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KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Managed Long Term Care - Fact Sheets, Live and Recorded Webinars

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Views: 18578
Posted: 27 Aug, 2014
by Valerie Bogart (New York Legal Assistance Group)
Updated: 20 Aug, 2024
by Alexia Mickles (Empire Justice Center)

A.  Fact Sheets on Managed Long Term Care

B.   Click here for WEBINARS on LONG TERM CAR

A.  Fact Sheets on Managed Long Term Care


  1. Basics on Managed Long Term Care  (In process of being updated - 2-2020)  see also  Article on Managed Long Term Care

  2. FACT SHEET ON Medicaid eligibility rules for Aged 65+, Disabled and Blind Individuals in New York State and basics of MLTC enrollment 

  3.  What is MLTC?  (from ICAN Ombuds program- link to read online or download brochures in 9 languages

  4.  See  info here about 2022 webinars on Medicaid eligibility for community-based care  and 2023 changes

  5. Center for Elder Law and Justice and Empire Justice Center recently teamed up to update the Nursing Home Resident Rights Guide (2024)!

  • If you live in Western New York, call the Center for Elder Law and Justice at 716-853-3087 and view the Guide here.
  • If you live in the Finger Lakes Region, or outside Western New York, call the Empire Justice Center at 1-800-724-0490 ext. 5822, and view the Guide here.

Fact Sheets About Enrolling in MLTC Plans - and Alternative Path to Obtaining Home Care thru Immediate Need

  1. How Do I Join MLTC?  (from ICAN program - link to read online or download brochures  in 9 languages)

  2. Troubleshooting Problems Enrolling in MLTC Plans - Tips for Solving Medicaid Spend-down Problems and Barriers that Block Enrollment - including NURSING HOME DISCHARGES 

  3. Applying for Personal Care or CDPAP based on IMMEDIATE NEED - alternative fast-track path to accessing Medicaid home care  - with key forms (NYC).   (Fact sheet being updated - this is link to article)

Fact Sheets on Navigating MLTC - Including Appeals

  1. Grievance and Appeal Rights in Managed Long Term Care  - new Requirement to Request Plan Appeal Before a Fair Hearing   -- see more here - Article on Appeal Rights in Managed Long Term Care

  2. Your Rights as an MLTC Member 

  3. Tips on Requesting Services from a Medicaid Managed Care or MLTC plan, including Increases in Hours of Home Care  (RUSSIAN TRANSLATION  NEW August 2021)

  4. Special Rights to Expedited Increases in Home Care for Homebound Appellants in Fair Hearing Process - Varshavsky class action

Fact Sheets with Special Strategies about Reducing the Medicaid Spend-down 
  1. Fact Sheet with Tips to Reduce Spenddown - For people temporarily in a nursing home and in other situations:

    1.  Temporary Nursing Home Stay - Right to keep income to pay rent - "Community  Budgeting" - see also these separate fact sheets:

    2.  Special Income Disregard for Housing Expenses for People Leaving a Nursing Home or Adult Home and enrolling in or staying enrolled in an MLTC planFACT SHEET and see more here 

    3. Spousal Impoverishment protections - for couples where one spouse is in an MLTC plan, a nursing home, or receiving "Immediate Need" services, and the other is not receiving any of these services.  FACT SHEET and  See more here

  2.  Fact Sheet on Pooled Income Trusts to Eliminate the Medicaid Spend-down and Step-by-step guide to enrolling in a pooled income trust for Medicaid spend-down


  • May 16, 2024  Elder Law Forum sponsored by @Pierro, Connor & Strauss.   

    • View NYLAG's VALERIE BOGART  presentation with updates on Medicaid and Home Care in NYS at this link. 

    • View recording of a panel with strategies on accessing Medicaid and home care, including Valerie Bogart of NYLAG and several other statewide experts. 

    • See all presentations at the all-day forum at this link.

  • May 11, 2023   - Elder Law Forum sponsored by @Pierro, Connor & Strauss.   

    • View NYLAG's VALERIE BOGART slide deck and presentation at the annual Elder Law Forum in Albany NY held on May 11, 2023 about the Unwinding of the Public Health Emergency, the 2023 Expansion of Medicaid Eligibility, and the NY Independent Assessor.  Slide Deck at this link (pp. 77 - 127) and view presentation at this link.  See all presentations at the all-day forum at this link.

    • Case Study -- Also view the video featuring Stanley, an actual  Albany consumer approved for only 5 hours/day after NYIA assessment, with panel of experts discussing strategies to advocate for him - ranging from financial planning and pooled trust to advocating with the MLTC plan for more hours. 

