OLD Form DSS-486T - Medical Report for Determination of Disability (see note)
DSS-486T (OLD) - Medical Report for Determination of Disability - best version.pdf
This is the OLD form used to prove disability for an applicant who has not already been found disabled by SSA. This includes people who are applying for Medicaid in the DAB (aka "SSI-related") category, for MBI-WPD, or to use an SNT to shield excess income or resources. It was revised in June 2012 - see new form posted at http://wnylc.com/health/entry/134/. The form revised in June 2012 shortens this form from the former 25-page form two a 2-page form, which will be less intimidating to doctors.
The old form consisted of numerous attachments that elicited information about the different body systems, such as a musculoskeletal or cardiac impairments. Those former attachments, while burdensome, were helpful to show the criteria for "meeting the listings"-- Step Three in the sequential evaluation process. While no longer required, you might find some of these attachments helpful as a guide for the physician to provide information about particular conditions.
19 Oct, 2012
205 kb
Downloads: 11448
HRA Medicaid Alert: Mandatory MLTC Update Sept 2012
Medicaid Alert Mandatory MLTC Update 9-6-2012.pdf
07 Sep, 2012
118 kb
Downloads: 1193
Medicaid Alert - Pooled Trust Submissions
medicaidalert HRA 4-06.pdf
Medicaid Alert issued by NYC Human Resources Administration instructing HRA staff how to process applications and renewals for consumers with pooled supplemental needs trusts. Dated April 26, 2006.
08 Sep, 2010
52 kb
Downloads: 5746
NYC Medicaid Facts Alert - Pooled Trust Contributions Excluded
Publication from NYC Human Resources Administration regarding exclusion from income budgeting of excess income contributed to a pooled supplemental needs trust (SNT). Dated May 2004.
08 Sep, 2010
53 kb
Downloads: 7739
NYSARC Information Packet
WNYLC no longer posts this document. Please visit http://nysarctrustservices.org/commtrust_trusttwo.php for the current version.
02 Sep, 2010
566 b
Downloads: 5015
NYSARC Joinder Agreement
WNYLC no longer posts the Joinder Agreement. Visit http://nysarctrustservices.org/commtrust_trusttwo.php to find the current document.
02 Sep, 2010
566 b
Downloads: 5791
DOH letter to HRA on SNT disability determinations
DOH SNT Letter 2-2-05.pdf
Letter from Deputy Commissioner of DOH, Kathryn Kuhmerker, to Executive Deputy Director of HRA, Iris Jimenez-Hernandez, explaining the process for making disability determinations for Medicaid recipients with Pooled SNTs. Dated 2/2/05.
27 Nov, 2009
117 kb
Downloads: 6153
HRA Medicaid Alert: Disability Determinations for Individuals with a Pooled Trust
HRA Medicaid Alert SNT 7-7-05.pdf
Dated 7/7/05
07 Oct, 2009
437 kb
Downloads: 10687
Form MAP-252F - AIDS or AIDS Related Complex Medical Report
MAP-252F AIDS Medical Report.pdf
Addendum to Form LDSS-486T. This form is used by NYC HRA to establish that someone is disabled by reason of HIV/AIDS. Rev. 6/25/03.
29 May, 2009
293 kb
Downloads: 4512
HRA Medicaid Alert: Pooled Trust Submissions
HRA Medicaid Alert SNT 4-26-06.pdf
Dated 4/26/06.
29 May, 2009
47 kb
Downloads: 6668