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MAP-751E - Authorization to Release Medical Information Download
MAP-751E Authorization to Release Medical Information.pdf
NYC form for a Medicaid applicant to authorize HRA to obtain protected health information from their medical providers for purposes of determining disability. This form was used for applicants for disability-based Medicaid (i.e., DAB or SSI-related category), for MBI-WPD, and for SNTs. (Rev'd 6/6/12). As of January 2013, this form should no longer be required, as the State now requests three signed copies of the OCA 960 HIPAA form instead.
21 Apr, 2014 479 kb Downloads: 7343
Consumer Coalition May 2013 Letter on Changes in Proposed Dual Eligible "FIDA" Demonstration Waiver Download
CPRNYDE comments re addendum May 2013.pdf
Coalition to Protect the Rights of NYS Dual Eligibles Comments on State's revised proposal to coordinate Medicare and Medicaid services for dual eligibles, letter dated May 19, 2013. Issues include enrollment of nursing home residents and protections; objections to "passive enrollment" -- auto-assignment of people who don't voluntarily enroll; and incentives for plans to provide long term care services in the community rather than institutions.
18 Mar, 2014 88 kb Downloads: 4472
NYLAG Support of NY Assembly Bill A4996 - Correcting Violations of Due Process Appeal RIghts in Managed Care Download
A4996 Gottfried MLTC Appeals Bill NYLAG 2014 FINAL.pdf
This bill would correct two due process violations: (1) The lack of "aid continuing" pending an appeal when a managed care plan reduces or terminates home care or other services -- if the "authorization period" for the services has expired, there is a right to appeal but no right to aid continuing. This provides that aid continuing must be given regardless of whether the authorization period has expired. (2) In Managed long term care, consumers must "exhaust" internal appeals before requesting a hearing. This is not required in mainstream managed care, and results in dismissal of many valid appeals because consumers don't know that they must pursue this interim internal appeal.
18 Mar, 2014 202 kb Downloads: 4163
Consumer Advocacates Letter to DOH & CMS 3-14-14 - Asking for Delay on Managed Care Expansion to Nursing Home Population Download
NH Carve in Consumer Concerns 3-14-14.2.pdf
14 Mar, 2014 544 kb Downloads: 4796
NYS Dept. of Health Policy - Jan. 2014 - Transition of Nursing Benefit & Population into Managed Care Download
OHIP Guidance - Transition of NH Benefit & Population into Managed Care.pdf
State policy implementing expansion of mandatory enrollment of people needing permanent nursing home coverage into managed care and Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) plans. Mandate is to start April 1, 2014, subject to CMS approval not yet given as of March 13, 2014.
13 Mar, 2014 2.58 mb Downloads: 4382
Contact list at NYC Medicaid Program (MICSA) - by Program with directors - 12/2013 Download
MICSA Contact List 12-2013.pdf
Obtained through freedom of information request by Urban Justice Center, Feb. 2014
10 Mar, 2014 50 kb Downloads: 17681
HRA Alert: Spousal Impoverishment Budgeting for MLTC Applicant/Recipients Download
Medicaid Alert Re Spousal Impv Budgeting 3-2014.pdf
Published in March 2014
05 Mar, 2014 153 kb Downloads: 6874
NYS Bar Association Elder Law Section Letter to NYC HRA Dec. 17 2013 - Spousal Impoverishment Allowances Illegally Denied Download
NYCHRA_NYSBA_Letter spousal budgeting 2013-12-17 REDACTED.pdf
Letter to HRA to cease the unlawful practice of denying this impoverishment income allowance to community spouses who did a spousal refusal. HRA responded and corrected its policy, provided spouse provides complete information regarding income and resources. For links to these documents and to the letters from the NYSBA and HRA, see http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/96/
04 Mar, 2014 178 kb Downloads: 7314
NYC HRA 2013 MAP INF-04 Spousal Refusal Instructions - Supplement to MAP Procedure 90-10 Download
2013 MAP INF-04 Spousal Impoverishment Correction.pdf
A community spouse is entitled to the community spouse monthly income allowance (CSMIA) even if she does a spousal refusal to contribute resources. See NYS ADM 91-ADM-33 and NYS DOH Medicaid Reference Guide at page 396. However, since mid-2012, the NYC HRA Medicaid program has violated this longstanding state rule and has denied the community spouse this income allowance if she executed a spousal refusal. Many fair hearing decisions reversed these determinations, see, e.g. FH 6208131N (3/1/2013), FH 6318971R (9/5/2013). In December 2013, the Elder Law Section of the NYS Bar Association asked HRA to cease this unlawful practice of denying this impoverishment allowance. Through a Freedom of Information request, the Bar identified some internal HRA procedures that were wrong and asked that HRA correct them. On Dec. 24, 2013, HRA issued 2013 MAP-INF 04 which correctly states that the community spouse is entitled to the CSMIA even if she does a spousal refusal, if she provides complete information regarding income and resources.
04 Mar, 2014 36 kb Downloads: 7826
Medicaid Reimbursement for Home Care Expenses Download
Medicaid Homecare Reimbursement.pdf
Practical Guide on getting Medicaid to reimburse for home care expenses incurred during the 3-month retroactive period, and during the pendency of the application, in New York City. Includes citations to pertinent case law and regulations.
03 Mar, 2014 319 kb Downloads: 22389
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