HRA Medicaid Alerts are periodic announcements of policy, staff and office changes published by the HRA Medicaid Progarm (formerly called the "Medical Insurance and Community Services Administration (MICSA)". The Medicaid Program is the part of New York City’s Human Resource Administration (HRA) that administers Medicaid and the Medicare Savings Programs. The Home Care Services Program (HCSP) in HRA administers Medicaid for people enrolled in MLTC plans or who receive personal care or CDPAP services from HRA.
2025-02-04 Update - Notification of Change of EDITS Submitter Protocol Explains the protocol to follow when changing the provider or vendor (Submitter) on the Eligibility Data and Image Transfer System (EDITS). This notice is for entities - such as Residential Health Care Facilities, Managed Long Term Care Plans, In-Patient Hospitals, Authorized Client Reps, and the Prenatal Care Assistance Program - that submit via the EDITS.
2025-01-31 Common Benefit Identification Card (CBIC) Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Services Office Relocation The CBIC EBT Services office will close at its current location (227 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, NY) at the close of business on January 31, 2025. The CBIC EBT Services office will open at its new location at: 785 Atlantic Avenue, 1st Floor, Brooklyn, NY, 11238, on February 3, 2025. The days and hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Consumers can visit the CBIC EBT Services office if they:
2025-01-25 Verifying Residency for Medicaid Applications This alert reviews the criteria of verifying one's residency, states that residency documentation should be dated/issued within 6 months of the consumer's application, and gives the following list of acceptable documents to verify residency:
2024-12-17 Fair Hearings NYC Medicaid Alert Dec. 17, 2024 Medicaid Program (MAP) Fair Hearing Relocation - all contact info in this Alert has been added to this article showing NYC Medicaid Contacts
2024-10-23 Residential Health Care Facilities (RHCF) and Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) Renewals This alert is reminding all facilities to assist their residents with completing their annual renewal. It also explains that only consumers who return their renewal can be determined eligible for another year of authorization, and renewals not returned by the due date are at risk of being closed. (See this article about Medicaid renewals.)
2024-08-02 Applications & Office Locations Medicaid Alert - MAP Relocation of the Brooklyn South Medicaid Office and Authorized Client Rep Window - The Brooklyn South Medicaid Office currently located at 785 Atlantic Avenue will relocate to 495 Clermont Avenue (around the corner from 785 Atlantic Avenue). Also, the Authorized Representative window (currently located at window 1 at 785 Atlantic Avenue) will also move to 495 Clermont Avenue. This article also shows a new email address for authorized client representatives to electronically submit applications:
2024-06-10 Undocumented Immigrants Age 65 and Over - Eligible for full Medicaid through Medicaid Managed Care starting Jan. 1, 2024 - NYC procedures. (See this article for state law and procedures)
2024-05-28 Trusts Documentation Update Explains that, effective immediately, a consumer for whom a trust is being established must submit a written statement with their Medicaid application or Medicaid conversation request, advising the program of the amount the consumer intends to deposit monthly into their trust. This alert gives a definition of a Pooled Trust and a Supplemental Needs Trust, explains where trust documentation should be sent, and states that trust documentation should not be sent directly to the liaison or the legal department. This alert then explains the steps that the program will take once it receives the trust documentation, and what happens once a determination has been made by the DSS Office of Legal Affairs and/or State Disability Review Team. (See this article for a Step-by-step guide to enrolling in a pooled income trust for Medicaid spend-down, and see this article for a list of pooled trusts in New York State.)
2024-04-18 Disability Determination by New York State Medicaid Disability Review Unit (SDRU) Notifies the public that the process for requesting a disability determination has changed for Applicants/Recipients applying for Medicaid through the local district. These individuals will be required to submit a MAP-3177 (“Disability Determination Request”) to the Medical Assistance Program (MAP) or Home Care Services Program (HCSP). This alert also walks through what happens after applicants submit a MAP-3177, including what happens when SDRU approves the form and when SDRU does not approve the form. (See this article for more about Medicaid Disability Determinations.)
2024-01-23 Applications Submission of the DOH-4220 Application's Appropriate Pages
There are different version of the statewide DOH-4220 Medicaid Application form, which applicants use to apply for non-MAGI Medicaid. The Medical Assistance Program (MAP) accepts the DOH-4220 form versions dated: 1/23, 8/21, and 3/15. However, if an applicant is using one of the two older version of the DOH-4220 form (dated 8/21 or 3/15), the applicant must also submit the OHIP-0112 and DOH-5130. Meanwhile, it is important that Medicaid providers use only one version of the form per applicant; it is not permitted for providers to submit an application for an applicant that contains pages from different version of the DOH-4220.
