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NYLAG & Other Advocates Call For NYS Budget to Ensure Access to Community Based Long Term Care Services Download
Consumer Advocate Letter re Community based LTC NYS 21-22 Budget.2.pdf
Letter to Governor Cuomo and leaders of the legislature calling for NYS Budget initiatives that will ensure access to home care to prevent unnecessary institutionalization -- COVID-19 has been a wake-up call for the need to avoid nursing home placement when ever possible.
26 Mar, 2021 638 kb Downloads: 1712
NYLAG COMMENTS on Proposed Home Care Regulation Changes - Eligibility and Assessment Procedures Download
NYLAG Comments 505.14 - 505.28 3-13-21 with NYSBA copy.pdf
NYLAG's comments submitted on the 2nd round of proposed State regulations implementing 2020 changes in State law restricting eligibility for personal care, CDPAP and MLTC enrollment, and changing the procedures for how Medicaid home care services are assessed. The proposed State reg can be found at https://health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/mrt2/express_terms_summary.htm. The NYSBA Elder Law & Special Needs Section comments are also attached to and referenced in the NYLAG comments.
19 Mar, 2021 1.28 mb Downloads: 2756
NYLAG Comments on Proposed Changes in 1115 Waiver - ADL Limits for MLTC and Staying in Medicaid Managed Care when Enroll in Medicare Download
NYLAG CMS comments 1115 Waiver NYS 12-24-20.pdf
NYS DOH has requested that CMS change the 1115 waiver that governs MLTC and managed care in 2 ways. (1) Restrict enrollment in MLTC to those meeting new 2- or 3- ADL requirement enacted in State budget in April 2020; (2) Keep people in mainstream Medicaid managed care plans when they start getting Medicare, if they are enrolled in a Dual-Special Needs Plan. They could opt out but otherwise would automatically stay in managed care. See waiver request at https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USCMSMEDICAID/bulletins/2aea7cd. NYLAG comments posted here
24 Dec, 2020 1012 kb Downloads: 1651
NYLAG Comments on Medicaid State Plan Amendment to Implement the ADL Restrictions on Eligibility for Personal Care & CDPAP Download
Comments filed by NYLAG dated Oct. 29, 2020 on the proposed Medicaid State Plan Amendment (SPA) that would restrict elgibility for personal care and CDPAP services to require 2 or 3 ADL needs. The proposed SPA No. 20-41 was posted September 29, 2020 and is available at https://www.health.ny.gov/regulations/state_plans/status/ltcare/original/docs/os_2020-09-29_spa_20-41.pdf.
24 Dec, 2020 841 kb Downloads: 1593
NYLAG Comments on Proposed Federal "Sunset" Rule That Would Repeal Thousands of Medicaid Regulations Download
NYLAG Comments - Sunset NPRM (12-4-20 VB).pdf
The US Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) has proposed a "sunset regulation" that would retroactively impose a mandatory expiration date on an estimated 18,000 duly promulgated regulations for programs ranging from Medicaid and Medicare to the FDA and CDC. NYLAG submitted comments on these rules.
04 Dec, 2020 329 kb Downloads: 1588
Pre-Paying for Burial – Tip for Qualifying for Medicaid despite “Excess Resources” Download
Funeral Agreement Fact Sheet revised 2020-10-28.pdf
This advocacy memo from NYLAG explains the rules regarding treatment of pre-paid funeral agreements for burial arrangements for Medicaid eligibility for people age 65+, blind, or disabled.
28 Oct, 2020 1000 kb Downloads: 173581
Training Presentation on 2021 Medicare Part D Annual Enrollment Download
NYLAG PowerPoint presentation explaining the Medicare Part D program, with changes for the 2021 calendar year. The annual enrollment period for 2021 began Oct. 15, 20 and goes thru Dec. 7, 2020.
19 Oct, 2020 594 kb Downloads: 2377
Benchmark Part D plans in NYS 2021 - Free Premiums for People with Extra Help/ Low Income Subsidy Download
Benchmark Plans 2020-2021 Comparison.2.pdf
Benchmark Part D plans in NYS 2021 - Free Premiums for People with Extra Help/ Low Income Subsidy - Seven plans will be free for those with full Extra Help. Two plans that were benchmark in 2020 are closing in 2021. This fact sheet explains how members of those plans can ensure full access to covered prescriptions in 2021.
05 Oct, 2020 215 kb Downloads: 2324
NYLAG Comments on Proposed Changes to State Regulations for Medicaid Managed Care Appeals and Fair Hearings Download
Final Comments to Proposed Regulations Managed Care Fair Hearing 09.8.2020.pdf
NYLAG Comments filed on Sept. 8, 2020 on Proposed Changes to State Regulations for Medicaid Managed Care Appeals and Fair Hearings. The proposed amendments implement the "exhaustion" requirements implemented in NYS in 2018, implementing federal changes adopted in 2016.
23 Sep, 2020 511 kb Downloads: 2099
NYLAG COMMENTS on Proposed Home Care Changes - Eligibility and Assessment Procedures Download
NYLAG COMMENTS on Proposed Regulations implementing the Medicaid Home Care Changes - Eligibility and Assessment Procedures enacted in the 2020-21 NYS Budget. The proposed regulations are posted here - https://regs.health.ny.gov/sites/default/files/proposed-regulations/Personal%20Care%20Services%20and%20Consumer%20Directed%20Personal%20Assistance%20Program.pdf
09 Sep, 2020 1.07 mb Downloads: 2256
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