MLTC Members in Nursing Homes for 3+ Months Being Disenrolled from MLTC Plans - Since August 2020

In this article:

  1. Intro - What is the "Carve-out" of Nursing Home care from MLTC?

  2. Dashboard of Number of MLTC Members Disenrolled

  3. Procedures and Notices to Consumers  for Disenrollment starting August 2020

  4. What Happens to the NAMI and how is Nursing Home Paid after Disenrollment

  5. Advocacy Concerns

  6. Background - Old Procedures that "Carved In" Nursing Home Care into MLTC starting 2015

1.  Intro - What is the Carve-Out of Nursing Home Care from MLTC?

SUMMARY --Starting in August 2020, MLTC members are involuntarily disenrolled from their MLTC plans if they have been  in a nursing home for more than 3 months AND have been approved for Nursing Home or "Institutional" Medicaid by their local Medicaid agency.   They have the right to remain in the plan if they are actively working on returning home.  ADVOCACY is often needed to prevent the disenrollment so that the consumer can remain in the plan and fight for enough services needed to return home.  If they are disenrolled, it will be much more challenging for them to return home.  

BACKGROUND  -- In December 2019, CMS approved the request by NYS Dept. of Health to "carve out" long-term Nursing Home Care from the Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) benefit package.   In this change, the State reversed its former policy that has required, since 2015, all adult nursing home residents receiving Medicaid and Medicare to enroll in or stay enrolled in an MLTC plan.   The CMS approval letter, dated December 19, 2019, with the revised "Special Terms & Conditions" of the 1115 Waiver is posted here, which states at page 28:  

" ii. Should an individual prefer discharge—and an assessment of the individual’s medical needs indicates they may be safely discharged to the community—they may remain enrolled in their MLTC plan, while residing in the nursing home on a temporary basis for more than three months, until their discharge plans are resolved and the individual is transitioned out of the nursing home."

The change was approved by the State legislature in the 2018 state budget.  NYS Public Health Law section 4403-f, subd. 7(b)(v)(13). DOH submitted its request to CMS - see New York Medicaid Redesign Team - MLTCP Amendment Request.    Many consumer advocacy organizations oppsed this change in comments to the State and to CMS which are available on the CMS website here.   Click on these links for comments by NYLAG, the Legal Aid Society and other organizations here.   Advocacy concerns are summarized here.  

In April, 2020, DOH implemented the first stage of "carving out" nursing home care from the MLTC benefit.  DOH stopped auto-enrolling nursing home residents into MLTC plans when they were approved for Institutional Medicaid. Since 2015, they had been assigned to MLTC plans, even if these individuals never planned to return to the community. THE MLTC plans in turn paid the nursing homes for their care, and should have reviewed whether they were able to return to the community.    This procedure ended in April 2020.  Since then, anyone who entered a nursing home and was not already a member of an MLTC plan had "fee for service" Medicaid, and  the nursing homes bill Medicaid directly. 

DOH has notified all nearly 250,000 MLTC members of the change in this informational notice

Read about the former rules here that from 2015-2020 "carved in" the long-term nursing home benefit into the MLTC program.  

Center for Elder Law and Justice and Empire Justice Center recently teamed up to update the Nursing Home Resident Rights Guide (2024)!

2.  Dashboard of Number of  MLTC members disenrolled from MLTC plans since August 2020  

Since  the disenrollments started in Oct. 2021, they have been done in batches three times a year.  Each time, DOH gives the MLTC plans, nursing homes, and Open Doors the names of MLTC members who have been in nursing homes for more than 3 months and who have been approved for Nursing Home Medicaid.  The MLTC Plans, nursing homes, and Open Doors review this list and identify who has an "active discharge plan" to return home.  Those individuals are not disenrolled, but the rest are using the procedures explained here


  1. Every 3-4 months, NYS DOH sends Nursing Homes and MLTC Plans a list of members who were approved for Institutional Medicaid and who have been in a nursing home for more than 3 months.  The Nursing Homes,  MLTC plans, and Open Doors are asked to identify those members who have an "Active Discharge Plan" -- who should NOT  receive notices that they will be disenrolled.   See Dear Administrator Letter of June 11, 2020, which replaces the one issued in January.  

    1. The three-month period begins on the first of the month following the date the member has been designated as long-term nursing home stay on the Form LDSS-3559 or state equivalent.  The LDSS-3559 is a form filed by Nursing Homes with local county/NYC Medicaid programs.  NYC HRA uses different forms.   

