NYS 2020-21 Medicaid Cuts - PowerPoint on changes enacted in State Budget April 2020 (updated 4/29/20)
2020 Budget PowerPoint WSIACA.4.pdf
Presentation by NYLAG-EFLRP for the West Side Interagency Council on Aging on April 23, 2020 describing the new Lookback requirement for home care and the changes in the Personal Care and CDPAP benefit. View the recorded webinar at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua80qZH7MG0&feature=youtu.be. Slides 10-11 updated to show no lookback for TBI, NHTDW, & OPWDD waivers.
29 Apr, 2020
240 kb
Downloads: 3300
NYLAG, MFJ & NYAIL Letter to DOH 4-13-20 re Economic Stimulus Payments for Nursing Home & Adult Home residents
Advocacy Ltr to DOH re economic impact payments for NH and Adult Home residents.pdf
Letter dated April 13, 2020 requesting that DOH issue guidance to Nursing Home, Adult Home & ALP administrators that the Economic Stimulus payments are exempt from being counted for Medicaid, and must be protected for the residents.
14 Apr, 2020
296 kb
Downloads: 2618
Advocate Covid-19 Letter to DOH 3-13-20 + 3-16-20 follow-up - RE protections needed in Enrollment and Managed Care
COVID-19 Advocates Letter to DOH 3.13.20 + 3.16.20 follow up email.pdf
Letter from Legal Aid Society, NYLAG, Empire Justice Center & other advocates to NYS DOH 3-13-20- requesting protections to ensure continuity of Medicaid eligibility and services in managed care/MLTC plans in Covid-19 emergency. Protections available under federal Section 1135 waiver and other relief.
01 Apr, 2020
853 kb
Downloads: 2711
NYLAG, Legal AId, EJC & Other Advocates Letter to OTDA 3-24-20 on Covid-19 Fair Hearing Procedures
Letter from advocates to the NYS Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance, 3/24/20 requesting clarification of GIS isued 3/12/2020 https://otda.ny.gov/policy/gis/2020/20DC014.pdf establishing phone hearing procedures during Covid-19 and as a demonstration program.. Letter requests additional protections for appellants.
01 Apr, 2020
122 kb
Downloads: 2318
2020-03-27 New York State Medicaid Program Modifications COVID-19 Emergency
2020-03-27 COVID-19 Program Modifications.pdf
MICSA alert
30 Mar, 2020
415 kb
Downloads: 2983
NYS DOH Covid19 Guidance: Medicaid Eligibility & Enrollment
DOH COVID-19 Medicaid Eligibility Guidance.pdf
Guidance to local Departments of Social Services regarding streamlining Medicaid applications and enrollment, and suspending discontinuance actions during the pandemic emergency
29 Mar, 2020
1.93 mb
Downloads: 4105
NYLAG Statement Opposing Proposed Medicaid Redesign Team II Cuts in Home Care, Eligibility & Prescription Drugs
NYLAG - MRT Statement - 3-18-20.pdf
For the NYS Budget 2020-21, Gov. Cuomo appointed the Medicaid Redesign Team II to recommend Medicaid cuts to balance the budget. A set of proposals were developed by the MRT and are supposed to be voted on by the MRT on 3/18 or 3/19. Between then and April 1, 2020 the legislature and Governor are supposed to agree on a budget. NYLAG opposes many of the recommended cuts in Medicaid eligibility and access to home care and prescription drugs.
18 Mar, 2020
310 kb
Downloads: 3070
NYS DOH-OTDA WMS Workers' Guide to Codes (2-9-2017)(Excerpt on MEDICAID only)
Workers Guide to Codes - MEDICAID ONLY 2-2017.pdf
Excerpt of State publication that explains the millions of eligibility codes that show restrictions on or categories of individual's Medicaid eligibility. The entire guide is much bigger. This SEARCHABLE excerpt contains the chapter on MEDICAID CODES.
25 Feb, 2020
3 mb
Downloads: 5131
NYC HRA Explanation of Medicaid Pay-In Program for Spend-down updated 2019-03-22 (Bengali)
MAP-931a (Bengali) Optional Pay-in Program for Individuals with Surplus Income 2019-03-22.pdf
NYC HRA Explanation of Medicaid Pay-In Program for Spend-down updated 2019-03-22 (Bengali) to include State fact sheet on pooled trusts also available at http//health.ny.gov/health_care/Medicaid/index.htm#trusts. Note that the NYS Bar Association Elder Law Section has asked DOH to revise the pooled trust fact sheet to make it more clear. Other languages now posted on this site
24 Aug, 2019
145 kb
Downloads: 2918
MAP-931A Explanation of Medicaid Pay-In Program (English) (updated 2013-03-22)
MAP-931a (English) 2019-03-22.pdf
NYC HRA Explanation of Medicaid Pay-In Program for Spend-down updated 2019-03-22 (English) to include State fact sheet on pooled trusts also available at http//health.ny.gov/health_care/Medicaid/index.htm#trusts. Note that the NYS Bar Association Elder Law Section has asked DOH to revise the pooled trust fact sheet to make it more clear. Other languages now posted on this site
24 Aug, 2019
59 kb
Downloads: 12584