Number Enrolled in Each FIDA and MLTC plan in FIDA Demo Area - April - May 2015
MLTC and FIDA Enrollment April May 2015 FIDA plans only.xlsx
Data compiled from CMS site https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/MCRAdvPartDEnrolData/Monthly-Enrollment-by-Plan-Items/Monthly-Enrollment-by-Plan-2015-05.html?DLPage=1&DLEntries=10&DLSort=1&DLSortDir=descending
and DOH site http://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/reports/enrollment/monthly/
01 Jun, 2015
16 kb
Downloads: 5024
PowerPoint Presentation by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program on FIDA and MLTC 4/23/2015
2015 NYLAG CLE MLTC-FIDA updated 4-23-2015.pptx
PowerPoint Presentation by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Program on FIDA and MLTC 4/23/2015.
Updated version of presentation in live CLE conducted APril 20, 2015
27 Apr, 2015
1.89 mb
Downloads: 5620
Fact Sheet on FIDA - by New York Legal Assistance Group
FIDA Fact Sheet NYC-Nassau (2015-4-1).pdf
Fact Sheet on FIDA with understanding of enrollment procedures as of Mar. 30, 2015. By NYLAG. Includes list of plans in Region 1 - NYC and Nassau. Revised to show enrollment postponed in Westchester and Suffolk
01 Apr, 2015
690 kb
Downloads: 11220
FIDA 60-Day Notice - 60 Days Before Passive Enrollment
M5 60-day PE Notice 11.29.14.docx
The NYS Dept. of Health's notice sent by its contractor, NY Medicaid Choice (Maximus) 60-days prior to "passive enrollment" into a FIDA plan. This notice follows an "announcement" notice (https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/docs/fida_prog_announce_brooklyn.pdf) and a 90-day notice, and is followed by a 30-day notice. Both the 60-day and 30-day notices tell you which FIDA plan you will be assigned to if you do not OPT OUT.
25 Mar, 2015
41 kb
Downloads: 7398
Training Announcement: FIDA & MLTC Update - April 20, 2015 - CLE credit available
CLE Flyer.pdf
CLE/training seminar on MLTC and FIDA conducted by NYLAG Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program -
April 20, 2015 - 2 - 5 PM
7 Hanover Square, 15th floor, NY NY 10007. Registration form attached to announcement.
24 Mar, 2015
400 kb
Downloads: 6151
NYLAG Caregiver Newsletter: Focus on FIDA (12 -2014)
NYLAG Caregiver fact sheet FIDA FINAL.pdf
Fact sheet on FIDA oriented to caregivers of people who have Medicare and Medicaid and who receive Managed Long Term Care services, who are being "passively enrolled" into FIDA plans in early 2015. Prepared by NYLAG - Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program
10 Mar, 2015
543 kb
Downloads: 7672
LIST OF FIDA PLANS with Affiliated MLTC and Medicaid Advantage Plus plans
List of FIDA Plans in FIDA Demonstration area (NYC, Long Island and Westchester) with current enrollment in MLTC and MAP plans in demo area (11/2014) CORRECTED 12/17/2014
17 Dec, 2014
1.18 mb
Downloads: 101775
FINAL FIDA "Announcement Notice" being sent to MLTC Members in NYC and Nassau County
FIDA_Program_Announcement_ Sample_NYC_Nassau combined with inserts.docx
Letter being sent by State Dept. of Health to over 110,000 MLTC members in NYC and Nassau County. Letter being sent on a rolling basis in batches. (This version includes attached list of FIDA plans for both NYC and Nassau County. Client will only receive the one for their district.
NOTE: DOH failed to include crucial information - rejecting consumer advocacy, including:
* Right to Opt Out of FIDA
* Fact that you will be passively enrolled in FIDA if you don't opt out
* Says FIDA is free but doesn't explain that still owe Spend-down, if you have one - a source of confusion
* Nothing clarifying that must obtain all medical and long term care in-network from plan,
and more..
25 Nov, 2014
53 kb
Downloads: 6337
NYS Dept. of Health Update on FIDA 10/16/2014 with Roll-out Schedule for Letters to MLTC Recipients
DOH 10-16 14 Policy and Planning Update.pptx
DOH updates the MLTC plans on FIDA - the only real source of information on what is happening. This update has important info: (1) When will MLTC recipients in NYC and Nassau receive the "announcement" letter starting December 2014 about FIDA and when will they be passively enrolled into FIDA plans - will be on a rolling basis depending on when they renew Medicaid for the year (2) NEWS that current NURSING HOME RESIDENTS will NOT be passively enrolled into FIDA plans! Only NEW people who first become PERMANENT NH residents in 2015 will be passively enrolled but not til August 2015.
22 Nov, 2014
939 kb
Downloads: 5876
NYS DOH Final Three-Way Contract for FIDA between State, CMS and FIDA Managed care Plans
Final Three-Way Contract Generic 7_03_14.pdf
NYS DOH Final Three-Way Contract for FIDA between State, CMS and FIDA Managed care Plans - final model contract July 3, 2014
25 Jul, 2014
1.63 mb
Downloads: 5507