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Federal Health Reform
Annual Open Enrollment Period for Qualified Health Plans Begins November 16, 2023
The annual open enrollment period for Qualified Health Plans on the New York State of Health exchange starts November 16, 2023. Go to the New York State of Health website to look at plan options and enroll. You must enroll by December 15, 2023 for coverage starting January 1, 2024. Even if you...
Income and Resource Limits for New York State Public Health Insurance Programs
Big increases in income and asset limits for Age 65+, Blind & Disabled (ABD) took effect Jan. 1, 2023 - read about how these were rolled out here. Terminology note - The "Federal Poverty Levels" (FPL) are the same thing as the "Federal Poverty Guidelines." Sometimes you will see these terms...
"MAGI" Medicaid Eligibility under the Affordable Care Act - Rules for Most People Under age 65 Without Medicare
Medicaid eligibility rules changed significantly on January 1, 2014 for some New Yorkers as a result of the Affordable Care Act’s eligibility expansion and streamlining provisions. The expansion only applies to a population called the "MAGI" population. Generally, the new rules do NOT apply to...
Affordable Care Act --New York State Health Exchange Open Year-Round for Medicaid Applications and for Certain "Special Enrollment" categories
New York State of Health Exchange https://nystateofhealth.ny.gov/ MEDICAID Individuals eligible for Medicaid or Child Health Plus and American Indians/Alaskan Natives can enroll at any time during the year on the New York State of Health website. This is for people under age 65 who do not...
Medicaid Expansion in Federal Health Care Reform: The Gift of the MAGI
This article was co-authored by Trilby de Jung of Empire Justice and Lisa Sbrana of the Legal Aid Society and published in the Summer 2010 issue of the Legal Services Journal.  “The Gift of the MAGI” is a famous O. Henry short story about a poverty-stricken husband and wife who make...
Health Plan Appeal Rights in New York After the Affordable Care Act
Samuel Salganik, an attorney at Community Health Advocates of the Community Services Society (CSS) wrote this incredibly thorough article breaking down the types of appeal rights available to individuals covered by the various types of private health insurance plans in New York. This article...
New York Medicaid Expansion - 2023
Know Your Rights: What You Need to Know About NYS Medicaid Expansion in 2023 This year’s Health Budget makes significant changes to New York’s Medicaid program – expanding eligibility to 138% of the federal poverty law (FPL) and changing budgeting rules and enrollment processes for...
Empire Justice Center Reports on Immigrant Access to Health Care in NY's Health Insurance Exchange
The Empire Justice Center published a report in May, 2013 exploring the policies that guide immigrant access to health care and making recommendations for improving immigrant access through New York's Health Insurance Exchange: New York's Exchange Portal: A Gateway to Coverage for Immigrants ...
The Affordable Care Act Implementation: New Opportunities and New Hurdles for Low-Income Communities in New York City
As the first open enrollment season in the New York State Health Benefit Exchange (NYHBE) looms closer (starting on October 1, 2013), there has been extensive press and community education regarding the ACA's viability and implementation on a national and state level. The attached materials...
NYS Directives on Medicaid changes under the Affordable Care Act
The New York State Department of Health (DOH) has issued additional directives outlining the new procedures for Medicaid applications and renewals under the Affordable Care Act, effective in 2014. For NYC directives click here. NYS DIRECTIVES (beginning with oldest - scroll down for newer ones)...
The Affordable Care Act Implementation: Medicaid Expansion and MAGI Budgeting
One of the major components of the Affordable Care Act implementation has been the option for States to expand their Medicaid programs. New York State opted to expand its program; with this expansion comes new budgeting rules. On October 1, 2013, New York State's Exchange, New York State of...
No Surprises Act 2022 – Understanding Consumers’ Rights against Surprise Medical Bills
Starting January 1, 2022, there are new protections that prevent surprise medical bills under the federal No Surprises Act (NSA), Pub. L. No. 116-260, 134 Stat. 1182, Division BB § 109. If you have private health insurance, these new protections ban the most common types of surprise bills. If...

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