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Medicaid Contacts in New York City (NYC Human Resources Administration - MICSA)

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Views: 96983
Posted: 21 Jul, 2017
by Valerie Bogart (New York Legal Assistance Group)
Updated: 23 Jan, 2025
by Valerie Bogart (New York Legal Assistance Group)

August 5, 2024 - address for main NYC Medicaid Office - called the Brooklyn South Medicaid office -  has been changed to 495 Clermont Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11238.  This is around the corner from the previous address on Atlantic Avenue since 2013  see 2024-08-02 Change of address for Brooklyn_South )Main) Medicaid office

Sources of information in table below - click here

                                          NYC HRA MEDICAID PROGRAM CONTACTS 

1.  Medicaid depts. (not Home Care)

2. Home Care Services Program  (includes CASA)

MICSA Unit   Liaison Name/ Purpose   New Contact Info
1. Medicaid Departments -- NOT Home Care (for home care see below)
NYC HRA Medicaid Helpline


Medicaid info https://www.nyc.gov/site/hra/help/health-assistance.page

Undercare Processing Division

Case action update requests

Case or Budgeting Changes

undercareproviderrelations@hra.nyc.gov - use encrypted mail or password-protected attachment.

or Fax 1-917-646-0837.   See this August 2024 Medicaid Alert 
WHAT TO SUBMIT:  Attach either

  • signed  MAP 751k form required (encrypted)(correct,, add or change date of birth, SSN, gender,  change of address & phone number, ,transfer from county-to-county requests - write "LUBERTO")
  • MAP 751W (close case, add or remove someone from case, report death, request  budgeting changes including pooled trust, evaluate for MSP eligibility, report change in immigration status, add or remove Third Party Health Insurance)

See NYC Medicaid Alert: MAP Undercare Division -  9/8/21 Alert 


General Public -who are not authorized submitters

  • E-FAX applications to 917-639-0732  -- NOT for Immediate Need applications
  • or MAIL to HRA/MAP Initial Eligibility Unit PO BOX, 24390 Brooklyn, NY 11202-9814 
  • If applying with Immediate Need for Personal Care or CDPAP- see below

Authorized Submitters (C-REPs) ONLY have THREE ways to submit applications - use only ONE method on any case

Immediate Need - see below

Managed Care Client Services                                          

212-273-0062 (phone)

Recipient Restriction Unit

929-221-0859/60 (phone)

Eligibility Information Services

929-221-0865 (phone)

e-Fax (718) 636-7847  If down use instead 
 (718)-636-7852 or (718) 636-7846.

Medicaid Transportation 929-221-0840/41 (phone)
Medicaid Assistance Program (MAP) Third Party Health Insurance (TPI) Unit

917-639-0675 (e-fax)
e-mail: maptphi@hra.nyc.gov

Commercial Health Insurance hipp@hra.nyc.gov - premium & reimbursement

Medicaid Reimbursement         Evadne Duff (Homecare)  

929-221-0845 (phone non-home care)
929-221-1193 (phone home care)

917-639-0674 E-FAX (both home care and medical)

E-mail::micsa.fiscal@hra.nyc.gov (both home care and medical)

Renewals - Office of Mail Renewal e-Fax 1-888-692-6116 
Surplus Unit

Maria Rivera

Graciela Mathews

Angel Phifer-Brown (Fax Unit)

929-221-0833 (phone)

929-221-0838 (phone)

929-221-0835 (phone)

917-639-0645 (fax - submit bills to meet spend-down )

Pooled Trusts (not with home care)

(929) 221-0868 /69

Fax (718) 636-7847  TEMPORARILY INOPERABLE as of 4/25/23 - use instead 
 (718)-636-7852 or (718) 636-7846.

For info on status of trust for client not receiving MLTC or immediate need -
email undercareproviderrelations@hra.nyc.gov 

MIPP program

E-MAIL:  mipp@hra.nyc.gov  (see article - not for people in MSP program)
Replace Medicaid Card   Replace a lost, stolen, or damaged Medicaid card.  (this link can be found here 

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card Assistance for Clients  - scroll down to 
dropdown for Replace or Correct an EBT Card for Medicaid Clients

Medicaid Offices See list at https://www.nyc.gov/site/hra/locations/medicaid-locations.page   (DO NOT use these offices if applying for or renewing MLTC or other Home Care.  See Home Care Services Program below.

