Big increases in income and asset limits for Age 65+, Blind & Disabled (ABD) took effect Jan. 1, 2023 - read about how these were rolled out here. Terminology note - The "Federal Poverty Levels" (FPL) are the same thing as the "Federal Poverty Guidelines." Sometimes you will see these terms used interchangeably; however, they refer to the same thing. Feb. 20, 2025 UPDATE - NYSDOH published the GIS 25 MA/03 and GIS 25 MA 03 att1, reflecting 2025 FPL levels. These new numbers are effective in New York State as of January 1, 2025. If an applicant/recipient was denied Medicaid coverage between January 1, 2025 and February 18, 2025 due to the LDSS using 2024 FPL numbers, that applicant/recipient can point to the January 1, 2025 effective date on the recent GIS notices to ask for a redetermination using the current FPL levels. Jan. 17, 2025 UPDATE - The federal department of Health and Human Services (HHS) posted the 2025 federal poverty guidelines in the Federal Register on this notice. The guidelines are effective January 15, 2025. The HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) then published these detailed guidelines of the 2025 federal poverty levels, with a breakdown of dollars per year and dollars per month by household/family size and by percentage level (50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 130%, etc.). WARNING: Whether to use the income level for 1, 2 or more persons is not intuitive. See rules on household size here.
** Non-MAGI budgeting for Aged, Blind and Disabled only allows a Household size of 1 or 2. See more here. Also, for MAGI budgeting, children < 5 and pregnant women have HIGHER INCOME LIMITS than those shown. See NYS 2023 Chart here for larger size MAGI households. This Budgeting Worksheet can be used to calculate Medicaid eligibility (2024) using various special budgeting strategies. See more about these strategies in this article. NYS DOH DIRECTIVES with past INCREASES:
COVID-19 NOTE about RESOURCES - Since the ongoing Public Health Emergency ended, all Medicaid recipients have gone through or will go through a "renewal" of their eligibility. The "unwinding" of the Public Health Emergency began in March-April 2023. See more here. The renewals for non-MAGI recipients were done and continue to be done WITHOUT CONSIDERING RESOURCES. This is a special one-time "waiver" that applies only to renewals. New applicants must still show their resources are under the limits. See this article for tips on renewals.
WHAT IS THE HOUSEHOLD SIZE? See rules here. They are not intuitive!!!!HOW TO READ THE HRA Medicaid Levels chart -
MAGI INCOME LEVEL of 138% FPL applies to most adults who are not disabled and who do not have Medicare, AND MAGI can also apply to adults with Medicare if they have a dependent child/relative under age 18 or under 19 if in school. 42 C.F.R. § 435.4. Certain populations have an even higher income limit -
CAUTION: What is counted as income may not be what you think.For the NON-MAGI Disabled/Aged 65+/Blind, income will still be determined by the same rules as before, explained in this outline and these charts on income disregards. However, for the MAGI population - which is virtually everyone under age 65 who is not on Medicare - their income will now be determined under new rules, based on federal income tax concepts - called "Modified Adjusted Gross Income" (MAGI). There are good changes and bad changes. GOOD: Veteran's benefits, Workers compensation, and gifts from family or others no longer count as income. BAD: There is no more "spousal" or parental refusal for this population (but there still is for the Disabled/Aged/Blind.) and some other rules. For all of the rules see:
ALSO SEE 2018 Manual on Lump Sums and Impact on Public Benefits - with resource rules HOW TO DETERMINE SIZE OF HOUSEHOLD TO IDENTIFY WHICH INCOME LIMIT APPLIESThe income limits increase with the "household size." In other words, the income limit for a family of 5 may be higher than the income limit for a single person. HOWEVER, Medicaid rules about how to calculate the household size are not intuitive or even logical. There are different rules depending on the "category" of the person seeking Medicaid. Here are the 2 basic categories and the rules for calculating their household size.
New rule is explained in State's directive 13 ADM-03 - Medicaid Eligibility Changes under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 (PDF) pp. 8-10 of the PDF, This PowerPoint by NYLAG on MAGI Budgeting attempts to explain the new MAGI budgeting, including how to determine the Household Size. See slides 28-49. Also see Legal Aid Society and Empire Justice Center materials OLD RULE used until end of 2013 -- Count the person(s) applying for Medicaid who live together, plus any of their legally responsible relatives who do not receive SNA, ADC, or SSI and reside with an applicant/recipient. Spouses or legally responsible for one another, and parents are legally responsible for their children under age 21 (though if the child is disabled, use the rule in the 1st "DAB" category. Under this rule, a child may be excluded from the household if that child's income causes other family members to lose Medicaid eligibility. See 18 NYCRR 360-4.2, MRG p. 573, NYS GIS 2000 MA-007
The following programs were available prior to 2014, but are now discontinued because they are folded into MAGI Medicaid:
PAST INCOME & RESOURCE LEVELS --Past Medicaid income and resource levels in NYS are shown on these old NYC HRA charts for 2001 through 2023, in chronological order. These include Medicaid levels for MAGI and non-MAGI populations, Child Health Plus, MBI-WPD, Medicare Savings Programs and other public health programs in NYS. This article was authored by the Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program of New York Legal Assistance Group.