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Mandatory Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Begins Sept. 1, 2010 in New York City For People with HIV and AIDS
27 Sep, 2010
As of September 1, 2010, there is no longer an HIV/ AIDS exemption from mandatory Medicaid managed care in New York City.  People living with HIV and AIDS who are Medicaid recipients will be required to join a  Medicaid managed care plan if they are not eligible for another exemption...
CMS reminds Medicare Part D sponsors of their transition supply obligations
31 Aug, 2010
CMS has issued a reminder to Part D sponsors that they are obligated to provide transition supplies to current enrollees who are negatively affected by changes to their plan's formulary.   The memo, released on August 27, 2010, gives...
NYS Bridge Plan -- High Risk Insurance Pool - Begins Taking Applications August 20th
21 Aug, 2010
The NY Bridge Plan began accepting applications on August 20, 2010, with coverage available beginning October 1, 2010.  The "Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan" (PCIP) is partially funded by the federal government and subject to federal regulations established under the Patient...
Welcome to NYHealthAccess.org!
29 Dec, 2009
This website is a joint venture of the Empire Justice Center, the Legal Aid Society, and Selfhelp Community Services, and is funded in part by the New York State Office For the Aging and the New York Community Trust.  The Western New York Law Center has graciously provided the web hosting and...

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