2023-12-28 Contact Information Update for the Medical Assistance Program's Third-Party Health Insurance Unit
The Medical Assistance Program's (MAP) Third-Party Health Insurance (TPHI) Unit's contact information has been updated. Now, the TPHI Unit can be reached by eFax at (917) 639-0675 or by email at . As a reminder, the TPHI Unit assists with requests for verification of third-party health insurance, and removing/updating of a third-party health insurance policy to an individual's Medicaid case. Meanwhile, if you have questions about commercial health insurance premiums and reimbursements, contact .
2023-06-30 Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Requirement
COVID easements pertaining to Medicaid ended March 31, 2023 and as such:
2023-05-31 NY Independent Assessor & Changes to Personal Care (PCS) Assessment Process
Explains what consumers seeking Medicaid CDPAP or personal care (PCS) should do in 2 situations: (1) Those who contacted NYIA directly, rather than applying for Immediate Need services and who are not in a Mainstream Medicaid managed care plan (known as "Fee for service (FFS) consumers") - If the NYIA notice says they are not eligible to enroll in MLTC and refers them to the LDSS - they should fax a copy of their NYIA decision notice to the CASA Central Intake unit (718) 636-7784. Case will be assigned to a CASA to use the notice to retrieve the NYIA assessments and then proceed to assess whether eligible for PCS or CDPAP. But.. if they are a dual eligible and not in a hospice program, or in OPWDD, TBI or NHTD waiver - they are probably only eligible for 8 hours/WEEK of Housekeeping services from CASA.
(2) If you applied to HRA for Immediate Need services - PCS or CDPAP via eFax (917) 639-0665 - you should not have to contact the HRA Home Care Services Program/CASA after the NYIA assessments -- because NYIA should notify CASA of the outcome of the assessments directly and they should contact you about next steps to decide if you are eligible for services and if so - what is your plan of care.
2023-05-12 Department of Social Services Access HRA Portal's Training Options Notifies agencies and community organizations assisting consumers with their Medicaid cases that the DSS Office of Community Outreach offers trainings and presentations on ACCESS HRA and other DSS/HRA Programs. The virtual ACCESS HRA training options include an "ACCESS HRA General Overview Webinar," a "ACCESS HRA Provider Portal Webinar" and an "ACCESS HRA Benefit Application Webinar." Meanwhile, the other virtual program training options include a "DSS Overview Webinar," a "Fair Fares Program Overview and Application Webinar" and a "HEAP Webinar."
2023-04-07 ACCESS HRA Client Portal Enhancements – As of 4/4/23, Medicaid-only consumers will be able to submit their Medicaid renewal online using ACCESS HRA as an alternative to returning the paper forms. Medicaid-only cases with authorization ending 6/30/23 or later, can alternatively submit their renewal on ACCESS HRA. (Read more about Medicaid Renewals here.)
2023-03-31 Transition of the Pharmacy benefit from Managed Care to NYRx, the Medicaid Pharmacy Program –
2023-01-25 Medicaid Program Modifications COVID-19 Emergency updates the alerts issued 3/27/20, 6/22/20, 8/10/20, 9/9/20, 12/17/20, 1/13/21, 2/22/21, 3/25/21, 4/27/21, 5/21/21, 6/14/21, 8/4/21, 8/23/21,11/5/21, 12/6/21, 1/24/22, 3/14/22, 4/14/22, 5/9/22, 7/5/22, 9/8/22, 10/25/22 & 12/08/22.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (which was signed into law in December 2022) de-links the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement from the Covid Public Health Emergency.
COVID easements pertaining to Medicaid applications and renewals are ENDING.
2022-12-22 Increase in Medically Needy Income and Asset Levels in 2023 and Sample Form MAP-3190 2023 Budget Review Request Form - With 2023 Income levels increasing to 138% Federal Poverty Level (see GIS 22 MA/11) announces new NYC MAP-3190 form that will be sent in January to all NYC recipients who have a spend-down. Recipients may complete and return to request a budget review to decrease their spend-down. This NYC letter follows the similar State DOH notices also sent to spend-down and MSP recipients statewide. See more here. HRA asks consumers to use the enclosed bar-coded form that they will receive by mail to ensure faster processing.
