NYC HRA Medicaid Alert 2018-01-10 Corrected Mailing - Medicare Enrollment
2018-01-10- HRA MICSA ALERT REVISED Must Apply for Medicare.pdf
See http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/185/
24 Jan, 2018
113 kb
Downloads: 4115
Revised NYC HRA Notice to Medicaid Recipients Age 65+ Must Apply for Medicare (1-6-2018)
2018-01-06 Revised MA Notice Medicare Enrollment (Redacted).pdf
Notice sent to 5000 NYC Medicaid recipients age 65+ on Jan. 6, 2018 revoking an earlier Dec. 2017 notice and replacing it.. telling them they must apply for Medicare or risk having Medicaid discontinued. See http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/185/
24 Jan, 2018
128 kb
Downloads: 4027
NYC HRA Medicaid Form MAP 3062c Request for Time Extension - Applying for Medicare
MAP-3062c Request for Time Extension- Medicare App (Fill-able).pdf
New HRA form designed to request extra time to submit proof that you applied for Medicare, as newly required as a condition of obtaining or keeping Medicaid. This form is an adaptation of new Form MAP 3062c, which is for requesting extra time to submit documents generally in applications and renewals. 3062c is limited to max 30 days, while 3062c allows you to specific any number of days extension. This is a fill-able form.
24 Jan, 2018
65 kb
Downloads: 4098
NYC HRA Medicaid Form MAP-3062a Request for a Time Extension (12/5/17)(fillable)
MAP-3062a Request for a Time Extension (12-5-17) Fillable.pdf
Used for applications, renewals, and the new requirement to apply for Medicare for those age 65+. "I am unable to provide the documentation that HRA requested at this time. I am requesting additional time past the deferral due date that HRA provided. I understand that this extra time may delay the final processing of my case which could result in an eligibility determination taking longer than the normal case processing timeframe of 30 days for a case containing a child, 45 days for a case containing adults only, or 90 days for a case based on a disability." Asks to specify if this is initial extension request or later. This is a fill-in-able form.
11 Jan, 2018
66 kb
Downloads: 5558
NYC HRA Insert to Medicaid Applications and Renewals - Must Apply for Medicare (MAP 3134e)
MAP3134e - DAB insert renewal and apply for Medicare (1-20-17).pdf
Insert in all Medicaid renewals and applications informing people age 65+ or approaching age 65 that they must apply for Medicare. Notice does NOT say they need only apply if they meet Medicare immigration status requirements and have incomes under 120% FPL.
22 Dec, 2017
393 kb
Downloads: 4007
NYC HRA Medicaid Alert 2017-12-04 - Application Dates and Deferral Timeframes
2017-12-04 Medicaid Application Dates & Deferral Timeframes.pdf
NYC HRA Medicaid program Alert giving new timeframes for applicants to respond to "deferrals" by the Medicaid agency, which allow additional time to submit missing timeframes. Also introduces a new Form MAP-3062b Decision on your REquest for a Time Extension. MAP-3062a Request for Time Extension is revised 12/5/17 (also posted on this site)
21 Dec, 2017
174 kb
Downloads: 4002
NYC HRA Medicaid Alert 2017-12-13 Most Medicaid Recipients & Applicants Must appy for Medicare
2017-12-13 - Must Apply for Medicare.pdf
Alert issued to implement State policy -- 17 OHIP ADM-01: "Medicare Enrollment at Age 65" -- that requires those with incomes under 120% of the Federal Poverty Line, who are age 65+ or within 3 months of turning 65 - to apply for Medicare, if they would meet the immigration status requirements (citizens or have been a lawful permanent resident for 5 years).
SEe http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/185/
21 Dec, 2017
139 kb
Downloads: 4641
NYC HRA Medicaid Alert 2017-07-26 Power of Attorney and Statutory Gift Rider
2017-07-26 Power of Attorney and Statutory Gifts Rider.pdf
"...[T]he New York Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney (NYSPOA), if executed after Sept. 1, 2009, may only be used to establish a trust, if section (h) of the NYSPOA is initialed and if a Statutory Gifts Rider (SGR) is also signed and witnessed by two persons, who are not named in the SGR as permissible recipients of gifts, at the same time as the referencing NYSPOA."
16 Aug, 2017
74 kb
Downloads: 6942
NYC HRA Medicaid Alert 2017-05-11 New Renewal Form for Disabled/Aged/Blind (DAB) Medicaid
2017-05-11 Revised DAB Renewal Form and Online Reprints of DAB Renewal.pdf
Announces new mail renewal form and that DAB renewals will be made available for reprint on ACCESS NYC. Users can go to www.nyc.gov/accessnyc. Reminder that renewals must be signed, and updates should be indicated or check "no change."
16 Aug, 2017
755 kb
Downloads: 7424
HRA Medicaid Alert Temporary Non-Immigrants 12-15-16
2016-12-15 MA Alert re Temporary Non-Immigrants dated 12-15-16.pdf
17 Jan, 2017
188 kb
Downloads: 4654