2020-05-28 Defective Renewal Notices During COVID-19 Emergency
2020-05-28 Defective Renewal Notices.pdf
HRA Alert about notices sent in error to 30,000+ Medicaid recipients in NYC discontinuing Medicaid. The alert has the language of the correction notices that the consumers will receive.
31 May, 2020
78 kb
Downloads: 2767
2019-12-12 Relocation of Brooklyn CASA Office
2019-12-12 Relocation of Brooklyn CASA office.pdf
30 Mar, 2020
96 kb
Downloads: 2301
MAPDR-21 - Medicaid Managed Care Exemptions and Exclusions
MAPDR-21 Medicaid Managed Care Exemptions and Exclusions 9-28-2015.pdf
This documents lists which categories of beneficiaries are exempt or excluded from the requirement of joining a mainstream medicaid managed care plan. Rev'd 9/28/15
03 Jan, 2020
71 kb
Downloads: 16390
2019-07-31 Reapplication and Renewal Grace Periods
2019-07-31 Reapplication and Renewal Grace Period.pdf
21 Aug, 2019
122 kb
Downloads: 3419
2019-06-04 MICSA Alert Regarding May 2019 Eligibility Renewal Packets
2019-06-04 renewal packets.pdf
18 Jun, 2019
77 kb
Downloads: 2941
Statewide list of MLTC-MAP-PACE plans by County with Enrollment April 2019
Statewide and NYC MLTC plan list with enrollment 4-2019.pdf
Statewide Contact list of MLTC-MAP-PACE plans by County is at http://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/managed_care/mltc/mltcplans.htm. This list by county is updated with April. 2019 enrollment data
NYC list is last pages.
29 May, 2019
1.08 mb
Downloads: 30062
MAP-751E Authorization to Release Medical Information.pdf
12 Apr, 2019
479 kb
Downloads: 6952
Disability Determination Packet Update
2019-04-09 Disability determination update.pdf
12 Apr, 2019
1.8 mb
Downloads: 6937
Medicaid Home Care in New York - List of Court Decisions, Laws and Regulations
LIST of Home Care Cases.2.pdf
This is a list of court decisions, key laws, regulations and directives concerning the various Medicaid home care programs in New York State. Revised Dec. 2018
12 Dec, 2018
794 kb
Downloads: 43825
Focus on DAB Part 1
28 Jun, 2018
402 kb
Downloads: 4201