2022-10-18 Reopening of Approved Client Representative Window - Effective 9/29/22, the Authorized Client Rep (C-Rep) Window 1 at HRA, 785 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11238 has resumed business for bulk application submissions and for use by Approved Client Reps. or agencies only.
2022-08-12 NYC Medicaid Alert: Relocation of the Coney Island Medicaid Office - Effective 8/15/22, the office will be relocated to: 1912 Mermaid Avenue, 2nd Flr., Brooklyn, NY 11224.
2022-06-30 POOLED TRUSTS & DISABILITY DETERMINATIONS + MBI-WPD --revises alert issued 5/31/22
Disability Determination by NYS Disability Review Team (DRT) - Change in Forms Required for submissions to HRA for Pooled Trusts or MBI-WPD for people who need a disability termination - effective June 1, 2022 (DISABILITY DETERMINATION REQUEST (MAP-3177) is posted on NYC HRA Health Assistance webpage in many languages:
2022-05-13 2022-05-13 New York Independent Assessor (NYIA) - Beginning May 16, 2022, any adult 18 and older seeking fee for service (FFS) Personal Care Services (PCS) and/or Consumer Directed Personal Care Services (CDPAS) for the first time or seeking initial MLTC plan eligibility must be referred to NYIA for their Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Clinical Appointment (CA). This change does not include the Immediate Needs process at this time. NYIA will conduct independent assessments, provide independent practitioner orders, and perform independent reviews of high needs cases for PCS and CDPAS. The NYIA will also take over the work currently done by the Conflict Free Evaluation and Enrollment Center (CFEEC) to assess individuals for MLTC plan eligibility. See more news here re NYIA.
2022-03-24 Revised DOH-4220, Access NY Health Care Application – The statewide DOH-4220 Medicaid Application form used to apply for non-MAGI Medicaid has been updated (dated 8/2021 but HRA just announced this change in this alert). If an applicant submits an older version of the form, the agency will continue to accept it and not require the applicant to complete the newer application form. However, copies of the OHIP-0112 and DOH-5130 would need to be sent with the older application. Reminder that as of March 1, 2022, the DOH-5178A will be the only Supplement A accepted with the DOH-4220 application.
2022-02-04 2022-02-04 Changes to the LDSS-3183 Provider or MLTC Plan and Recipient Letter – A Medicaid Recipient who submits medical bills from a Provider to meet the spenddown will receive an OHIP-3183 “Provider/Recipient Letter” indicating which medical expenses are the responsibility of the Recipient (and which the Provider should not bill to Medicaid). When the Recipient is enrolled with a Managed Long Term Care Plan (MLTC), the Recipient and the MLTC will receive an OHIP-0128 “MLTC/Recipient Letter” indicating the amount that the Recipient owes to the MLTC (after deducting the medical expenses/bills from the spenddown). These forms replace the LDSS-3183 form.
2021-12-28 Usage of DOH 5178A Medicaid Application Supplement and DOH 4495A – The subject of this Medicaid alert was included (albeit buried) in an earlier alert, 2020-12-22 Asset Verification System Expanded to all DAB/SSI Related Submissions
New Medicaid Applications in NYC must be accompanied by DOH 5178A Supplement A form, even if the applicant is attesting the amount of their resources. The old form (DOH 4495A) will be accepted provided it is accompanied by DOH 5148 or DOH 5149. As of March 1, 2022, only the DOH-5178A will be accepted. See this article for more about using the new Supplement A form.
2021-12-20 POOLED TRUSTS & DISABILITY DETERMINATIONS - Form 486T Replaced by DOH-5143 form
Medical Report for Determination of Disability -- Form 486T Replaced by DOH-5143 form. Announces a change in the form for the treating physician to certify disability as needed to approve supplemental needs trusts including pooled trusts, and Medicaid based on disability, if disability has not been certified by the SSA. Replaces Form 486T will be accepted until Feb. 1, 2022. New form available here (fillable).
2021-12-16 Medical Assistance Program Request for Information form MAP-751v - HRA is requesting consumers to update their residential or mailing address (as well as alternative format and language preferences). The alert refers to Form 751k (fillable) for recipients to report a change of address (or such other preferences). Download 751k in various languages here. (This is to ensure when the Public Health Emergency is declared over and HRA (and other local Medicaid agencies) sends renewal packages that must be returned, the same are sent to the proper address.)
