TPS and Public Health Insurance - French
TPS and assurance maladie publique 3_1_10.pdf
As a result of the earthquake on January 12, 2010 in Haiti, temporary protective status (TPS) has been extended to Haitian immigrants living in the United States. Applicants for TPS considered PRUCOL and may be eligible for public health insurance programs in New York State. This fact sheet is in French.
01 Mar, 2010
58 kb
Downloads: 5583
TPS and Public Health Insurance English and Creole
TPS and Public Health Insurance Creole 3_1_10.pdf
As a result of the earthquake on January 12, 2010 in Haiti, temporary protective status (TPS) has been extended to Haitian immigrants living in the United States. Applicants for TPS considered PRUCOL and may be eligible for public health insurance programs in New York State. This fact sheet is in English and Creole.
01 Mar, 2010
72 kb
Downloads: 5413
NY DOH Letter re. 2005 changes to FHP
This letter was sent in August 2005 to Family Health Plus enrollees, notifying them of changes to co-payments, vision benefit, and exclusion of government employees.
06 Dec, 2009
14 kb
Downloads: 4756
Medicaid Co-payments and Family Health Plus Asset Limit
Memo from August 1, 2005, regarding an increase in Medicaid and Family Health Plus co-payments, the imposition of an asset limit for Family Health Plus, changes in the FHP vision benefit, and the exclusion of government employees.
06 Dec, 2009
15 kb
Downloads: 9085
Public Health Insurance
Public Health Insurance 4_09.pdf
Overview of public health insurance programs in New York.
03 Jun, 2009
136 kb
Downloads: 7893