    2. The DAL letter to nursing homes limits those defined as having an "active discharge plan" as those:
      • being assessed by the Open Doors program run by the NYS Association on Independent Living, which is the contract agency implementing   the Money Follows the Person program (which helps people in nursing homes to be discharged to the community), OR
      • those with an active Transition Plan in place with all the required elements (not defined), that has been incorporated into their Discharge Plan, OR
      • the resident has an expected discharge date of 3 months or less, a discharge plan in place with all the required elements, and the discharge plan could not be improved 
    3. DOH said that no MLTC member who is actively engaged in planning for their discharge back to the community will be disenrolled.  However, the nursing homes are being asked to identify only those with an approved discharge plan, not members with requests for home care or appeals pending.  THIS IS WHY MEMBERS WHO RECEIVE THE NOTICES and WANT TO RETURN HOME MUST CALL NY MEDICAID CHOICE to request an ASSESSMENT and/or REQUEST A FAIR HEARING  
    4. If a disenrollment notice is sent to someone working with Open Doors, contact See info on referrals to the Open Doors Transition Center.
  2. 30-DAY NOTICE from their MLTC plan, --Since Oct. 1, 2021, plans are required to send this notice giving members in nursing homes for 3 months a heads-up  that  they will be disenrolled from the MLTC plan in 30 days because their stay extends beyond 3 months.  The notice explains  that Medicaid will continue to pay for the nursing home care if they remain in the nursing home.  Most importantly, the notice explains how to request an assessment by the MLTC plan to approve services so that they can return home.  There are no fair hearing or other appeal rights for this  notice, but the 10-day notice has appeal rights. 
  1. 10-day notice from NY Medicaid Choice ( Attachment I  to GIS 20 MA/06 – MLTC Enrollees Receiving Long Term Nursing Home Care – “Batch” Disenrollment Process) -- states  they may request a fair hearing with Aid Continuing or call NY Medicaid Choice  before the disenrollment.   If they do, they will remain enrolled in the plan.    If they call NY Medicaid Choice, they may request  an assessment by their MLTC plan to see if they can safely return home.  This postpones the disenrollment. 

    • Who receives the noticeOnly the person listed as "Authorized Representative" on the Medicaid application receives a copy of this 10-day notice.  To be listed, submit Form DOH-5247 - Medicaid Authorized Representative Designation/ Change Request** to Local Dept. Social Services (DSS).  In NYC-

      • if the nursing home Medicaid app was approved, fax form to 917-639-0736.

      • If the Medicaid application is still pending, ask nursing home to submit it or fax to 917-639-0735. Note the name and address of nursing home. Read more here

  1. What can a consumer, representative or family member do to make sure consumer can stay in their MLTC plan in order to obtain home care services needed to return home?   BEFORE the disenrollment do one or both of the following:

    1. Request a Fair Hearing  you will not be disenrolled if you make this request before the scheduled disenrollment.   Because the disenrollment notices are sent by NY Medicaid Choice and are not a direct action by the MLTC plan, the member is not required to "exhaust" the plan appeal process first before requesting a fair hearing.  

    2. Call NY Medicaid Choice to report that you have a pending request for home care services, or a pending appeal or fair hearing, so need to stay in the plan, OR to request an assessment by the MLTC plan to return home.  1 -888-401-6582 (TTY: 1-888-329-1541).  Either way, you will not be disenrolled as scheduled 

    3. If they have any problems requesting an assessment, or reporting a pending request, or other questions about this -- contact ICAN. 844-614-8800 

  2.   MEMBER HAS RIGHT TO RETURN TO PLAN within SIX MONTHS after Being Disenrolled 
    • You can re-enroll in the MLTC plan within 6 months of being dis-enrolled, without being required to do a new Independent  Assessment.  This is stated in the Notice to consumers of disenrollment, and is in  GIS 20 MA/06 – MLTC Enrollees Receiving Long Term Nursing Home Care – “Batch” Disenrollment Process (p. 2).  This rule was set in the letter dated 12/19/2019 by which CMS approved the State's request to amend the 1115 waiver to require disenrollment for a long term nursing home stay.   The CMS letter and form consumer notice confirm that no conflict-free assessment is required (now this would be NYIAP) and that NY Medicaid Choice can simply re-enroll the consumer. However, the State has not issued policies yet on issues such as --

      • will the same MLTC plan you were enrolled in before be required to accept your enrollment and provide you with home care services to return home?  We think the answer must be YES otherwise the right have enrollment reinstated is meaningless. 