2021-10-29 Medicaid Surplus Coverage Update – During the Covid Health Emergency, surplus consumers must continue to meet their surplus requirement and, upon payment, should contact the Surplus Hotline to report that a payment was made. If consumers cannot make a surplus payment or their income have gone down, they should have their case re-budgeted. If they are unable to submit payment because of health issues related to Covid-19, such as quarantine or hospitalization, they can attest by calling the Surplus Hotline.
2021-10-28 DARB Online Payment Option for Medicaid Excess Income Consumers - provides instructions for Online Credit Card payment to the Division of Accounts Receivable and Billing (DARB) to participate in the Medicaid Pay-In Program. Use this link to NYC CityPay website. Medical bills cannot be submitted through this website.
Since the New York State of Health was introduced in 2014, it has been responsible for all MAGI Medicaid cases. However, there were many Medicaid consumers with MAGI-like budgeting who were found eligible before January 1st, 2014. Their cases have remained with HRA until they could be transitioned. Those consumers were to be transitioned in phases and the first transition began in June 2018. NYS has resumed the transition and approx. 158,600 individuals transitioned between April 2021 through July 2021. The alert details which groups of MAGI recipients were transitioned and those who will not be transitioned. Clients will not be required to renew their coverage in NYSOH until after the COVID-19 Health Emergency ends.
2021-09-22 Reopening of Chinatown Medicaid Office
Chinatown Medicaid Office reopened at the same location (115 Chrystie St., 5th Fl., New York, NY 10002; tel. (212) 334-6114). Open 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday thru Friday.
2021-09-08 MAP Undercare Division Email Address - revises previous July21, 2021 alert to clarify that reporting changes with the new MAP-751K forms and requesting budgeting changes with the 751w form may be submitted either by email to by fax to 917-639-0837. These forms are attached to the Alert and are available for download in various languages at HRA site here, you can download fill-in-able MAP-751k (3/15/21) and MAP-751W (3/25/21) in English.
2021-08-12 HRA MICSA Alert 8-12-2021 Disability Determination Form LDSS-1151 Replaced with DOH-5139 - changes TWO forms used to prove disability, including approval of Supplemental Needs Trusts including Pooled Trusts, MBI-WPD, and other situations in this article. Replaces the LDSS-1151 form with the DOH-5139 form which can be downloaded here. Also requires using a new DOH HIPPA form -- DOH-5173 (4/2016) - for the disability determinations, but should still also include the OCA Official Form 960 - NY State HIPAA since that is what HRA and other LDSS use. Though the Alert is issued by HRA, it appears to convey new Statewide policy and forms.
2021-07-22 NYC Medicaid Alert: New Home Care Services Program (HCSP) Inquiry Email Address - Inquiries related to HCSP Medicaid case transactions (including demographic changes, address updates, pooled trust reviews, county-to-county transfer requests, Medicare Savings Program (MSP) and coverage updates) may be sent via email to This email is NOT for submitting applications or documents related to an application. Encrypted email and information required.
2021-07-22 NYC Medicaid Alert: Substantial Home Equity - As of January 2021, the Home Equity value limit was increased from its 2020 level of $893,000 to $906,000.
2021-07-21 NYC Medicaid Alert: MAP Undercare Division - SEE UPDATED 9/8/21 Alert)Case action update requests (including demographic changes, change of address, transfer from county-to-county requests and coverage updates) may be sent via email to Encrypted email with applicable MAP 751K or MAP 751W form required.
2021-03-26 IRS Form 1095B No Longer Automatically Mailed
The IRS Form 1095B will no longer be automatically mailed to everyone enrolled in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or the Essential Plan. Consumers can still request a copy of the form.
2020-12-22 Asset Verification System Expanded to all DAB/SSI Related Submissions
Beginning 1/1/21 the Asset Verification System (AVS) will be used to determine Medicaid eligibility for all new community Medicaid applications. AVS electronically verifies accounts held in banking institutions or real property owned by the applicant. Applicants AND their spouse must authorize electronic verification as a condition of eligibility, regardless of the level of coverage they are seeking. AVS has been required since 2017 to verify bank accounts or real property owned by the applicant. See 17ADM-02 - Asset Verification System with attachments here. NYC HRA has implemented this gradually - first in Nursing Homes in 2018 , then in hospital applications in 2019., and now in community applications.
