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Search results - News
Found 63 result(s)
item Unwinding of COVID Public Health Emergency in progress - Tips to Renew Medicaid!
Since March 2020, special protections guaranteed Continuous Coverage for anyone who HAD Medicaid In March 2020 or obtained Medicaid since then. These "Maintenance of Effort" (MOE) protections are being phased out while every Medicaid recipient goes through a renewal of current eligibility. This...
05 Jul, 2024
item MLTC UPDATE: CDPAP Changes Enacted,in NYS Budget, Bill to Increase MLTC Transparency, March 1st - Transportation carved out of MLTC services
This is a running news article with updates on Managed Long Term Care in NYS. FEBRUARY 2024 ALERT re CDPAP CUTS - see HERE Please see archives for past articles: MLTC updates 2014 - 2016 MLTC Updates - 2012 - 2013 KEY MLTC CONTACTS TO FILE COMPLAINTS And Websites SKIP DOWN TO LATEST...
21 May, 2024
item Drastic CDPAP Changes and other Medicaid Outcomes of Final NYS 24-25 Budget
FINAL NYS ENACTED BUDGET for 2024-25 Make Huge Changes in CDPAP That will Potentially Disrupt Care for 200,000 New Yorkers. 1. CDPAP CHANGES ENACTED: SINGLE FISCAL INTERMEDIARY Now there are more than 600 Fiscal Intermediaries (FI's) that handle payroll and benefits for all Personal...
13 May, 2024
item Medicaid Overpayment changes - new Q&A
Collections of alleged Medicaid overpayments, which were mostly paused during the Public Health Emergency, have undergone significant changes. This Q&A document by The Legal Aid Society explains what we currently know about investigations and collections going forward.
15 Mar, 2024
item Non-Emergency Transportation Carve-Out from Managed Long Term Care - effective 3/1/24
Effective 3/1/24, the non-emergency transportation benefit has been carved out from Managed Long Term Care. This does not include Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) plans. This means that Managed Long Term Care members will no longer arrange transportation through their plan, but...
06 Mar, 2024
item News from NYLAG Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program - Library of Past Newsletters
The Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program at NYLAG sends out periodic updates to interested people about developments in Medicaid in New York State affecting seniors and people with disabilities, with an emphasis on people who rely on Medicaid for long-term care services or for subsidies to help...
27 Feb, 2024
item Undocumented Immigrants Age 65 and Older Eligible for Full Medicaid - Started Jan. 1, 2024
See this new article to learn about the expanded Medicaid coverage for immigrants Age 65 and over who are undocumented. Because of their immmigration status, they were previously only eligible for Emergency Medicaid. See more here. Note that undocumented persons between ages 19- 64 are still...
06 Feb, 2024
item Expanded Medicaid Dental Benefit in Effect as of 1/31/24
New York’s Medicaid program expanded coverage of dental benefits as of January 31, 2024 as the result of the settlement of the Ciaramella v. McDonald case (originally Ciaramella v. Zucker). This article provides detailed information about the expanded benefits. This article provides information...
18 Dec, 2023
item NYS Medicaid Redesign Team II (MRT) - NYIA expansion to reassessments postponed INDEFINITELY - Nov. 17,. 2023 .Lookback Delayed til 2025
This article gives updates on the Medicaid changes enacted in the 2020 NYS Budget under the "Medicaid Redesign Team II" or MRT-2. A. The two MRT-2 changes that ARE being implemented NOW are: NY Independent Assessor Program (NYIAP) - Nov. 2023 NEWS - On Nov. 17, 2023, after...
17 Nov, 2023
item 2023 Updated Increases Announced for Medicaid and Medicare Savings Program for Disabled/Age 65+/ Blind - View Webinar recording from Jan. 18, 2023
2/10/23 UPDATE - NYS Dept. of Health updated the income and resource limits based on the 2023 Federal Poverty Levels. See NYS DOH GIS 23 MA/02 - 2023 Federal Poverty Levels and ATTACHMENT New York State Income and Resource Standards for Non-MAGI Population. These update the levels previously...
25 Apr, 2023

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