      • will the MLTC plan be required to authorize the same amount of hours that you received before?   We think they should be required to under MLTC Policy 16.06 and precedent including Mayer v. Wing.  . We think the answer must be YES otherwise the right have enrollment reinstated is meaningless. 

      •  MLTC enrollment is always on the 1st of the month, so if you are ready to return home on the 10th, you will probably not be re-enrolled until the 1st of the following month. 

      • The eligibility code must be changed from N6 for permanent nursing home placement to another code allowing for MLTC enrollment.  DOH has not issued any procedures for requesting this change, which must be done  by the local district.


If the resident has already been approved by the local DSS/HRA for Institutional Medicaid, the nursing home will simply switch billing to bill Medicaid fee for service instead of the MLTC plan, and the resident continues paying the NAMI (Net Available Monthly Income).

 But what about those who have not yet applied for Institutional Medicaid, or whose 5-year lookback applications are pending at the time of disenrollment?  According to the 6/12/20 guidance and 1/21/2021 Dear Administrator Letter, the nursing home will not be paid for its services until the LDSS/HRA has approved the lookback application, which should be retroactive allowing the nursing home to bill back to the date of disenrollment, provided the application is timely and complete to prove retroactive eligibility.   For these individuals, the situation is like the old days before MLTC covered nursing home care, when the nursing home would not get paid by Medicaid until Institutional Medicaid is approved.  

The Dear Administrator Letter indicates that the individual may be asked to pay their estimated "NAMI" or Net Available Monthly Income to the nursing home while the Institutional Medicaid application is pending.   For those who have an expectation to return home, the application should include the physician's certification of this expectation so that Community Budgeting will be used, allowing the individual to keep the full Medicaid allowance in the community ($895 2020 + health  insurance premiums) plus any deductions used in the community (Pooled trust deposit, earned income disregards).  See more about Community Budgeting in this article.  This Fact Sheet  has the NYC forms.  The form used outside of NYC is the LDSS-3559. This reduces the NAMI to the same as the spenddown would be in the community.  


Concerns about  Members Who Are Not Identified as Actively Seeking to Return Home --  who should not be disenrolled

Concerns about Difficulty for Nursing Home Residents to Obtain Home Care Services to Return to the Community

No Written Policy or Procedures to Ensure that a Consumer who Was Disenrolled for a Long Tern Nursing Home Stay May re-Enroll in the Plan within SIX Months. 

Concerns About MLTC Plans Denying High-Need Members Sufficient Home Care, Forcing Nursing Home Placement and Eventually Disenrollment 

Now that the cost of Nursing Home care is no longer borne by the MLTC plan, the plans have more incentive to deny home care to people whose needs re extensive because of severe disabilities.  If these individuals end up in a nursing home - because the hours are insufficient to maintain their safety at home,  the plan can avoid high-cost care altogether if they run out the clock until the placement lasts 3 months.  

Concerns About MLTC Plans Delaying Discharge to "Ride out the Clock" until 3 months have passed

If a member previously received high-hour home care services, or now needs such services, an MLTC plan may well delay discharge so that the member is disenrolled after 3 months of nursing home placement.   Procedures are needed to prevent and hold plans accountable for this behavior.

The Dear Nursing Home Administrator letter issued Jan. 21, 2020, gives the procedure for MLTC members who are reaching the 3-month limit in the future.  It states that in the second month of admission, the MLTC plans will identify members expected to be admitted for 3 months and send a disenrollment package to NY Medicaid Choice, for NY Medicaid choice to review and send the disenrollment notice.  The first such notices will disenroll members effective May 1, 2020.   This fast timeline gives essentially no opportunity for an MLTC member who expects the nursing home admission to be temporary to take the steps needed to arrange a dischage plan - before the quick disenrollment notice is issued.  

The DOH policy in the Dear Administrator Letter only at the very end mentions that  the nursing home should work with the member to explore options for discharge, referencing past DAL letters, such as

Confusion about applying for Institutional  Medicaid and Help Needed to Request Community Budgeting for people expecting to return home

Stay Tuned for more news and concerns as the State releases more procedures implementing this major change.    See advocacy tips for threatened disenrollments. 