The Supplement A Form must be used for all applications for those age 65+, disabled or blind, and must be signed by the applicant and spouse, even if spouse is not applying or doing spousal refusal. A new Supplement A is now required in NYC - DOH-5178A, This form was previously used outside NYC but is new for NYC. See this article for more about using the new Supplement A form starting in January 2021.
2020-12-17 Medicare Savings Program Applications Client Rep
Authorized client reps can submit MSP applications can be submitted via fax to 917-639-0731
2020-10-28 Closing of Metropolitan Medicaid Office
States Metropolitan Medicaid Office (located at 1901 First Avenue, 1st floor. New York, NY 10029) will permanently close on October 30, 2020. The staff from this office will be reassigned to the Manhattanville Community Medicaid Office.
Also indicates that 12 month automatic renewal process has been extended to cases with authorizations ending in November & December
2020-05-28 Defective Renewal Notices During COVID-19 Emergency
During the week of May 18-23, notices were sent in error to consumers whose renewals were due in May 2020, informing them that their Medicaid case would be closed. However, the cases will not be closed and coverage will be extended, regardless of if the renewal was returned. A new notice will be sent to clients informing them that their case will remain open.
2020-05-27 REVISED Fax Submissions to MICSA & HCSP updates alerts issued May 4, 2020 and April 16, 2020
HRA strongly encourages the submission of Medicaid applications and other documents via e-fax instead of mail. This alert provides instructions and fax numbers for each unit. The 5/27 alert includes phone number for physicians to provide verbal orders (instead of submitting a written M11q form) and a corrected fax number for Nursing Home Eligibility Division (NHED). Includes fax number for Hospital Eligibility Division & Prenatal Care and Assistance Program.
2020-03-23 NYC Medicaid Alert: Relocation of North Central Bronx Medicaid Office
The office will be relocated and renamed: Fordham Medicaid Office, 2541-2549 Bainbridge Avenue, 3rd floor, Bronx NY 10458
2019-12-05 Hospital Applications - Asset Verification System - MICSA Alert: Asset Verification System (AVS) Expanded to Hospital Eligibility and Client Representative Case Submissions -
Expands AVS that was previously only for Nursing Home applications in NYC - 2018-04-09 Nursing Home Applications - Asset Verification System (AVS)
NYC Medicaid Office Relocations:
2019-12-12 NYC Medicaid Alert: Relocation of Brooklyn CASA Office --The Brooklyn CASA office will be relocated to: 88 Third Avenue, 3rd floor, Brooklyn NY 11217
2019-08-26 Jamaica Community Medicaid Office -- A new Medicaid office will open in Jamaica Queens at 165-08 88th Avenue, 8th floor, Jamaica NY 11432. The office will be opened on 9/9/19
2019-09-03 Relocation/Rename of Lincoln Medicaid Office - The current Medicaid office located at Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx will be relocated and renamed to: Rider Medicaid Office, 305 Rider Ave, 4th floor, Bronx NY 10451. The current office will close on 8/27/2019 and open in the new location on 9/30/2019.
2019-08-22 RENEWALS NYC Medicaid Alert: Elimination of MAP 2097K
MAP 2097K form will no longer be required for renewals. Includes sample renewal packet.
2019-07-31 RENEWALS NYC Medicaid Alert: Reapplication and Renewal Grace Period
This alert reiterates an existing policy which states that if a Medicaid case is closed for failure to renew, consumers have a 30 day grace period to submit their renewal and their case will be reopened. In addition, if a Medicaid application is rejected due to failure to provide documentation, the applicant can submit the requested information within 30 days without a completely new application.
2019-06-04 RENEWALS NYC Medicaid Alert: Notification Regarding Eligibility Renewal Packets
This alert states that a technical issue has impacted the May 2019 mailing of New York City WMS eligibility renewal packets. Consumers who were supposed to receive their renewal in May will now receive it in June. Their coverage will be extended to ensure they have time to complete the renewal process.
2019-04-09 DISABILITY DETERMINATIONS + POOLED TRUSTS NYC Medicaid Alert: Disability Determination Packet Update and Appropriate DOC TYPE for EDITS Submitters
Identifies the documents needed when applying for a disability determination for adults and children. The MAP 751E form, "Authorization to Release Medical Information" is now required for all disability determination requests.
