Managed Long-Term Care - in the general sense, refers to any type of private managed care organization in New York State whose benefit package includes Medicaid long-term care services (such as home care, adult day care, and nursing home). Currently, this general category includes Partially-Capitated MLTC plans as well as fully-capitated ones such as MAP and PACE. The term MLTC is more often used specifically to refer to the partially-capitated type of plan. These plans do not include any Medicare-covered services, nor do they include all services covered under Medicaid. Members of these plans must use them to access all types of home care, nursing home care, adult day care, medical transportation, podiatry, audiology, optometry, and dentistry. All other services are covered either by Medicare or Fee-For-Service Medicaid. Since 2012, it has been mandatory for dual eligibles needing Community-Based Long-Term Care services to enroll in MLTC, MAP or PACE plans in order to receive them. See