NYC HRA MICSA ALERT 02 03-2015 Medicaid Recipients Transferred at Renewal from NYS of Health to Local Dept. of Soc. Services
2015-02-03 Medicaid Recipients Transferred at Renewal from the New York State of Health to the Local Department of Social Services.pdf
Procedure for transitioning people from expanded "MAGI" Medicaid generally for people under 65 who do not have Medicare -- when they turn 65 or become enrolled in Medicare, they must transfer to Non-MAGI Medicaid, using a stricter income and resource test. The procedure provides some coverage to fill the gap during the transition. It implements State DOH 14-LCM-02 posted at https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/publications/lcm/14lcm-2.htm (Dec. 2014)
23 Feb, 2015
143 kb
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NYLAG Testimony on 2015-16 Proposed State Budget - Medicaid and Health Care
NYLAG Health statement 2015.pdf
Testimony by NYLAG on 2015-16 Proposed State Budget - Medicaid and Health Care. Opposes repeal of Spousal Refusal (and Parental Refusal) and repeal of a provision that requires expedited "immediate need Medicaid" services pending a final decision on a Medicaid application, where personal care or other services are urgently needed and the application is likely to be approved.
12 Feb, 2015
541 kb
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HRA MAP Form 3097 Request for Budgeting Recipients with Excess Income Who May Be MAGI Eligible 8-26-2014
2014-08-26 Request for Rebudgeting to MAGI from Spend-Down.pdf
HRA MAP Form 3097 Request for Budgeting Recipients with Excess Income Who May Be MAGI Eligible - Alert and Form in this PDF. FORM dated 8-20-2014
29 Oct, 2014
116 kb
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NYC HRA MICSA ALERT 09-26-2014 Medicaid Terminated in Error for 2500 NYC SSI Recipients
2014-09-26 Incorrect Stenson Notices SSI State Takeover.pdf
Explains 2500 people mistakenly told Medicaid would be cut off - because they failed to return their "Stenson" Medicaid renewal notice. Those notices are sent to FORMER SSI recipients, so that they can recertify to keep Medicaid without it being linked to their SSI, which they have lost. The State recently took over administering the State supplement to the SSI benefit. APparently this glitch resulted from that takeover.
29 Oct, 2014
54 kb
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NYLAG Comments on Immediate Need Medicaid Personal Care Services - Proposed Regulations
NYLAG Comments Immediate Need PCS.pdf
Sept. 2, 2014 Comments on proposed regulations issued July 16, 2014 to comply with court Order requiring State to have procedure to authorize "immediate need" personal care services while Medicaid application is pending.
16 Sep, 2014
447 kb
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HRA MICSA Alert May 2011 - Expansion of Attestation for DAB Renewals
Alert 2011-05-03 DAB Expansion Attestation.pdf
Announces expansion of ability to "attest," rather than verify with documentation, certain eligibility criteria during the annual renewals for Medicaid for "DAB" population - Disabled, Aged 65+, Blind. May attest to income, resources, and change of residency. This includes those receiving Community-Based Long-Term Care Services, which is new.
28 Aug, 2014
97 kb
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Medicaid Alert 2014-06-11 Transition coverage from NYSOH to WMS
2014-06-11 Transition coverage from NYSOH to WMS.pdf
Medicaid alert describing situations in which a Medicaid case must be transitioned from the NYSOH Exchange to HRA/WMS, and procedures for that transition.
12 Jun, 2014
286 kb
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NYLAG presentation on MLTC & FIDA Updates 5-26-2014
MLTC & FIDA Update 2014.pdf
Presentation to NASW Suffolk Chapter by David Silva at NYLAG
26 May, 2014
2.06 mb
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Medicaid Alert: Excess Income (Surplus) Applicants in Need of Managed Long Term Care
MLTC change in spend-down coding 7-12-2012.pdf
July 12, 2012
The purpose of this ALERT is to inform Community Based Organizations, Client Representatives, Certified Home Health Agencies and other providers that the Medical Assistance Program is changing the way it processes Medicaid applications for excess income eligible consumers seeking enrollment into a Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plan. Consumers seeking MLTC enrollment who are found to only be eligible for the Medicaid Excess Income (Surplus) Program will now have their cases accepted and authorized with “06” (provisional) coverage. This will occur even if their applications are received without bills that cover their excess or surplus.
This new process will allow MLTCplans to see the provisional coverage on ePaces/eMedNY and will facilitate receipt of services for these consumers. Submitters are requested, when appropriate, to prominently indicate on the cover sheet of submitted applications that the consumer intends to enroll into an MLTC plan
Current policy will remain unchanged for all other consumers found eligible for the Excess Income Program.
20 May, 2014
42 kb
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MAP-628C MBI-WPD documentation checklist
MAP-628C MBI-WPD documentation checklist.pdf
Supplemental form to be submitted with a MBI-WPD application.
18 Feb, 2014
143 kb
Downloads: 8011