Consumer Advocates Letter to DOH & CMS 5-20-14 - Concerns about MLTC Managed Long Term Care Implementation
Letter to State and CMS_MLTC abuses_FINAL2.pdf
MFY Legal Services, NYLAG and other organizations sent this letter in response to New York Times article published May 9, 2014, titled Medicaid Shift Fuels Rush for Profitable Clients" - which uncovers disturbing behavior among the Managed Long Term Care plans early in the implementation of mandatory MLTC, as they competed for market share of new enrollees (published May 9, 2014). Article attached to letter
12 Jun, 2014
1.75 mb
Downloads: 4749
FIDA - Consumer Comments on Final Proposal to CMS June 30, 2012
Letter from beneficiary advocates re NYS dual eligible demonstration 6-30-12 pdf.pdf
FIDA - Consumer Comments on Final Proposal to CMS June 30, 2012 (Consumer Coalition to Protect Rights of NY Dual Eligibles)
11 Jun, 2014
242 kb
Downloads: 3739
Consumer Comments on the FIDA Memorandum of Understanding - Sept. 23, 2013
CPRNYDE Comments on the FIDA MOU Sep 2013.pdf
Consumer Comments on the FIDA Memorandum of Understanding - Sept. 23, 2013
05 Jun, 2014
453 kb
Downloads: 3591
Consumer Coalition Proposed Revision - FIDA NOTICES - Cover Letter to State and CMS (5/30/14)
2014-05-30 CPRNYDE letter re FIDA notices.pdf
On May 22, 2014, DOH provided Consumer advocates with drafts of notices regarding passive enrollment in FIDA to begin fall 2014. This is the Consumer coalition's letter of May 30, 2014 explaining proposed revisions of the notices enclosed with the letter, and recommending edits.
04 Jun, 2014
357 kb
Downloads: 3856
Consumer Coalition Proposed Revision - FIDA NOTICE 2 - 90-Day Passive Enrollment Notice (5/30/14)
FIDA 90-day (Announcement) Notice - CPRNYDE comments 05-30-14.pdf
On May 22, 2014, DOH provided Consumer advocates with drafts of notices regarding passive enrollment in FIDA to begin fall 2014. This is the Consumer coalition's proposed revision of NOTICE 2 - the 90-day notice to enroll in a FIDA plan or be passively enrolled.
04 Jun, 2014
413 kb
Downloads: 4025
Consumer Coalition Proposed Revision - FIDA NOTICE 1 - Announcement Notice (5/30/14)
1 - FIDA Program Announcement Notice - CPRNYDE comments 05-30-14.pdf
On May 22, 2014, DOH provided Consumer advocates with drafts of notices regarding passive enrollment in FIDA to begin fall 2014. This is the Consumer coalition's proposed revision of NOTICE 1 - the Announcement notice
04 Jun, 2014
211 kb
Downloads: 4650
DOH FIDA draft 90-day Notice (Notice 2 of 4)
FIDA 90-day (Announcement) Notice- 5 21 14.pdf
DOH provided Consumer advocates with drafts of notices regarding passive enrollment in FIDA to begin fall 2014.
04 Jun, 2014
214 kb
Downloads: 3954
DOH FIDA draft "announcement Notice (Notice 1 of 4)
1 - FIDA Program Announcement Notice - 5 21 14.pdf
DOH provided Consumer advocates with drafts of notices regarding passive enrollment in FIDA to begin fall 2014.
04 Jun, 2014
132 kb
Downloads: 3741
NYLAG presentation on MLTC & FIDA Updates 5-26-2014
MLTC & FIDA Update 2014.pdf
Presentation to NASW Suffolk Chapter by David Silva at NYLAG
26 May, 2014
2.06 mb
Downloads: 4110
Medicaid Alert: Excess Income (Surplus) Applicants in Need of Managed Long Term Care
MLTC change in spend-down coding 7-12-2012.pdf
July 12, 2012
The purpose of this ALERT is to inform Community Based Organizations, Client Representatives, Certified Home Health Agencies and other providers that the Medical Assistance Program is changing the way it processes Medicaid applications for excess income eligible consumers seeking enrollment into a Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plan. Consumers seeking MLTC enrollment who are found to only be eligible for the Medicaid Excess Income (Surplus) Program will now have their cases accepted and authorized with “06” (provisional) coverage. This will occur even if their applications are received without bills that cover their excess or surplus.
This new process will allow MLTCplans to see the provisional coverage on ePaces/eMedNY and will facilitate receipt of services for these consumers. Submitters are requested, when appropriate, to prominently indicate on the cover sheet of submitted applications that the consumer intends to enroll into an MLTC plan
Current policy will remain unchanged for all other consumers found eligible for the Excess Income Program.
20 May, 2014
42 kb
Downloads: 12423