Policy Change for the Start Date of the Transfer of Assets Look Back Period
2015-06-02 Policy Change for the Start Date of the Transfer of Assets Look Back Period.pdf
Effectively immediately, the review of assets is limited to the 60-month period immediately preceding the month of institutionalization and application for Medicaid.
For Medicaid recipients who are institutionalized for long-term nursing home care or receiving more than 29 days of rehabilitation services, the look-back period consists of the 60 months preceding the month of institutionalization.
02 Jun, 2015
308 kb
Downloads: 4210
Form M-11q - Medical Request for Home Care (12-9-014)
HCSP-M11q (12-9-2014)Fill-in-able.2.pdf
This is the form used by the New York City Human Resources Administration for doctors to request personal care services through Medicaid for people who are excluded or exempt from Managed Long Term Care. This means it is for people in the OPWDD, TBI or NHTDW waivers, who require only Housekeeping services of up to 8 hours/week or who are under age 21. The form was updated 12/2014. This is a fillable version. THe original PDF can be downloaded at http://www.nyc.gov/html/hra/downloads/pdf/services/micsa/m_11q.pdf.
21 May, 2015
137 kb
Downloads: 51362
Newborn Processing Update
2015-05-06 Newborn Processing Update.pdf
Update advised that all newborns born in 2015 submitted via the NYS automated system have been determined processed either automatically or manually
06 May, 2015
191 kb
Downloads: 4552
NY HRA HCSP MLTC Cover Sheet ("Conversion" Form) -- HCSP 3047a (1/26/2015) replaces HCSP-3022 (9/26/2013)
HCSP-3047a MLTC-PRU 1-26-15_150415121649.pdf
"Conversion" Form used in NYC by MLTC, PACE and Medicaid Advantage Plus plans to ask HRA Medicaid program to convert the Medicaid eligibility codes and allow them to enroll an individual who has been determined eligible for Medicaid into MLTC plan. Most commonly needed for people with a spend-down. They may have been found eligible for Medicaid but Medicaid is not activated until spend-down is met OR until HRA has processed this "conversion" to activate Medicaid even if spend-down is not met. Also see MLTC Frequently Asked Questions HCSP Quick Reference- REVISED 11-13-2013.pdf posted on this site
15 Apr, 2015
58 kb
Downloads: 7486
MAP 649F Undercare
MAP 649F UnderCare Transmittal.pdf
Undercare Renewal/Follow-up Transmittal
13 Apr, 2015
79 kb
Downloads: 3303
HSCP-3046 Home Care Services Program Cover Sheet
HCSP-3046 1-26-2015.pdf
This is the cover sheet to be used for Home Care Services Program
13 Apr, 2015
38 kb
Downloads: 3534
HCSP 3047 MLTC Cover Sheet
HCSP 3047 1-26-2015.pdf
This is the cover sheet to be used for MLTC cases
13 Apr, 2015
44 kb
Downloads: 3596
HSCP-3047b MLTC Nursing Home Eligibility Determination Cover Sheet
HCSP-3047b 1-26-2015.pdf
This is the cover sheet to used for MLTC NHED
13 Apr, 2015
55 kb
Downloads: 5281
HCSP-3047a MLTC-PRU 1-26-15.pdf
This is the MLTC Provider Relations Unit cover sheet to be used
13 Apr, 2015
47 kb
Downloads: 3416
HCSP 3026 ALP Medicaid Cover Sheet
HCSP-3026 HCSP Cover Sheet for ALP-MLTC 1-26-2015.pdf
This is the cover sheet for HRA-ALP Medicaid Cover Sheet
13 Apr, 2015
44 kb
Downloads: 3497