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Know Your Rights: NYLAG Webinars on Medicare and Medicaid -

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Views: 20945
Posted: 19 May, 2016
by Valerie Bogart (New York Legal Assistance Group)
Updated: 02 Mar, 2023
by Valerie Bogart (New York Legal Assistance Group)

The Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program conducted a five-part Continuing Legal Education Webinar program  in April and May 2016 that provides tools to understand and navigate the complex world of Medicare and Medicaid in New York.   The focus is on eligibility and application procedures for older persons and people with disabilities who need help paying the out-of-pocket costs for Medicare, and cannot afford services not covered by Medicare such as home care.  This series does not include Medicaid eligibility for nursing home care or managed long term care in depth.

Links to view the completed webinars and to download the materials FREE are posted in the table below.   

CLE:  We are unable to offer CLE credit for those viewing the recorded webinars.  


Jan. 18, 2023 Webinar on Medicaid Eligibility Changes and "Unwinding" of Public Health Emergency --

  1. View the recorded webinar here (no CLE credit  for viewing recording)
  2. PowerPoint from Jan. 18, 2023 webinar
  3. Appendix of references, forms, and case examples from webinar (with updated HRA Chart of Medicaid levels updated Jan. 24, 2023 and updated MAP-3190 form (1-10-23) to request rebudgeting)
  4. Excel Template to estimate Medicaid eligibility and spenddown (using 2023 FPLs)

2022 WEBINARS on Medicaid Eligibility and 2023 Changes

LUMP SUMS  -- Using SNTs to Protect Medicaid  and Other Strategies when Receiving A Lump Sum - View recordings of Parts 1 and 2 Nov. 2019

Part 1

•             Basics – What is a Supplemental Needs Trust; types of SNTs (pooled trusts vs. individual trusts, 3rd party trusts vs. self-settled trusts)

•             Using SNTs to eliminate the Medicaid Spend-down – Basics of Pooled Income Trusts (NOT a detailed explanation of all of the steps to get trust approved by Medicaid - for more on that see this Step by Step guide

•             What expenses may be paid by an SNT? Different rules for Medicaid, SSI, and other benefits

•             ABLE accounts – how are they different than SNTs?

Part 2  -- Options when you receive a Lump Sum vary with different benefits.  Learn rules on impact of “transferring” the lump sum, spending it or depositing it into an SNT for:

•             MEDICAID – differences between “MAGI” and “Non-MAGI” Medicaid

•             SSI

•             Veteran’s Benefits (new penalties on transfers of assets since 10/2018)

•             SNAP/Food Stamps

•             Housing Subsidies (Section 8)

 Lookback and Home Care Changes Enacted in 2020 Budget

NYLAG Evelyn Frank program conducted a webinar on September 9, 2020.   Please note that the webinar says the lookback will start Jan. 1, 2021.  That has since changed to April 1, 2024. 

Fact Sheets and Webinars on Managed Long Term Care and FIDA

Medicare Basics - Navigating Costs for Low-Income Beneficiaries

Medicaid Overview – different categories of recipients

  • Which “Bucket” or Category is client in – MAGI or Non-MAGI?  Who has a choice of category and “mixed” households
  • Who is/is not covered by the Affordable Care Act?
  • Immigration & Residency Criteria

How Client Accesses Medicaid Services –    Click here to register

  • Learn the different types of Managed Care plans and what services they provide  
  • Differences for people with and without Medicare- transitions for new Medicare beneficiaries 
  • Differences for people seeking Medicaid home care services

Download PowerPoint presentation here

View Webinar here  Recorded April 27, 2016

Focus on Disabled/Age 65+/ Blind [“DAB”] Medicaid- Part 1 – financial eligibility 

  • Income & Resource Rules for this “non-MAGI” category
  • How Income is Budgeted –Singles vs. Couples, Spousal Refusal & Spousal Impoverishment
  • Basics of Medicaid “Spend-down” and tips for reducing it
  • Special rules for working people with disabilities < 65

Click here to view the webinar Recorded May 6, 2016

Download the Powerpoint here.

Download the DAB Household Size calculator chart here.

Focus on Disabled/Age 65+/ Blind [“DAB”] Medicaid- Part 2: Applications and procedures

Click here to view the webinar  - How and Where to Apply for Medicaid 

  • Tips for Requesting “Retroactive” eligibility to cover bills in 3 months preceding application 
  • Tips for people how people seeking Managed Long Term Care apply for Medicaid

Download the Powerpoint here and the Sample Medicaid application here

Recorded May 6, 2016

Medicare and Medicaid for People Age 65, Blind or Disabled and Access to Long Term Care) Services in the Community

Click here to view the webinar

  • Brief 1-hour overview
  • Recorded July 6, 2016

Pooled Trusts and Medicaid in NYS

  • Conducted by David Silva, former Asst. Director, Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program
  • Recorded July 16, 2013  (not part of the Borchard series)
  • Download info on pooled trusts here
NYLAG Is Grateful to the Borchard Foundation Center on Law & Aging
for Support for the 2016 Program
Attached files
item Focus On DAB (FINAL).pdf (402 kb) Download

Also read
item How to use a pooled SNT to eliminate the Medicaid spend-down.
item Income and Resource Limits for New York State Public Health Insurance Programs
item Medicaid Reimbursement of Home Care and other Medical Expenses
item Immigrant Eligibility for Medicaid & other Public Benefits - 2024 Update for Undocumented Immigrants Age 65+
item When Documentation of Resources and Income is Required for Medicaid Applications & Renewals - and When is "Attestation" Enough?
item Medicaid for Immigrants who are Not Permanent Residents (Do Not have "Green Cards")-- PRUCOL and Temporary Non-Immigrant Eligibility
item How to use funeral planning to become eligible for Medicaid (updated fact sheet - 2015)
item Applying for Medicaid Personal Care Services and CDPAP Outside NYC - 2016 Changes
item Medicaid Spend-Down
item The Medicaid Buy-In for Working People With Disabilities (MBI-WPD)
item Holocaust or Nazi Victim Reparations -- Effect on Medicaid, SSI and other Federally Funded and New York State Benefits
item Where to Apply for Medicaid and Medicaid Home Care in New York City
item Nursing Home Medicaid Coverage - Basic Financial Eligibility Rules about Income, Resources, and Spousal Protections
item NYS Medicaid Application Form (updated 2021) for Age 65+ or Disabled or Blind - New Supp A NYC 2021
item KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Medicaid Managed Care in New York State
item Medicaid Disability Determinations - NYS Forms & Procedures (with updated forms Dec. 2021)
item KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Fact Sheet Explaining Basic Rules on NYS Financial Medicaid Eligibility for People who are Disabled, Aged 65+, or Blind
item Applying for Medicaid Personal Care or CDPAP Services in New York City - 2021-2022 Changes
item Medicaid & MSP: Must apply for Social Security and Enroll in Medicare
item KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Managed Long Term Care - Fact Sheets, Live and Recorded Webinars
item "Immediate Need" Fast-Track Application for Medicaid and Personal Care or CDPAP - Choices for those with full Medicaid start April 2024

Also listed in
folder Medicare Savings Program
folder Medicaid -> Getting Started
folder Medicaid -> Financial Eligibility
folder Medicaid -> Applying For and Keeping Medicaid

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Medicaid       "MAGI" Medicaid Eligibility under the Affordable Care Act -...

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