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Medicare Part D Outline Download
Part D Outline 2019 FINAL 10-5-18.pdf
Training materials written and updated by various staff at the Evelyn Frank Legal Resources program since 2005. This outline is updated for the 2019 enrollment period (which begins 10/15/18 and ends 12/7/18) and covers the basic design of the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit, the Extra Help subsidy for low income beneficiaries, how Part D works with other types of drug coverage including EPIC and Medicaid, and how to get Extra Help by using the Medicare Savings Program.
05 Oct, 2018 1.5 mb Downloads: 18670
Medicare 101: Presentation by NYLAG on Medicare for New York Beneficiaries Download
2016 Medicare CLE NYLAG.2.pptx
PowerPoint presented with Webinar Presentation, recorded on April 13, 2016, by Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program.
View recording at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u76iY5ycUjI&feature=youtu.be
13 Apr, 2016 2.18 mb Downloads: 4538

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