6.  Background on Former Policy - Beginning  2015  that "carved in" Nursing Home Care into the MLTC Benefit.

Since February 1, 2015, there has been a   new requirement for nursing home residents in New York City who became "permanent" residents after that date to enroll in Managed Long Term care (MLTC) and "mainstream" Medicaid Managed Care plans, which will now pay for and manage the nursing home care. CMS approved this expansion of MLTC and mainstream Medicaid managed care by letter of Dec. 31, 2014.   "Permanent" status does not begin until after  Institutional Medicaid eligibility has been approved, following the 5-year lookback.  Thus enrolling in a managed care or MLTC plan is not required for initial admission to a nursing home.  

The requirement started in NYC in February 2015, and the rest of the state was phased in by October  2015.

Since Jan. 22, 2015 and continuing through September 2015, NYS DOH has conducted a series of  webinars on this transition and has issued a series of policy papers and FAQs:  All are posted on the MRT 1458 website - scroll to the bottom to:

NYS Dept. of Health Policies --Transition of Nursing Home Populations and Benefits to Medicaid Managed Care


State DOH Administrative Directive 15ADM-01 - Transition of Long Term Nursing Home Benefit into Medicaid Managed Care (April 1, 2015)  to local county Medicaid programs to explain the new procedures for Medicaid for nursing home care:   PDF         Attachment 1 



Adults age 21+ becoming permanent nursing home residents in NYC after February 1, 2015 (estimated)  will be required to enroll in managed care plans starting in Feb. 2015 in NYC, in  Long Island and Westchester in April 2015. Upstate mandatory enrollment will begin in July 2015 on a rolling basis. The State's presentations above reviewed timelines, network requirements, reimbursement policies and other key areas of concern.

The type of managed care plan in which the individual must enroll depends on whether or not they receive Medicare.  

Current nursing home residents are "grandfathered in" - do not have to enroll in managed care plans.  Anyone already in a nursing home before Feb. 1, 2015 (and before Oct. 2015  outside of the NYC metro area) will not have to enroll in a managed care plan, and will continue to have Medicaid pay for their nursing home care on a "fee for service" basis.  The State says that no one already in a nursing home should have to change nursing homes because the nursing home is not in the plan's network.

If they are required to enroll in an MLTC plan or, if they are not on Medicare, in a "mainstream" managed care plan, they will enroll in a plan that affiliates and pays for their current nursing home.

This requirement will apply only people who, after Feb. 1, 2015, are approved for permanent nursing home placement and institutional Medicaid (after the 60-month lookback review is completed). It will not require enrollment into an MLTC or mainstream plan upon admission to a nursing home.. it will not be required until later, after they apply for and are accepted for institutional Medicaid.

Those who are already enrolled in an MLTC or mainstream Medicaid managed care plan in the community, who come to need long-term nursing home placement after Feb. 1, 2015 (if in NYC, or April 1, 2015 in Long Island and Westchester) or in other areas when they become mandatory, will no longer be disenrolled from the plan when they need nursing home care. They will need to choose a nursing home within the plan's network (or may sometimes change plans) and the plan will still manage their care in the nursing home.  

People who were NOT enrolled in an MLTC plan or mainstream plan who come to need nursing home care after Feb.  1st, 2015 (in NYC - rest of state timeline is here) may enter any nursing home of their choice.   They do not have to join an MLTC or managed care plan until after they are admitted to the home, apply for and are accepted for institutional Medicaid (which includes the lookback period that screens for transfers of assets)

Phase-In Schedule - The original date was March 1, 2014, which was delayed several times.  New schedule here.     Concerns raised by NYLAG and other consumer advocates by letter of March 14, 2014,  were part of the reason for the delay, with CMS requesting further protections in the state implementation plan.  Now, with the  ICAN Ombudsprogram   and the Conflict-Free Evaluation and Enrollment Center up and running, CMS has approved this expansion of managed care.  See more about this in this article in September 2014 news. People who first become permanent Nursing Home  residents after the dates below, meaning their eligibility has been determined after a 60-month Lookback application, must enroll in either a Medicaid Managed Care or d Managed Long Term care plan, which one depends on whether they have Medicare.

Consumer Advocacy 

Advocacy organizations including Medicaid Matters NY, the Coalition to Protect the Rights of New York's Dual Eligibles (CPRNYDE) and other organizations have participated in workgroups, voicing consumer concerns about many aspects of this expansion of managed care.

Article ID: 199
Last updated: 20 Aug, 2024
Revision: 14
Medicaid -> Other Services -> MLTC Members in Nursing Homes for 3+ Months Being Disenrolled from MLTC Plans - Since August 2020