    • View all of the videos here.
  • February 8, 2023  -- NYLAG WEBINAR on NY Independent Assessor - View recording here  and  download Powerpoint HERE.

  • January 2022 - NEW CHANGES in HOME CARE ASSESSMENT - the "INDEPENDENT ASSESSOR" - Coming in May 2022 View NYLAG webinar recorded 1/26/22 here and download PowerPoint here - note the webinar says these changes start in 3/1/22 - this date has since changed to May 1, 2022.  See more here 

  • May 2021- Moving Beyond Institutional Care Part 2Diverting Nursing Home Admissions & Transitioning to the Community from a Nursing Home view the recorded 2-hour webinar and download the PowerPoints on the NYSBA webiste at this link.  NYSBA members can register to view it here and then view it in their dashboard.

    Remaining at home, instead of entering a nursing home, is the first choice for older adults and people with disabilities. Adequate home-based services are critical for avoiding a nursing home admission and for transitioning from a nursing home to the community. This program will focus on eligibility for and available home and community-based services (HCBS) under Medicaid in New York, and overcoming barriers to accessing HCBS. The panel will discuss programs and services essential for diverting people from nursing homes and transitioning back to the community, limitations on HCBS that lead to undue institutionalization, and recent policies, proposals, and workforce issues affecting HCBS in New York. The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the need to expand and increase access to HCBS services in New York.


    Valerie J. Bogart, Esq., Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program New York Legal Assistance Group

    Suzanne de Beaumont, New York Association on Independent Living, Inc.

    Natalie Kean, Justice in Aging

    Bryan O'Malley, Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Association of New York State

    Moderator: Simeon Goldman, Formerly of Disability Rights New York

  •  May 21, 2021 recording of Elder Law Forum sponsored by Pierro, Connor & Strauss LLP - with speakers Valerie Bogart of NYLAG about the NYS changes coming in 2022 -  new lookback and eligibility changes in personal care and CDPAP,  Al Cardillo of the Home Care Association, a Medicaid Home Care Application Case Study, and a panel on Medicaid home care fair hearings.   

  • View April 15, 2021 webinar and POWERPOINT  about NYS Budget Cuts - the New Lookback and eligibility cuts in personal care and CDPAP
  • April 2018 - webinar on new MLTC APPEALS rules requiring EXHAUSTION OF internal plan appeals before requesting a Fair Hearing

    • View the recorded webinar on You-tube here 

    • Download the PowerPoint used in the webinar here (slides 5 and 7 have been revised since the webinar)

    • Download the Appendix used in the webinar here - with federal regulations, State notice templates, State and consumer-advocate fact sheets for consumers,  advocacy materials 

  • May 18, 2016  Recorded webinar of NY Metropolitan Elder Law Institute, a project of UCS Trust Services, "Pooled Trusts and the Changing MLTC Landscape - Special Issues for Married Couples, by Valerie Bogart, recorded May 18, 2016 (discusses spousal impoverishment and other budgeting strategies to reduce the spend-down, including the housing disregard for those discharged from NH or Adult Home, and pooled trusts generally.    See other recordings at the same institute on Medicaid planning.

  • Summer 2016 - NYLAG Webinar Series on Medicare and Medicaid

  • April 20, 2015 Seminar conducted by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program on MLTC and FIDA -   was not recorded, but click here for the PowerPoint and for the Appendix of documents referenced in the program.

  • April 13, 2015  1 PM - 3PM -NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program on MLTC and FIDA
    • Presentation was conducted in Spanish and targeted Spanish Speaking consumers, their caregivers, and professionals who work with this population.

    • Recording: Presentación Sobre FIDA en Español.  Esto es una grabación de una presentación que fue realizada el 13 de Abril 2015 en una organización local en Brooklyn para  los residentes de ese edificio. La presentación es en español.  Esta presentación se enfoca en los temas de Medicare, Medicaid, planes de cuidado a largo plazo (MLTC), y planes de doble ventaja totalmente integrado (FIDA).

    • Powerpoint: Presentación de powerpoint que acompaña la grabación.