2018-12-31 NYC Medicaid Alert: 12/31/18 - NYC HRA Contacts in Medicaid and Home Care Services Programs
2018-12-28 2019 Medicaid Income and Resource Levels
2018-12-18 Change in Email address to send HRA Office of Legal Affairs Draft SNTs for Review (not where to submit executed pooled trusts, which should be sent to Medicaid office handling the Medicaid application/renewal).
2018-07-28 Special Income Standard for Housing Expenses for Individuals Discharged from a Nursing Facility and
who Enroll into the MLTC Program - update on previous policy. See this article
2018-07-03 "Rosenberg" Medicaid Determinations after Public Assistance Discontinued - Shifted to NYS of Health
The "Rosenberg" procedure is used when public assistance cash benefits are terminated, to allow the individual to recertify and maintain Medicaid without disruption if they are still eligible. See more here. Initially this change applies to Singles and Childless Couples, and not to anyone in an MLTC plan or HARP plan. Those affected will receive a letter from HRA telling them they must renew their Medicaid online on NYS of Health. The Alert includes the form letter.
2018-06-25 Pooled Trusts (SNT) Deferral of SNT's Submitted with Invalid Power Of Attorney.
THIS DIRECTIVE IS VOID under GIS 20 MA/03 – Clarification of GIS 19 MA/04, “Clarification of Policy for Treatment of Income Placed in Medicaid Exception Trusts” A statutory gift rider is NOT required for enrolling a pooled trust or SNT with a Power of Attorney. See more here about the directive and how it came about from advocacy from the NYS Bar Association Elder Law & Special Needs Section.
2018-04-26 Pooled Trusts (SNT) Disability Form Completion when Submitting Pooled Trusts over age 65
Reminder to submit completed LDSS-1151 (revised 6/2012) with pooled trusts for those over age 65, or under 65 if they are not receiving SSD/SSI benefits. Implies that must complete Work History section even if work done more than 15 years ago, but don't have to enter physical demands of job if more than 15 years ago. Says should not cross out entire work section even if no work done in last 15 years.
2018-04-09 Nursing Home Applications - Asset Verification System (AVS) -
NYC rolling out Asset Verification System (AVS) that has been rolled out statewide. So far in NYC used in Nursing Home applications only, not in Community Medicaid applications. This system applies only in "non-MAGI" cases, meaning for people age 65+, disabled, or blind. This is because MAGI cases (< 65 and not on Medicare) do not have any asset limit.
2017-12-13 Applications/Eligibility Requirements Medicare Enrollment Required. See this article for more info.
2017-12-04 Applications Application Dates and Deferral Timeframes - Changes deadline for applicants to respond
to a "deferral" or request by local DSS for additional documents to support application.
Everyone gets 15 calendar days to respond, except for nursing home applicants (5-year
lookback) get 21 calendar days. Consumer may request an extension by submitting new
form MAP-3062a manually to the department where they submitted application.
Decision granting or denying extension will be on form MAP-3062b (sample attached to the Alert.
2017-07-26 Pooled Trusts Powers of Attorney and Statutory Gift Rider -
THIS DIRECTIVE IS VOID under GIS 20 MA/03 – Clarification of GIS 19 MA/04, “Clarification of Policy for Treatment of Income Placed in Medicaid Exception Trusts” A statutory gift rider is NOT required for enrolling a pooled trust or SNT with a Power of Attorney. See more here about the directive and how it came about from advocacy from the NYS Bar Association Elder Law & Special Needs Section.
2017-05-11 Renewals Revised Disabled, Aged, Blind (DAB) Renewal Form and On-line Reprints of DAB on
2017-04-26 Transportation New Contractor for NYC Medicaid transportation - LogistiCare - (formerly MAS - Medical Answering Services LLC) Has contact info.
2016-12-15 Changes in Medicaid Coverage for Temporary Non-Immigrants Temporary Non-Immigrants
2016-09-23 Medicaid Applications & Personal Immediate Need Applications - Personal Care and CDPAP
Care & CDPAP Procedure and Transmittal Form HCSP 3052
2016-04-04 HIPAA Release MAP-751d Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information replaced by
OCA Form No. 960 - Authorization for Release of Health Information Pursuant to HIPAA Download Alert here.
