kb Downloads: 162316
Excel Template for Medicaid Non-MAGI Budgeting -2024 FPL: Download
Medicaid Budgeting worksheet 2024 -PROTECTED.xls
Excel template to calculate Medicaid non-MAGI eligibility under the increased 2024 levels - see http://health.wnylc.com/health/news/90/. Can be used as a tool to estimate spend-down and pooled trust contributions. Template has different tabs for different types of budgeting schemes. -- See list of these at http://health.wnylc.com/health/entry/222/.
15 Apr, 2024 118 kb Downloads: 5190
NYLAG Statement Supporting Repeal of the 30-Month Lookback for Medicaid Home Care (S6414 -A9278) Download
S6414 -A9278 Lookback repeal NYLAG 2024.pdf
NYLAG's statement in support of a bill S6414 -A9278 - and in the Senate's One HOuse Bill - to repeal the MRT-II cut enacted in 2020 that would impose a 30-month lookback and transfer penalty for eligibility for Medicaid home care and other community-based services.
31 Mar, 2024 424 kb Downloads: 242
Fact Sheet on Keeping Income During and After a Temporary Nursing Home Stay Download
Fact Sheet on Keeping Income In & After Nursing Home Stays 3-21-2024 FINAL.pdf
NYLAG Fact Sheet on consumer Right to keep more income during a temporary nursing home stay, as well as after a nursing home stay if a consumer is enrolled in a Managed Long Term Care plan or for some consumers who are married.
21 Mar, 2024 816 kb Downloads: 7534
Fact Sheet & Form for Keeping SSI for 90 Days in Temporary Hospital or Nursing Home Placement Download
SSI Temporary Institutional Stay Fact Sheet and Form 2024-03 (3-11-14 VB).pdf
This fact sheet explains requirements for maintaining SSI (Supplemental Security Income) for up to 90 days during a temporary hospital or nursing home stay. The PDF also includes a new official form (2023) for requesting continuation of SSI benefits, which must be filed with the Social Security Administration within strict timelines. Note that if SSI benefits are terminated, Medicaid will also be terminated, after "Stenson" notices are mailed giving the recipient an opportunity to recertify for Medicaid without SSI. See http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/85/
11 Mar, 2024 312 kb Downloads: 13285
NYLAG Statement Opposing Proposed Cuts to the CDPAP Program in NYS 2024-25 Budget Download
NYLAG MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION - CDPAP in 30-day Amendments FINAL.3 (2-27-24).pdf
NYLAG's statement opposing various cuts to the Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Program proposed by the Governor in the 2024-25 Budget. (revised 2/27/24)
27 Feb, 2024 696 kb Downloads: 1064
NYLAG Memo in Support of HOME CARE SAVINGS AND REINVESTMENT ACT (S7800/A8470) Download
NYLAG Memo in Support of HOME CARE SAVINGS AND REINVESTMENT ACT (S7800/A8470) that would replace the MLTC program with a managed fee- for service program.
26 Feb, 2024 790 kb Downloads: 523
Basic Eligibility for Medicaid and Home Care in NYS - Age 65+, Disabled, Blind Download
Medicaid Basic - 2024 FINAL (2-20-2024).pdf
This is basic information about Medicaid eligibility for the Disabled, Aged 65+, and Blind (DAB) category and about applying for Community Medicaid in order to receive home care (personal care or consumer-directed personal assistance) through Managed Long Term Care or based on Immediate Need through the local Medicaid program. (updated Feb. 20, 2024 with final 2024 Income and Asset limits released by DOH)
20 Feb, 2024 344 kb Downloads: 190392
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