LDSS-1151.1 Disability Interview Continuation Sheet
LDSS-1151.1 Continuation Sheet 2012.pdf
08 Aug, 2018
17 kb
Downloads: 4124
NYC HRA MICSA Alert 4/26/18 -Disability Form Completion when Submitting Pooled Trusts
2018-04-26 Disability Form completion for Pooled Trust Submission.pdf
Reminder to Submit Completed LDSS-1151 with work history to Approve Pooled Trust - for people age 65+. This Alert is unclear re whether must include history even if no work done in last 15 years. It says don't need to explain physical requirements of job unless done in last 15 years, but unclear if must still list jobs done more than 15 years ago.
12 Jul, 2018
148 kb
Downloads: 5362
NYC HRA MICSA Alert June 25, 2018 Deferring Approvals of Trusts due to Power of Attorney without authority to Create Trust
2018-06-25 POA Deferring Medicaid Apps - POA not auth for SNT.pdf
Directive elaborates on HRA policy first announced in a MICSA Alert July 26, 2017 (posted on this site) - which requires a Power of Attorney to include a Statutory Gift Rider, if used to establish a Supplemental Needs Trust. This new alert says HRA will defer Medicaid applications where SNT signed by a POA without authority to create and fund the trust. If applicant has capacity to execute a new POA with an SGR, Alert suggests this can be submitted. Full meaning of Alert is not clear.
08 Jul, 2018
63 kb
Downloads: 5395
Finley v. City of Santa Monica - California Court Case on SNT and Section 8
Finley-Court decision.5.25.11.pdf
Construing 24 C.F.R. §§5.603 and 5.609, California Superior Court held that distributions from an SNT are not countable income for purposes of Section 8 if the source of the SNT corpus was itself exempt.
21 Jan, 2018
1.41 mb
Downloads: 3153
NYC HRA Medicaid Alert 2017-07-26 Power of Attorney and Statutory Gift Rider
2017-07-26 Power of Attorney and Statutory Gifts Rider.pdf
"...[T]he New York Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney (NYSPOA), if executed after Sept. 1, 2009, may only be used to establish a trust, if section (h) of the NYSPOA is initialed and if a Statutory Gifts Rider (SGR) is also signed and witnessed by two persons, who are not named in the SGR as permissible recipients of gifts, at the same time as the referencing NYSPOA."
16 Aug, 2017
74 kb
Downloads: 6890
HRA MICSA Alert - Changes in Pooled Trust Unit
2016-6-7 Pooled Trust Unit Liaison and Contact information.pdf
Organizational change in Pooled Trust Unit at HRA for NON-home care cases. This unit does not process trusts for home care cases. See http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/44/ for those contacts
13 Jun, 2016
131 kb
Downloads: 7620
MAP-751E - Authorization to Release Medical Information
MAP-751E Authorization to Release Medical Information.pdf
NYC form for a Medicaid applicant to authorize HRA to obtain protected health information from their medical providers for purposes of determining disability. This form was used for applicants for disability-based Medicaid (i.e., DAB or SSI-related category), for MBI-WPD, and for SNTs. (Rev'd 6/6/12). As of January 2013, this form should no longer be required, as the State now requests three signed copies of the OCA 960 HIPAA form instead.
21 Apr, 2014
479 kb
Downloads: 7429
Pooled Trust Readiness Checklist
Pooled Trust Readiness Checklist.pdf
Use this checklist to make sure that a particular client is appropriate for using a pooled income trust to eliminate/reduce the Medicaid spend-down or qualify for MSP in New York.
24 Oct, 2013
158 kb
Downloads: 20992
OCA Official Form 960 HIPAA Fillable
21 Mar, 2013
62 kb
Downloads: 9613
Medicaid Alert: Medical Evidence for Adult Disability Determination 1-24-13.
Medicaid Alert--Medical Evidence Disability 1-2013.pdf
This alert modifies the process for adult disability determinations by requiring medical records (progress notes, testing reports, hospital discharge record, etc.) in addition to the 486T form. The alert also requires three HIPPA OCA 960 forms signed and dated by the consumer. Forms included in the pdf.
21 Mar, 2013
428 kb
Downloads: 30600