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Social Security Verification--No Proof of SSA Income Required for Initial Applications and Renewals Download
Medicaid Alert No Proof of SSA income required 3-2013.pdf
07 Mar, 2013 337 kb Downloads: 9297
MAP3057E Special Income Standard for Housing Expenses Form Download
MAP-3057E Special income housing Expenses NH-MLTC.pdf
20 Feb, 2013 490 kb Downloads: 7878
HealthFirst CompleteCare Grievance Procedure MAP Download
Healthfirst MAP Complaint- Complaint Appeal for Long term ca.pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy is undated and includes track changes.
06 Feb, 2013 59 kb Downloads: 4517
Eldeplan, Inc. Grievance Policy MAP Download
Elderplan MAP GrievancesDRAFT.pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy is labeled draft and undated.
06 Feb, 2013 70 kb Downloads: 6124
Healthplus (Amerigroup) MAP Grievance Policy Download
Amerigroup MA and MAP Complaints Grievance Policy.pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy effective date January 1, 2010. Note document contains track changes.
06 Feb, 2013 124 kb Downloads: 5302
Guildnet MLTC Appeals of Grievance Policy Download
GuildNet MLTC Appeals of Grievance Policy .pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy dated July 2005.
06 Feb, 2013 29 kb Downloads: 5289
Guildnet MLTC Grievance Policy Download
GuildNet MLTC Grievance Policy .pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy dated July 2005.
06 Feb, 2013 47 kb Downloads: 5247
Guildnet MLTC Appeals of Adverse Determinations Download
GuildNet MLTC Internal Appeals Policy .pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy dated December 21, 2005.
06 Feb, 2013 36 kb Downloads: 4498
HHH Choices Health Plan MLTC Appeals from Adverse Determinations Policy Download
HHH Choices MLTC Service Authorization Action Appeals.pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy dated April 11, 2005.
06 Feb, 2013 167 kb Downloads: 3669
HealthPlus (Amerigroup) Grievance Policy - MLTC NY Download
Amerigroup Member Grievances and Grievance Appeals - MLTC - .pdf
Policy obtained January 2013 through FOIL Request to DOH. Policy last revised December 28, 2011.
06 Feb, 2013 125 kb Downloads: 5479
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