Fact Sheet on Medicaid Renewals SPANISH
Renewal Fact Sheet - Spanish Version (FINAL w attachments) pdf.pdf
Tips for renewing Medicaid in NYC
21 Jan, 2021
2.24 mb
Downloads: 3012
2020-12-22 MICSA Alert Asset Verification System Expansion
2020-12-22 AVS Expansion.pdf
05 Jan, 2021
189 kb
Downloads: 3645
2020-10-28 Metropolitan Medicaid Office Closing
2020-10-28 Closing Metropolitan Medicaid Office.pdf
MICSA Alert published 10/28/20
02 Nov, 2020
160 kb
Downloads: 2137
MICSA Alert: Asset Verification System (AVS) Expanded to Hospital Eligibility and Client Representative Case Submissions
2019-12-5 Asset Verification System (AVS) Expanded to Hospital Eligibility Submissions.pdf
HRA MICSA Alert: Asset Verification System (AVS) Expanded to Hospital Eligibility and Client Representative Case Submissions (11/29/2019)(revised)
23 Sep, 2020
136 kb
Downloads: 2519
2020-06-22 NYS Medicaid Program Modifications COVID-19 Emergency
2020-06-22 NYS Medicaid program Modifications COVID-19 Emergency.pdf
23 Jun, 2020
253 kb
Downloads: 2492
2020-05-28 Defective Renewal Notices During COVID-19 Emergency
2020-05-28 Defective Renewal Notices.pdf
HRA Alert about notices sent in error to 30,000+ Medicaid recipients in NYC discontinuing Medicaid. The alert has the language of the correction notices that the consumers will receive.
31 May, 2020
78 kb
Downloads: 2732
NYC HRA Medicaid Alert April 16, 2020
2020-04-16 Fax Submissions to MICSA & HCSP.pdf
HRA Alert with fax numbers for authorized submitters and providers to fax applications and other requests to various HRA Medicaid units - during the COVID-19 epidemic. The fax number posted at https://www1.nyc.gov/site/hra/locations/medicaid-locations.page for the PUBLIC to fax applications is not on this list - it is 917-639-0732
17 Apr, 2020
172 kb
Downloads: 2410
Advocate Covid-19 Letter to DOH 3-13-20 + 3-16-20 follow-up - RE protections needed in Enrollment and Managed Care
COVID-19 Advocates Letter to DOH 3.13.20 + 3.16.20 follow up email.pdf
Letter from Legal Aid Society, NYLAG, Empire Justice Center & other advocates to NYS DOH 3-13-20- requesting protections to ensure continuity of Medicaid eligibility and services in managed care/MLTC plans in Covid-19 emergency. Protections available under federal Section 1135 waiver and other relief.
01 Apr, 2020
853 kb
Downloads: 2673
NYLAG, Legal AId, EJC & Other Advocates Letter to OTDA 3-24-20 on Covid-19 Fair Hearing Procedures
Letter from advocates to the NYS Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance, 3/24/20 requesting clarification of GIS isued 3/12/2020 https://otda.ny.gov/policy/gis/2020/20DC014.pdf establishing phone hearing procedures during Covid-19 and as a demonstration program.. Letter requests additional protections for appellants.
01 Apr, 2020
122 kb
Downloads: 2279
2020-03-23 Relocation of Bronx Medicaid Office
2020-03-23 Relocation Bronx Office.pdf
30 Mar, 2020
110 kb
Downloads: 2309