Medicaid Fair Hearings

Record Requests Unit

(Request Evidence Packets)

MAIL:  HRA Fair Hearings - Records Request Unit

250 Livingston St. 6th floor  Brooklyn, New York 11201

FAX: 917-639-9355  (New 12-2024)

Conference Unit - Fair Hearings 

505 Clermont Ave. 4th fl.  Brooklyn NY 11238

TEL:  (718) 637-2426    FAX:  (718) 923-6452

Compiance & Aid to Continue Unit

(manages compliane with hearing decisions and with OTDA Aid Continuing orders

250 Livingston St., 6th floor,  Brooklyn, NY 11201

TEL:  (929) 221-4791  FAX  (718) 923-7880

Fair Hearing Representation Unit

(reps agency in OTDA hearings)

250 Livingston St., 6th floor,  Brooklyn, NY 11201
Nursing Home Eligibility Dept. (NHED)

Provider Relations

TEL 718-557-1368

E-FAX  (917) 639-0687

For inquiries: nhedproviderrelations@hra.nyc.gov

NHED Applications E-Fax    (917) 639-0735 
NHED Renewals E-Fax 917-639-0643 
NHED Deferrals E-Fax 917-639-0679 
Conversions & Undercare changes 

E-Fax 917-639-0736 

Discharge  E-FAX  917-639-0687 
2.  Home Care Services Program (HCSP) - 785 Atlantic Ave., 7th floor
Deputy Comm'r. Home Care Randa Henry-Jenkins

(929) 221-0848

HCSP Central Intake 

(929) 221-8851  or (929) 221-8889

FAX  718-636-7784/7780   email HCRequests@hra.nyc.gov

785 Atlantic Ave., 7th fl, Brooklyn, NY 11238

  • Applications for Medicaid and Personal Care/CDPAP for people exempt or excluded from MLTC or managed care (i.e enrolled in home hospice, OPWDD waiver, or TBI or NHTDW waivers)

  • If denied MLTC enrollment by NYIA and NYIA refers back to "local district," NYC residents contact THIS UNIT, not the CASAs. - Fax or Email the OUTCOME NOTICE ot this address and request HOUSEKEEPING services (limited to 8 hours/week(

HCSP Centralized Medicaid Eligibility Unit   General Number

(929) 221-0849

Charrise Andrews, Director (929) 221-3257  andrewsc@dss.nyc.gov

(929) 221-3224 (Deputy Director Cynthia Robinson)

Inquire about case status - hcspinquiries@hra.nyc.gov  (encrypted email)

Immediate Need Unit

Philomena Offurum

TEL (929) 221-2501 or (212) 274-5035 

e-FAX (917) 639-0665    offurump@hra.nyc.gov  

e-mail applications  HCRequests@hra.nyc.gov

Pooled Trusts for Home Care Cases Yvette Poole-Brooks

TEL  (929) 221-2493


Fax (718) 636-7848

Inquire about status of submitted trust - hcspinquiries@hra.nyc.gov - 
use encrypted mail or password-protected attachment.

HCSP MLTC Provider Relations Unit

TEL (929) 221-2427 

FAX  (718) 636-7848

MLTC plans -  mltcproviderrelations@hra.nyc.gov

Assisted Living Programs  alpproviderrelations@hra.nyc.gov

CASA offices 

See list at  https://www.nyc.gov/site/hra/locations/casa-locations.page

Felix Rodriguez - Executive Director HCSP Field Operations (Citywide) and 
                             Director of CASA at Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island.  
(212) 274-5044 


Celeste Lewis - Director of CASA South (Queens and Brooklyn). lewisceleste@hra.nyc.gov  718-250-5640

Contact HCSP about pending Medicaid case transactions (demographic changes, address updates, pooled trust reviews, county-to-county transfer requests, Medicare Savings Program (MSP) and coverage updates - not for submitting applications

hcspinquiries@hra.nyc.gov - use encrypted mail or password-protected attachment.
Attach signed  MAP 751k form required (encrypted)(correct,, add or change date of birth, SSN, gender,  change of address & phone number, transfer from county-to-county requests - write "LUBERTO")

MAP 751W (close case, add or remove someone from case, report death, request  budgeting changes including pooled trust, evaluate for MSP eligibility, report change in immigration status, add or remove Third Party Health Insurance)

This table  is compiled from these Alerts issued by HRA:  



Visit our article on Medicaid Alerts.

Attached files
item 2024-12-17 Medicaid HRA Fair Hearing move update.pdf (143 kb) Download
item 2021-07-22 HCSP inquiries by email.pdf (129 kb) Download
item 2021-09-08 MAP Undercare Division email REVISED +751k -751w forms.pdf (539 kb) Download
item MAP-751W Request to Change Information (Doc required) (11-25-2024).pdf (186 kb) Download
item 2021-08-30 Fax-e-Mail submissions to MAP - Home Care Services Preogram.pdf (152 kb) Download
item 2018-12-31 HRA Medicaid & HCSP Contacts for Authorized Submitters and CBO's.pdf (93 kb) Download
item MAP-751k consumer-provider request to change info on file (English) (2023-12-14).pdf (111 kb) Download
item 2024-08-02 Change address for C-Rep and brooklyn_south.pdf (134 kb) Download

Also read
item Applying for Medicaid Personal Care or CDPAP Services in New York City - 2021-2022 Changes
item Medicare Insurance Premium Payment Program (MIPP)

Also listed in
folder Medicaid -> Home Care
folder Medicaid -> Medicaid Managed Care
folder Medicaid -> NYC Medicaid Contacts, Policies & Forms

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