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Know Your Rights: Former Members of ICS MLTC Plan - Update on Your Rights - Feb. 2020 Download
MLTC Plan Closings - February 2020 Update for Former ICS Members - NYLAG.pdf
Most members of ICS MLTC plan transferred to VNS Choice MLTC plan after ICS closed April 1, 2019. This fact sheet explains your rights if your new plan tries to reduce your services.
17 Feb, 2020 894 kb Downloads: 2699
Consumer Groups Demand Changes in Notices Disenrolling Members from MLTC Plans because in Nursing Homes 3+ Months Download
Consumer LT DOH NH Disenrollment 2-10-2020.pdf
Letter send Feb. 10, 2020 to State DOH requesting changes in notices and other procedures for disenrolling MLTC members from their MLTC plans because they are "long term" nursing home residents, defined as in a nursing home 3+months. See more info at http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/199/
10 Feb, 2020 322 kb Downloads: 2890
Webinar PowerPoint on Using Supplemental Needs Trusts to Protect Medicaid, SSI and other benefits Download
SNT PowerPoint NYLAG CLE corrected 11-15-19.pdf
Corrected version of PowerPoint used in Seminar conducted by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program on Nov. 6, 2019 and Nov. 15, 2019 (Corrected version 11/15/2019)
15 Nov, 2019 386 kb Downloads: 2994
FAQ on Using Supplemental Needs Trusts to Protect Medicaid, SSI and other Benefits Download
SNT Webinar -- NYLAG EFLRP - Q & A Part 1 11-12-2019.pdf
Answers to questions asked by participants in Webinar held on Nov. 6, 2019 sponsored by NYLAG Evelyn Frank program on using SNTs to protect Medicaid and SSI. See links to recorded webinar on http://www.wnylc.com/health/news/84/
12 Nov, 2019 322 kb Downloads: 2714
Letter from NYSBA Elder Law Section Aug. 7, 2019 to NYS Dept. of Health opposing policy requiring Statutory Gift Rider in Power of Attorney for SNT Download
8.7.19 - ELSN Letter to DOH re GIS 19 MA 04.pdf
Letter from NYSBA Elder Law section to Lisa Sbrana, Director of Eligibility and Marketplace Integration, dated 8/7/19, contesting 2 aspects of GIS 19 MA/04 - Clarification of Policy for Treatment of Income Placed in Medicaid Exception Trusts  (Feb. 4, 2019). First, letter explains why a Statutory Gift Rider should not be needed for establishing an SNT with a Power of Attorney. Second, letter critiques Attachment to the GIS, Form OHIP-0119 Explanation of the Effect of Trusts on Medicaid Eligibility. This is the Informational Notice required by Pooled Trust Notification Law enacted in 2017 that districts must include when notifying an individual of the option of using a pooled trust if they have a Medicaid spenddown. 
05 Nov, 2019 460 kb Downloads: 3641
Number Enrolled in Each MLTC Plan in NYC - 5-Year Comparison - April 2013 to April 2019 Download
NYC MLTC plan list 4-2019 in order of largest enrollment.pdf
Change in enrollment by plan in NYC from 4/2013 to April 2019 - from Source: DOH Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Reports (Oct 2018)
Sorted in 2 ways- A.order of highest enrollment currently, B alphabetivally
29 May, 2019 475 kb Downloads: 5857
NYLAG Testimony on NYS FY 2019-20 Budget - Joint Hearing of the Senate Finance and Assembly Ways and Means Committees Download
NYLAG Health statement JOINT HEARING 2-04-2019.pdf
NYLAG Testimony regarding proposals to eliminate spousal refusal, change the CDPAP program, and reduce other Medicaid benefits impacting low-income seniors and people with disabilities.
04 Mar, 2019 707 kb Downloads: 2542
Medicaid Home Care in New York - List of Court Decisions, Laws and Regulations Download
LIST of Home Care Cases.2.pdf
This is a list of court decisions, key laws, regulations and directives concerning the various Medicaid home care programs in New York State. Revised Dec. 2018
12 Dec, 2018 794 kb Downloads: 43504
Medicare Part D Outline Download
Part D Outline 2019 FINAL 10-5-18.pdf
Training materials written and updated by various staff at the Evelyn Frank Legal Resources program since 2005. This outline is updated for the 2019 enrollment period (which begins 10/15/18 and ends 12/7/18) and covers the basic design of the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit, the Extra Help subsidy for low income beneficiaries, how Part D works with other types of drug coverage including EPIC and Medicaid, and how to get Extra Help by using the Medicare Savings Program.
05 Oct, 2018 1.5 mb Downloads: 18454
Announcement of CLE/Training on Managed Long Term Care - Nov. 14, 2018 1 PM - 5:30 PM Download
NYALCA - Medicaid Seminar Registration Form November 2018.pdf
The New York Aging Life Care Association is pleased to announce a seminar:
NYS MEDICAID AND MLTC 2018 Medicaid & MLTC Changes enacted in NYS 2018-19 Budget.

Registration info in announcement.
21 Sep, 2018 765 kb Downloads: 3221
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