  • Jan. 30, 2015 - Empire Justice Center webinar on MLTC and FIDA - Geoffrey Hale, Esq.
  • Dec. 3, 2014 -  Recorded webinar available for purchase from chapter of NY Chapter Geriatric Care managers at this link
    • Sponsor: New York Chapter of Professional Geriatric Care Managers and NYLAG. 
  • April 24, 2014 NYLAG Webinar on MLTC --(Valerie Bogart and David Silva of the Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program at NYLAG).  View and listen to a recording of the entire webinar at this link:

https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/1348252302283983105 (2.25 hours)

PowerPoint: http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/474/ (April 2014)

Appendix: http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/473/ 

NOTE:  An updated Powerpoint - January 2015 is available here and April 2015 powerpoint here)

  • July 16, 2013 - NYLAG Webinar on Pooled Trusts - How to Use Trusts to Reduce Spend-down (David Silva, Esq.)   .(not directly about MLTC but important tool for those who have a spend-down)
troubleshooting Pierro Connor & Strauss
Attached files
item MLTC Plan Closings (2022).pdf (1.01 mb) Download
item MLTC & FIDA Update 2015-01-12.pdf (466 kb) Download
item Caregiver Fact Sheet (Spanish) FINAL.pdf (774 kb) Download
item Caregiver Fact Sheet (Russian) FINAL.pdf (700 kb) Download
item Caregiver Fact Sheet (Chinese) FINAL.pdf (369 kb) Download
item Troubleshooting - 4-16-15 pp.pdf (2.11 mb) Download
item CLE Flyer.pdf (400 kb) Download
item Caregiver Presentation Spanish Final 4-13-15.pdf (355 kb) Download
item 2015 NYLAG CLE MLTC-FIDA updated 4-23-2015.pptx (1.89 mb) Download
item Appendix Final.pdf (2.24 mb) Download
item Explanation of the CFEEC and MLTC Evaluation NYLAG Letterhead rev 12-2016.pdf (413 kb) Download
item Caregiver Fact Sheet (Korean) FINAL.pdf (596 kb) Download
item SSI Temporary Institutional Stay Fact Sheet and Form 2024-03 (3-11-14 VB).pdf (312 kb) Download
item Fact Sheet Immediate Need (2021-12-3) Complete.pdf (925 kb) Download
item Exhaustion Fact Sheet - NYLAG 4-25-18.pdf (295 kb) Download
item Fact Sheet on Keeping Income In & After Nursing Home Stays 3-21-2024 FINAL.pdf (816 kb) Download
item MLTC Plan Closings - February 2020 Update for Former ICS Members - NYLAG.pdf (894 kb) Download
item Requesting Services from an MCO 2021.pdf (360 kb) Download
item Varshavsky Fact Sheet (2021-09-24) with attachments.pdf (1.1 mb) Download
item Requesting Services from an MCO - 2021 Russian Translation.pdf (659 kb) Download
item SNT Short 2024-05-02 FINAL.pdf (450 kb) Download
item Transition Period changes Fact Sheet - updated 8-1-22.pdf (950 kb) Download

Also read
item Applying for Medicaid Personal Care Services and CDPAP Outside NYC - 2016 Changes
item Medicaid Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) in New York State
item Transition Rights in Managed Care Plans - Rights of New Enrollees to Continue Receiving Services
item Where to Apply for Medicaid and Medicaid Home Care in New York City
item Managed Long Term Care
item Maintaining Community Medicaid Budgeting and SSI Benefits During Temporary Nursing Home Stays
item KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Fact Sheet Explaining Basic Rules on NYS Financial Medicaid Eligibility for People who are Disabled, Aged 65+, or Blind
item Spousal Impoverishment Protections for Married Couples where One Spouse is in a Managed Long Term Care Plan - Pooled Trusts Allowed as an Option
item Tools for Choosing a Medicaid Managed Long Term Care Plan
item Applying for Medicaid Personal Care or CDPAP Services in New York City - 2021-2022 Changes
item Grievance and Appeal Contacts for Managed Long Term Care Plans
item Appeals & Grievances in Managed Long Term Care - "Exhaustion" of Plan Appeal Required since 2018
item "Immediate Need" Fast-Track Application for Medicaid and Personal Care or CDPAP - Choices for those with full Medicaid start April 2024
item Special Income Standard for Housing Expenses: If Discharged from Nursing Homes or Adult Homes & Enroll in or Remain Enrolled in MLTC Plan
item Know Your Rights: NYLAG Webinars on Medicare and Medicaid -
item When an MLTC Plan Closes - What are the Members' Rights? WARNING - Changes Now in Effect
item Transition Rights after Enrolling in or Switching MLTC plans - 2022 Changes

Also listed in
folder Medicaid -> Getting Started
folder Medicaid -> Home Care
folder Medicaid -> Medicaid Managed Care

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