When Documentation of Resources and Income is Required for Medicaid Applications & Renewals - and When is "Attestation" Enough?

Since 2004, Medicaid documentation requirements have been simplified by allowing some applicants merely to "attest" rather than document certain eligibility factors.  In that year, attestation to the amount of one's resources was first allowed for Medicaid applicants who were not seeking Medicaid long-term care services(including home care and other community-based long-term care services) and for applicants for Medicare Savings Programs.

Here are the general rules on simplifications of documentation by allowing "attestation" --for

DOCUMENTATION OF RESOURCES - who may "attest" and who must prove the amount of resources

A.  Programs with NO asset test - Medicare Savings Programs & MAGI Medicaid

B.  Disabled, Age 65+ or Blind DO Have an Asset Test - NON-MAGI Medicaid

Medicaid recipients who are  Disabled, Age 65+, or Blind ("DAB" or "SSI-related) DO have an asset test.  See levels here But - the documentation required for an application depends on what services they are seeking.  See  NYS DOH 2010-ADM-01 (January 2010).   All Applicants must submit Supplement A - DOH-5178A (English) with the application.

SPOUSE of the applicant MUST SIGN Supplement A, even if they are not applying and even if they are doing a Spousal Refusal. 

Three Levels of Medicaid Coverage 

Section B of Supplement A (page 3) asks them to check one of the three following options for the services they want Medicaid to cover:  This option then controls whether they must document their assets.  This option also controls what services they may receive.  

  1. You are applying for Medicaid coverage but not coverage of community-based long-term care services. You may attest to the amount of your resources. You are not required to submit documentation of your resources  at this time. If a computer match shows something different than what you reported, you may be asked to  submit proof at a later date. This coverage does not include nursing home care, home care or any other community-based long-term care services listed on Supplement A.  However, those who choose this option should still qualify for up to 29 days of short term rehabilitation, whether at home through a certified home health agency, or in a  rehabilitaiton facility (nursing home).  See more here.  

  2. You are applying for coverage of community-based long-term care services. Documentation of the current amount of your resources is required. However, you only need to submit documentation for certain resources at this time. See “Documentation Requirements” in the Supplement A for a list of these resources.  This section of Supplement A lists the various community-based long term care services including  all home care programs - Managed Long Term Care, personal care services, CDPAP, private duty nursing, all waiver programs (TBI, Nursing Home Transition & Diversion Waiver, OPWDD),  Assisted Living Program, and  hospice (home and residential).  

COMMENT:  NYLAG always recommends choosing this option for anyone who MAY need home care or other long term care services in the foreseeable future.  If the applicant "attests" under option 1, and then they need home care, they must resubmit Supplement A and check this box, and submit the documentation then.   It causes a big delay in accessing services.

There is no look-back at this time for this level of care.  They may present only bank statements showing the balance at the beginning of the month they apply for Medicaid.  If they are seeking retroactive coverage, for up to 3 months before the month in which they applied, they must document their assets for the entire 3-month retroactive period.  However, a 30-month lookback for thsi level of care was enacted in 2020, but postponed as required by federal COVID legislation.  DOH has said the earliest it would be implemented is in 2025.  See more about the lookback  for home care, MLTC, and ALP services here. 

  1. You are instititutionalized and applying for coverage of nursing home care. Documentation of your resources  for the past 60 months is required. However, you only need to submit documentation for certain resources at  this time. See “Documentation Requirements” below for a list of these resources.
     See articles on Nursing Home Medicaid and transfer of asset penalties for nursing home care. 
    • NOTE:  you may NOT select this option unless you are actually admitted to a nursing home  

What documentation is required for those in age Age 65+, Blind, or Disabled non-MAGI category seeking long term care, whether community-based or in a nursing home?

Supplment A  lists only certain assets for which documentation must be provided:   

"You do not need to send proof of any other resources at this time. This is because other resources may
be verified through computer matches. If the resources you report do not match our records or cannot be
verified through our records, we may ask you to submit proof of those other resources at a later date."  

For which resources is no proof required, that HRA/DSS can verify through the Asset Verification System?

TIP:  If you are an advocate helping an individual apply or review eligibility, it is best to obtain and review the relevant bank account statements.  If assets are over the limit, then you can advise on Medicaid planning to bring the assets below the limit and apply the next month.  

Asset Verification System Background: Since 2017, the State has required local Medicaid programs to implement an electronic Asset Verification System (AVS) that verifies accounts held in banking institutions or real property owned by the applicant.  See 17ADM-02 - Asset Verification System  with attachments here.  NYC HRA has implemented this gradually - first in Nursing Homes in 2018  and then in hospital applications in 2019.  NYC implemented it in community applications in 2022, which led to replacing the old Supplement A form with the current DOH-5178A (English). 

RENEWAL (recertification) of Medicaid for Disabled, Aged or Blind Medicaid recipients --  they may attest to the amount of resources, and are not required to document them (effective March 2011).

DOCUMENTATION OF INCOME - who may "attest" and who must document all or some income

A.  MAGI Medicaid has no resource test (those who are under age 65, not disabled or blind) - and generally apply on NYSofHealth, though in some cases apply at teh local DSS/HRA, ie if seeking to enroll in a waiver program, MLTC or seeking nursing home. 

B.  Medicaid  & Medicare Savings Program for  applicants who are age 65+ or who are disabled or blind ("DAB")

2011 Changes described above in 11-ADM-01 - Expansion of Attestation of Income, Resources and Residence at Renewal,and Attestation of Interest Income at Application for Family Health Plus and Certain Medicaid Applicants (March 11, 2011).

2013 Changes in MICSA Alert March 2013

This article was authored by the Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program of New York Legal Assistance Group.


Article ID: 30
Last updated: 26 May, 2024
Revision: 7
Medicaid -> Financial Eligibility -> When Documentation of Resources and Income is Required for Medicaid Applications & Renewals - and When is "Attestation" Enough?