Model NYS Assisted LIving Program Contract
2010_ ALP Model Contract 2010.doc
(This contract is attachment to NYS Dept of Health GIS 10 OLTC/008, Assisted Living Program (ALP) Model Contract (for use outside of NYC) -- but was not posted publicly online.
12 Feb, 2011
133 kb
Downloads: 8035
HRA MICSA Alert June 10 08 Drug.Alcohol Screening
HRA MICSA Alert NYC Elimination of Drug and Alcohol Screening 6_10_08.pdf
22 Nov, 2010
39 kb
Downloads: 4661
EPIC Letter to new EPIC Members and Members who are Exempt from Part D re 10/1/10 End of Part D Wraparound
EPIC General Letter - M4_1.doc
This letter was sent in late September 2010 to new EPIC members and those currently exempt from joining Part D (union/retiree coverage, MA plan without drug coverage, and no Medicare Part A or B). In bold type the letter states that EPIC members who are exempt from Part D are not affected by this policy change.
29 Sep, 2010
39 kb
Downloads: 3778
EPIC Letter to EPIC Members Explaining End of Automatic "Wrap-Around" Coverage for Part D (August 2010)
EPIC limits wrap-around coverage to Part D, conditioning it on member requesting coverage by Part D plan and filing two levels of appeal; 90 days available pending appeal
27 Aug, 2010
31 kb
Downloads: 4095
Cooling Assistance Application Locations Upstate
Cooling Assistance Upstate.pdf
13 Jul, 2010
89 kb
Downloads: 6636
NYS Medicaid Update Prenatal Care Special Edition - Reissued April 2010
Explains expanded access to prenatal care services for pregnant women under the Medicaid program. Women continue to be eligible for prenatal care services with income up to 200% of the federal poverty level regardless of immigration status.
17 May, 2010
797 kb
Downloads: 5688
NY DOH Letter re. 2005 changes to FHP
This letter was sent in August 2005 to Family Health Plus enrollees, notifying them of changes to co-payments, vision benefit, and exclusion of government employees.
06 Dec, 2009
14 kb
Downloads: 4789
DOH letter to HRA on SNT disability determinations
DOH SNT Letter 2-2-05.pdf
Letter from Deputy Commissioner of DOH, Kathryn Kuhmerker, to Executive Deputy Director of HRA, Iris Jimenez-Hernandez, explaining the process for making disability determinations for Medicaid recipients with Pooled SNTs. Dated 2/2/05.
27 Nov, 2009
117 kb
Downloads: 6189
EPIC Statute and Regulations
EPIC Statute and Regulations.pdf
This PDF contains the sections of the NY Elder Law and Regulations governing the EPIC program.
17 Nov, 2009
309 kb
Downloads: 6701
Correri v. DOH
Correri v. DOH.pdf
Correri v. N.Y. Dep't of Health, No. 017372/04 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Nassau County, May 19, 2005). This decision held that a nursing home resident on Medicaid may transfer his income into a Supplemental Needs trust for the benefit of his disabled adult child without incurring a transfer penalty.
29 May, 2009
216 kb
Downloads: 4152