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Home Care
The Various Types of Medicaid Home Care in New York State
New York State has a range of Medicaid home care service programs, each oriented toward slightly different needs and sometimes to different populations. These programs are listed below, with links to detailed information posted on this site. Beginning in September 2012, for ADULTS age 21+ who...
Medicaid Personal Care or Home Attendant Services
The Medicaid program in New York State covers a type of home care services called Personal Care services (aka PCS or "home attendant"). This is a service under NYS's "State Medicaid Plan," which means that the rules described here apply whether the consumer receives it under fee-for service from...
Medicaid Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) in New York State - Big Changes Coming 2025!
March 10, 2025 ALERT - Only 2 weeks left til March 28, 2025 Deadline for all CDPAP consumers and their Personal Assistants to be REGISTERED with PPL - the new NYS "Single Fiscal Intermediary" (FI). See here for links to information from State DOH, CDPAANYS, and PPL. See this article for latest...
NEW YORK INDEPENDENT ASSESSOR PROGRAM  (NYIAP) - How Medicaid Home Care Eligibility is Assessed
IN THIS ARTICLE: What is the Independent Assessor? Click here for the basics. Two Official Websites about NYIA When does NYIA Start? Contacts - Where to Submit Complaints, How to Request an Evidence Packet, How to Submit a Power of Attorney NYIA CONSENT FORM - Where to...
Applying for Medicaid Personal Care or CDPAP Services in New York City - 2021-2022 Changes
May 16, 2022 Update - The new NY Independent Assessor (NYIA) starts being phased in. See info about that huge change in this article. Starting May 16, 2022 the M11q is no longer required for people applying to HRA for Medicaid home care who are NOT seeking MLTC because they are exempt or excluded...
Managed Long Term Care
State Complaint Number for MLTC Problems - 1-866-712-7197 e-mail mltctac@health.ny.gov and put "COMPLAINT" in subject line For enrollment complaints - call NY Medicaid Choice - 1-855-886-0570 (Advocates line) 1-888-401-6582 (Consumers line) Managed Long Term Care (MLTC)...
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Managed Long Term Care - Fact Sheets, Live and Recorded Webinars
A. Fact Sheets on Managed Long Term Care B. Click here for WEBINARS on LONG TERM CARE A. Fact Sheets on Managed Long Term Care BASICS Basics on Managed Long Term Care (In process of being updated - 2-2020) see also Article on Managed Long Term Care News on MLTC - updated monthly ...
Getting Help with Managed Long Term Care
Here are organizations where you can seek help for problems with Medicaid Managed Long Term Care and Medicaid Advantage Plus. Also see these KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Fact Sheets about MLTC and related topics STATEWIDE ICAN – Independent Consumer Assistance Network – ...
Requesting a New or Increased Service from a Medicaid Managed Care or MLTC
Members of Medicaid Managed Care plans, including Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plans, have the right to request a NEW service that was not previously authorized ("prior authorization"), or an INCREASE In a service they already have ("concurrent review"), such as more hours of personal care or...
Can My MLTC Plan Kick Me Out? "Involuntary Disenrollment" from MLTC plans - Changes start Nov. 1, 2024
Enrollment in a Medicaid Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plan is mandatory for most adult Dual Eligibles (people who have Medicare or Medicaid), who need Medicaid personal care (PCS) or Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) services, with some exceptions - See also DOH list of...
Special Income Standard for Housing Expenses: If Discharged from Nursing Homes or Adult Homes & Enroll in or Remain Enrolled in MLTC Plan
A huge barrier to people returning to the community from nursing homes is the high cost of housing. One way New York State is trying to address that barrier is with the Special Housing Disregard that allows certain members of Managed Long Term Care or FIDA plans to keep more of their income to pay...
Right to a "Home Hearing" under Varshavsky Case - Special Rights in Fair Hearings Seeking Increases in Medicaid Home Care
RIGHTS of People Who Cannot Travel to a Fair Hearing Because of Disability This article can also be downloaded as a Fact Sheet here. Individuals who, because of mental or physical disabilities, cannot travel to a fair hearing without substantial hardship or medical detriment, have rights...
Some Medicaid Recipients are "Default Enrolled" into Medicare Special Needs Plans when they Enroll in Medicare Since April 1, 2021
Background Every month about 3,000 - 4,000 Medicaid recipients in New York State become enrolled in Medicare, either because they reach age 65 or after they collect Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) for 24 months. They become "Dual Eligibles" when they have both Medicare and Medicaid. ...
MLTC Members in Nursing Homes for 3+ Months Being Disenrolled from MLTC Plans - Since August 2020
In this article: Intro - What is the "Carve-out" of Nursing Home care from MLTC? Dashboard of Number of MLTC Members Disenrolled Procedures and Notices to Consumers for Disenrollment starting August 2020 Right to Re-enroll in the MLTC plan within SIX MONTHS after being...
CASA Contact List - NYC
The NYC Medicaid Home Care Services Program, which is part of the NYC Human Resources Administration Medical Insurance Community Services Administration (MICSA), also known as the Medicaid program, formerly was responsible for administration in NYC for three types of Medicaid "personal care"...
Tools for Choosing a Medicaid Managed Long Term Care Plan
As described in this article, most adults in NYS who have Medicaid and Medicare, who need Medicaid personal care or CDPAP services or long-term CHHA or adult day care services, must select and enroll in a managed long term care plan, or a PACE or Medicaid Advantage Plus plan. Starting in May 2022...
Transition Rights in Managed Care Plans - Rights of New Enrollees to Continue Receiving Services
NOTE: This article is about consumer rights when a Medicaid recipient "transitions" to or from a Managed Care plan. For information about care related to gender transitions, see Know Your Rights: What You Need to Know About Medicaid Coverage for Transition-Related Care. What is a Transition...
Transition Rights after Enrolling in or Switching MLTC plans - 2022 Changes
This article can also be downloaded as a Fact Sheet here. If you received Medicaid personal care or Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance (CDPAP) services, and then you were required to enroll in or transfer to a different Managed Long Term Care plan, your new Plan must continue to authorize...
When an MLTC Plan Closes - What are the Members' Rights? WARNING - Changes Now in Effect
Since Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plan enrollment has been mandatory since 2013 for most adult "dual eligibles" (people with Medicaid and Medicare) who need Medicaid home care, some MLTC plans have either closed or reduced their service area, no longer covering certain counties or New York City....
Medicaid Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA) Services
A Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA) provides what is commonly known as “visiting nurse” services, as well as physical or occupational or speech therapy (PT/OT) in the home, "home health aide" (HHA) services, and medical supplies. The nursing visits are "part-time or intermittent " and NOT...

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