2015-10-28 Nursing Home & Managed Care Nursing Home Transition into Managed Care: Forms & PDF Training Material (lists new forms which are attached in PDF including:
2015-10-26 Nursing Home & Managed Care - MICSA/NHED Submission Protocol for Transition of Nursing Home Benefit into Medicaid Managed Care
2015-08-31 Spend-Down/ Surplus NYC MICSA Alerts 8/31/15 & 5/18/15 re Payment of Surplus Bills or Pay-in by Third Parties with accompanying form MAP-3107a Attestation of Use of Recipient Funds to pay Surplus
2015-06-15 Nursing Home MAP-648 P Nursing Home Medicaid Transmittal
2015-06-03 MA Eligibility-MAGI Treatment of Income of a Dependent under MAGI-Like Budgeting. Implements NYS DOH GIS GIS 15 MA/008 - Treatment of Income of Dependents Under MAGI-like Rules PDF
2015-06-02 Nursing Home Policy Change for the Start Date of the Transfer of Assets Look Back Period
2015-03-10 MA Eligibility Newborn Processing Update
2015-04-03 Nursing Home Transition of Long Term Nursing Home Benefit into Medicaid Managed Care
2015-03-31 Nursing Home Nursing Home Eligibility Division Expedited Renewal Protocol
2015-03-10 Transition Exchange to LDSS Consumers with Medicaid on Exchange Needing Enrollment into MLTC or
HIV SNP (updates previous alert 1/10/2015 and 6/11/2014)
2015-03-10 MA Eligibility Automated Newborn Processing on WMS
2015-02-20 MA Eligibility Reinstatement of Suspended Medicaid Coverage for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals
2015-02-03 MA Eligibility Medicaid Recipients Transferred at Renewal from NYS of Health to Local Dept. of Soc. Services
Procedure for transitioning people from expanded "MAGI" Medicaid generally for people under 65 who do not have Medicare -- when they turn 65 or become enrolled in Medicare, they must transfer to Non-MAGI Medicaid, using a stricter income and resource test. The procedure provides some coverage to fill the gap during the transition. It implements State DOH 14-LCM-02 PDF (Dec. 2014) with Attachments to State DOH LCM:
2015-01-26 MLTC CASA Fact Sheet
2015-01-05 MA Eligibility Consumers Transition from NYSOH to WMS update (UPDATED 3/10/2015)
2013-12-24 MA Eligibility Important Changes in Medicaid Application Submissions-MAGI & Non-MAGI
2013-12-20 MA Eligibility Substantial Home Equity (Nursing Home and Community-Based LTC)
2013-12-16 MLTC Spousal Impoverishment & Transfer of Assets for Certain Individuals Enrolled in MLTC
2013-12-13 Transportation Public Transportation Reimbursement Change
2013-11-13 MLTC FAQ - procedures for MLTC plans to enroll members who have a spend-down.
2013-10-1 Health Exchange NYS Health Benefit Exchange Opens October 1, 2013
2013-05-13 Renewals Automated Renewal Some DAB Consumers with Fixed social Security Income
2013-8-13 MLTC Disenrolled Housekeeping Case Consumers (MLTC)
2013-5-6 Office Relocation PHASE V-Relocation of MICSA 34th Street Offices to Brooklyn
2013-5-1 Office Relocation SPECIAL TBI & NHTD-Relocation fo MICSA 34th Street Office to Brooklyn
2013-4-30 Office Relocation PHASE IV-Relocation of MICSA 34th Street Offices to Brookyn
2013-4-24 Office Relocation PHASE II-III-Relocation of MICSA 34th Street Offices to Brooklyn
2013-4-18 LTHHCP\Lombardi Mandatory Enrollment of LTHHCP Consumers in Managed Care
2013-4-16 Office Relocation PHASE I-Relocation of MICSA 34th Street Offices to Brooklyn
2013-4-3 Office Relocation Relocation of MICSA 34th Street Offices to Brooklyn
2013-3-05 MA Eligibility Social Security Verification--No Proof of SSA Income Required at Applications or Renewals
2013-2-19 MLTC Special Income Standard for Housing Expenses for Individuals Discharged from NH to MLTC
2013-2-14 MLTC MLTC Submissions of Nursing Home Enrollments
MLTC FORM ** References Form HCSP-3022 known as MLTC Conversion Form (9/26/2013)
