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MAP-931A Explanation of Medicaid Pay-In Program for Spend-down (Traditional Chinese) 2019-03-22 Download
MAP-931a (Traditional Chinese) Optional Pay-in Program for Individuals with Surplus Income 2019-03-22.pdf
MAP-931A Explanation of Medicaid Pay-In Program for Spend-down (Traditional Chinese) 2019-03-22 updated to include State fact sheet on pooled trusts also available at http//health.ny.gov/health_care/Medicaid/index.htm#trusts. Note that the NYS Bar Association Elder Law Section has asked DOH to revise the pooled trust fact sheet to make it more clear.
24 Aug, 2019 282 kb Downloads: 2526
MAP-931A Explanation of Medicaid Pay-In Program for Spend-down (Russian) 2019-03-2 Download
MAP-931a (Russian) Optional Pay-in Program for Individuals with Surplus Income 2019-03-22.pdf
MAP-931A Explanation of Medicaid Pay-In Program for Spend-down (Russian) 2019-03-22 updated to include State fact sheet on pooled trusts also available at http//health.ny.gov/health_care/Medicaid/index.htm#trusts. Note that the NYS Bar Association Elder Law Section has asked DOH to revise the pooled trust fact sheet to make it more clear.
24 Aug, 2019 140 kb Downloads: 2599
MAP-931A Explanation of Medicaid Pay-In Program for Spend-down (Spanish) 2019-03-22 Download
MAP-931a (Spanish) Optional Pay-in Program for Individuals with Surplus Income 2019-03-22.pdf
MAP-931A Explanation of Medicaid Pay-In Program for Spend-down (Spanish) 2019-03-22 updated 2019-03 to include State fact sheet on pooled trusts also available at http//health.ny.gov/health_care/Medicaid/index.htm#trusts. Note that the NYS Bar Association Elder Law Section has asked DOH to revise the pooled trust fact sheet to make it more clear.
24 Aug, 2019 66 kb Downloads: 2591
HRA Medicaid Alert 12/18/18 - Change in Email address to send HRA Office of Legal Affairs Draft SNTs for Review Download
2018-12-18 Referrals of Draft SNTs to Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) Change of Email address.pdf
This change is only where to submit DRAFT trusts. It does not affect how to submit EXECUTED supplemental needs trusts and pooled trusts, which is to submit them to the Medicaid office processing the Medicaid case (Home Care Services Program if seeking or has home care or MLTC). See more about where to submit executed trusts at http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/44/.
02 Jan, 2019 176 kb Downloads: 3749
NYC Medicaid Alert: 12/31/18 - HRA Contacts in Medicaid and Home Care Services Programs Download
2018-12-31 HRA Medicaid & HCSP Contacts for Authorized Submitters and CBO's.pdf
Listing of contacts in Medicaid and Home Care Services Programs, intended for use by Hospitals, Authorized Client
Representatives, Providers, Certified Home Health Agencies (CHHA’s), Community Based Organizations
(CBO’s) and other entities
02 Jan, 2019 93 kb Downloads: 8661
NYC HRA MICSA Alert 4/26/18 -Disability Form Completion when Submitting Pooled Trusts Download
2018-04-26 Disability Form completion for Pooled Trust Submission.pdf
Reminder to Submit Completed LDSS-1151 with work history to Approve Pooled Trust - for people age 65+. This Alert is unclear re whether must include history even if no work done in last 15 years. It says don't need to explain physical requirements of job unless done in last 15 years, but unclear if must still list jobs done more than 15 years ago.
12 Jul, 2018 148 kb Downloads: 5208
NYC HRA MICSA Alert July 3, 2018 Transition of Rosenberg Cases to NYSofHealth from HRA for SIngles-Childless Couples Download
2018-07-03 Transition of Rosenberg Determ's for MAGI S-CC to NYSofHealth.pdf
The "Rosenberg" procedure is used when public assistance cash benefits are terminated, to allow the individual to recertify and maintain Medicaid without disruption if they are still eligible. See http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/85/. Initially this change applies to Singles and Childless Couples, and not to anyone in an MLTC plan or HARP plan. They will receive a letter from HRA telling them they must renew their Medicaid online on NYS of Health. The Alert includes the form letter.
08 Jul, 2018 94 kb Downloads: 4081
NYC HRA MICSA Alert April 9, 2018 New Asset Verification System in Nursing Home Applications Download
2018-04-09 Asset Verification System.pdf
NYC Medicaid alert announcing new Asset Verification System (AVS) that has been rolled out statewide, and started in NYC in January 2018 in Nursing Home applications only, not in Community Medicaid applications. This system applies only in "non-MAGI" cases, meaning for people age 65+, disabled, or blind. This is because MAGI cases (< 65 and not on Medicare) do not have any asset limit.
08 Jul, 2018 928 kb Downloads: 4970
NYC HRA MICSA Alert June 25, 2018 Deferring Approvals of Trusts due to Power of Attorney without authority to Create Trust Download
2018-06-25 POA Deferring Medicaid Apps - POA not auth for SNT.pdf
Directive elaborates on HRA policy first announced in a MICSA Alert July 26, 2017 (posted on this site) - which requires a Power of Attorney to include a Statutory Gift Rider, if used to establish a Supplemental Needs Trust. This new alert says HRA will defer Medicaid applications where SNT signed by a POA without authority to create and fund the trust. If applicant has capacity to execute a new POA with an SGR, Alert suggests this can be submitted. Full meaning of Alert is not clear.
08 Jul, 2018 63 kb Downloads: 5194
NYC HRA Medicaid Alert 2018-01-10 Corrected Mailing - Medicare Enrollment Download
2018-01-10- HRA MICSA ALERT REVISED Must Apply for Medicare.pdf
See http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/185/
24 Jan, 2018 113 kb Downloads: 3925
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