Attestation for Immediate Need PCS and CDPAS - 16 ADM 02 Attachment
04 Aug, 2016
299 kb
Downloads: 4517
Immediate Need for PCS and CDPAS 16 ADM 02
04 Aug, 2016
324 kb
Downloads: 6755
2nd Notice of Passive Enrollment into HARP/Behavioral Health Organization - 8/2015
Second form letter sent by NY Medicaid Choice to managed care members identified as eligible for Behavioral Health services, based on past usage. This is the second notice sent to people whose managed care plan has a sister behavioral health organization or HARP, in which the member will be passively enrolled because they did not choose a different HARP after receiving the first "announcement" notice (posted at http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/586/).
In NYC notices were sent in fall 2015 for enrollment in Oct, Nov or Dec 2015. Services begin January 2016. Upstate counties later.
06 Nov, 2015
237 kb
Downloads: 3916
NYS Announcement Letter Passive Enrollment into HARP Sister Plan
Form letter sent from NYS DOH, OMH and OASAS to managed care members identified as eligible for Behavioral Health services, based on past usage. This is the "announcement" notice sent to people whose managed care plan has a sister behavioral health organization or HARP, in which the member will be passively enrolled unless they choose a different HARP.
In NYC notices were sent in fall 2015 for enrollment in OCt, Nov or Dec 2015. Services begin January 2016. Upstate counties later.
06 Nov, 2015
277 kb
Downloads: 4128
State DOH Templates for MLTC Denials, Reductions, Terminations - effective July 1, 2015
New MLTC Notices of Adverse Action - June 2015.pdf
Combined in one PDF is March 2015 State directive to MLTC plans requiring use of new templates for notifying member of reductions, denials, and terminations of services. Templates should be used by mid-May 2015. PDF includes Directive plus TWO new notice templates and the state's EXAMPLES of how the two templates are used. Also included is a sample of notice that MLTC plans sent to all members in June 2015 notifying of elimination of requirement to "exhaust" internal appeals before requesting fair hearing
25 Jun, 2015
1.2 mb
Downloads: 44964
Policy Change for the Start Date of the Transfer of Assets Look Back Period
2015-06-02 Policy Change for the Start Date of the Transfer of Assets Look Back Period.pdf
Effectively immediately, the review of assets is limited to the 60-month period immediately preceding the month of institutionalization and application for Medicaid.
For Medicaid recipients who are institutionalized for long-term nursing home care or receiving more than 29 days of rehabilitation services, the look-back period consists of the 60 months preceding the month of institutionalization.
02 Jun, 2015
308 kb
Downloads: 4293
Newborn Processing Update
2015-05-06 Newborn Processing Update.pdf
Update advised that all newborns born in 2015 submitted via the NYS automated system have been determined processed either automatically or manually
06 May, 2015
191 kb
Downloads: 4639
HIPAA Compliant Authorization Form 1-2013
HIPAA Compliant Authorization Form 1-2013.pdf
HIPAA form
13 Apr, 2015
47 kb
Downloads: 10463
15-INF-03 Informational Letter Personal Needs Allowance in Non-Medical & Medical Facilities
15-INF-03 Informational Letter Personal Needs Allowance in Non-Medical and Medical Facilities.pdf
This informational letter provides social services districts with updated charts that represent the monthly Personal Needs Allowance, PNAs, for residents of non-medical facilities the PNAs in medical facilities.
13 Apr, 2015
302 kb
Downloads: 3150
FIDA 30-Day Notice - 30 Days Before Passive Enrollment - Final Reminder notice
M6 - 30-day PE Reminder Notice -11.29.14.docx
The NYS Dept. of Health's notice sent by its contractor, NY Medicaid Choice (Maximus) 30-days prior to "passive enrollment" into a FIDA plan. This notice follows an "announcement" notice (https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/docs/fida_prog_announce_brooklyn.pdf) a 90-day and 60-day notice. Both the 60-day and 30-day notices tell you which FIDA plan you will be assigned to if you do not OPT OUT.
25 Mar, 2015
37 kb
Downloads: 4597