2013-1-24 Pooled Trusts Medical Evidence Gathering for Adult Disability Determinations
2012-09-06 Managed Long Term Care Mandatory Enrollment into Managed Long Term Care
2012-07-03 Managed Long Term Care Mandatory Enrollment into Managed Long Term Care
2012-03-27 Managed Care MAPDR-21 Medicaid Managed Care Exemptions and Exclusions
2011-12-30 MANUAL MAILING - Discontinued Manual Mailing of Medicaid Alerts
2011-05-03 RENEWALS - Expansion of Attestation of Income, Resources, and Residence for SSI-related (DAB) Renewals
2011-03-16 MEDICAID FAIR HEARINGS Relocation of Fair Hearing and Conference Unit to 111 Livingston St.,Brooklyn
2010-07-02 APPLICATIONS Financial Maintenance Requirements for Medicaid and Family Health Plus
2010-07-01 APPLICATIONS Revisions to Health Insurance Application 4220 and Access NY Supplement A
2010-06-30 CITIZENSHIP PROOF Puerto Rican Birth Certificates
2010-04-26 APPLICATIONS Elimination of the Face to Face Interview for Medicaid Family Health Plus applicants
2010-02-26 UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS Temporary Protected Status for Undocumented Haitian Immigrants
2010-01 2010 INCOME LEVELS Medicaid Income and Resource Levels 2010
2010-01 MEDICARE SAVINGS PROGRAM Disregard of Income Placed in Pooled Trust when Applying for MSP Program
2010-01 RESOURCE LEVELS Elimination of Resource Limit for Non-SSI Related Medicaid
2008-11-03 APPLICATIONS Change of Submission Location for Client Reps
2008-06-10 ELIGIBILITY NYC Eliminates Drug and Alcohol Screening
2008-06-10 RESOURCE LEVELS Resource Level Raised to $13,050
2008-04-08 RECERTIFICATIONS Mail Renewal 30 Day Grace Period
2008-04-08 APPLICATIONS MSP Applications Done Now by Mail
2008-04-08 APPLICATIONS Elimination of the Resource Test for MSP Program
2006-10-06 RECERTIFICATIONS Introduction of MAP-909E DAB Mail Renewal Form
2006-04-26 POOLED TRUSTS Instructions for Submitting Supplemental Needs Trusts
2005-07-07 POOLED TRUSTS Disability Determinations for Individuals with a Pooled Trust
2004-06-21 BURIAL ACCOUNTS Irrevocable Pre-Need Funeral Agreements and Burial Funds
2004-05 POOLED TRUSTS Supplemental Needs Trusts Excluded from Medicaid Eligibility Budgeting
2001-05-30 NURSING HOMES Nursing Home Expedited Discharge Program
2012-09-06 Managed Long Term Care Mandatory Enrollment into Managed Long Term Care
2012-07-03 Managed Long Term Care Mandatory Enrollment into Managed Long Term Care
2011-05-02 CASA III Relocated Merger of CASA III with CASA V
2011-03-16 Home Care Fair Hearings Relocation of Fair Hearing and Conference Unit to 111 Livingston St.,Brooklyn
2010-08-25 Applications Relocation and New Address of Central Intake Office to Submit M11Q
2009-11-05 APPLICATIONS Revised MIIQ for Home Care
2008-04 RECERTIFICATIONS Mail Renewal 30 Day Grace Period
2024-08-02 Office RElocation 2024-08-02 Change of address for Brooklyn_South )Main) Medicaid office and Authorized Submitter window - has new email address for authorized submitters to submit applications
2015-03-26 Office Relocation Relocation of HRA Division of Accounts Receivable and Billing (DARB)
2015-03-26 Office Relocation Relocation of HRA Headquarters to 4 World Trade Center
2013-9-18 CASA Field Offices CASA Directory
2011-03-16 OFFICE MOVED Relocation of Fair Hearing and Conference Unit to 111 Livingston St.,Brooklyn
2010-10-14 OFFICE MOVED Relocation of the CASA VII Office.
2010-10-12 OFFICE MOVED Relocation of the Long Term Health Care Program Brooklyn Units
2010-08-25 OFFICE MOVED Relocation of HCSP, Central Intake and BMPR
2010-04-22 CONTACT LIST Updated Nursing Home Eligibility Division Telephone and Address Directory
2010-03-16 CONTACT LIST New Contact Numbers for MAP Dialysis Unit
2009-09-11 OFFICE MOVED NYC Health and Human Services has new office at 622 W 168th St Manhattan