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Table of MLTC & FIDA Enrollment in NYS - OCt. 2015 Download
Enrollment in FIDA and MLTC Plans – October 2015.2.pdf
Excerpt of data from Excel chart posted at http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/588/ For more breakdown re enrollment in MLTC plans in upstate counties see most recent report in https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/reports/enrollment/monthly/ - tab for MLTC plans.
08 Nov, 2015 102 kb Downloads: 3332
Spreadsheet with Oct. 2015 Enrollment Data for FIDA and MLTC in NYS Download
Data from CMS Medicare Advantage monthly data and NYS DOH monthly managed care enrollment data https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/MCRAdvPartDEnrolData/Monthly-Enrollment-by-Plan.html and https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/reports/enrollment/monthly/

Both for October 2015.
08 Nov, 2015 46 kb Downloads: 3082
Caregiver FIDA Fact Sheet (Korean) Download
Caregiver Fact Sheet (Korean) FINAL.pdf
19 Sep, 2015 596 kb Downloads: 6193
Number Enrolled in Each FIDA and MLTC plan in FIDA Demo Area - April - May 2015 Download
MLTC and FIDA Enrollment April May 2015 FIDA plans only.xlsx
Data compiled from CMS site https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/MCRAdvPartDEnrolData/Monthly-Enrollment-by-Plan-Items/Monthly-Enrollment-by-Plan-2015-05.html?DLPage=1&DLEntries=10&DLSort=1&DLSortDir=descending

and DOH site http://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/reports/enrollment/monthly/
01 Jun, 2015 16 kb Downloads: 4934
NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program "Appendix" of documents on MLTC and FIDA for CLE 4/20/15 Download
Appendix Final.pdf
NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program "Appendix" of documents on MLTC and FIDA for CLE 4/20/15 - includes helpful lists of plans, forms, and a Troubleshooting guide.
27 Apr, 2015 2.24 mb Downloads: 18943
PowerPoint Presentation by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program on FIDA and MLTC 4/23/2015 Download
2015 NYLAG CLE MLTC-FIDA updated 4-23-2015.pptx
PowerPoint Presentation by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program on FIDA and MLTC 4/23/2015.
Updated version of presentation in live CLE conducted APril 20, 2015
27 Apr, 2015 1.89 mb Downloads: 5517
Consumer Coalition Proposed Revision - FIDA NOTICES 3-4 - 60-Dayand 30-Day Passive Enrollment Notice (5/30/14) Download
FIDA 60 day and 30 day Notices combined 04-20-2015.pdf
On May 22, 2014, DOH provided Consumer advocates with drafts of notices regarding passive enrollment in FIDA to begin fall 2014. This is the Consumer coalition's proposed revision of NOTICEs 3 and 4 (60-day and final 30-day notices before Passive Enrollment).
20 Apr, 2015 356 kb Downloads: 8269
Troubleshooting Problems Enrolling in MLTC Plans - Tips for Avoiding Delays and Medicaid Spend-down Problems Download
Troubleshooting - 4-16-15 pp.pdf
Fact sheet written by New York Legal Assistance Group Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Problem addressing common problems encountered by those trying to enroll in MLTC plans, especially where they have a spend-down OR are trying to leave a nursing home. Learn how to avoid delays in enrollment. Includes helpful forms, focused on NYC but can be adapted statewide (updated April 15, 2015)
16 Apr, 2015 2.11 mb Downloads: 26897
Fact Sheet on FIDA - by New York Legal Assistance Group Download
FIDA Fact Sheet NYC-Nassau (2015-4-1).pdf
Fact Sheet on FIDA with understanding of enrollment procedures as of Mar. 30, 2015. By NYLAG. Includes list of plans in Region 1 - NYC and Nassau. Revised to show enrollment postponed in Westchester and Suffolk
01 Apr, 2015 690 kb Downloads: 11128
Training Announcement: FIDA & MLTC Update - April 20, 2015 - CLE credit available Download
CLE Flyer.pdf
CLE/training seminar on MLTC and FIDA conducted by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program -
April 20, 2015 - 2 - 5 PM
7 Hanover Square, 15th floor, NY NY 10007. Registration form attached to announcement.
24 Mar, 2015 400 kb Downloads: 6043
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