Contact List of CASA Offices - Home Care Services Program (HCSP)
2020-09 NYC Home Care Services Program -CASA directory.pdf
Includes announcement of new e-mail address for inquiries about HCSP cases (7-2021)
04 Aug, 2021
309 kb
Downloads: 36647
Presentación de Powerpoint Sobre FIDA y MLTC
Caregiver Presentation Spanish Final 4-13-15.pdf
Esta presentación fue realizada el 13 de Abril 2015 en una organización local en Brooklyn para los residentes de ese edificio. La presentación es en español. Esta presentación se enfoca en los temas de Medicare, Medicaid, planes de cuidado a largo plazo (MLTC), y planes de doble ventaja totalmente integrado (FIDA).
Debe de usar estos materiales con la grabación sobre FIDA.
This presentation took place on April 13th, 2015 for local Brooklyn residents residing in senior housing. The presentation was conducted in Spanish. The presentation discussed Medicare, Medicaid, Managed Long Term Care plans (MLTC), and Fully Integrated Dual Advantage plans (FIDA).
Please view the powerpoint in conjunction with the Spanish recording of the presentation.
27 Apr, 2015
355 kb
Downloads: 4222
Agreement to Participate in the Medicaid Pay-In Program
MAP-931B Agreement to Participate in Pay-In Program searchable pdf.pdf
This is the form in both English & Spanish agreeing to participate in the Medicaid Pay-In Program
13 Apr, 2015
86 kb
Downloads: 3520
Nursing Home Eligibility Division Expedited Renewal Protocol
HRA's policy regarding automated renewal for certain institutionalized Medicaid recipients. This alert identifies which nursing home residents are being selected for automated Medicaid renewals.
03 Apr, 2015
200 kb
Downloads: 8928
Caregiver Fact Sheet FIDA--Informacion sobre FIDA Espanol Para Cuidadores
Caregiver Fact Sheet (Spanish) FINAL.pdf
10 Mar, 2015
774 kb
Downloads: 5063
Caregiver Fact Sheet FIDA--Russian
Caregiver Fact Sheet (Russian) FINAL.pdf
10 Mar, 2015
700 kb
Downloads: 5304
Caregiver Fact Sheet FIDA--Chinese
Caregiver Fact Sheet (Chinese) FINAL.pdf
09 Mar, 2015
369 kb
Downloads: 5773
HCSP Central Intake Medicaid Unit HRA
HCSP Central Medcaid Unit HRA.pdf
This letter is from HRA and it provides information about the process for filing new Medicaid applications for individuals who will be seeking personal care services.
27 Sep, 2012
611 kb
Downloads: 711
MBIWPD training 5_12.ppt
23 May, 2012
508 kb
Downloads: 669
Tool Kit for Community Health Centers: Helping Patients Access Medicaid
Tool Kit Final as of 8 19 09.pdf
Provides fact sheets on 10 topics related to helping patients access health care coverage or other help paying for health care services.
15 Jan, 2010
1.05 mb
Downloads: 19411