CASA Contact List
CASA List (HCSP-3037 English) 12-4-2023.pdf
HRA contacts for the New York City Home Care Services Program CASA offices (updated 12/2023)
18 Mar, 2024
74 kb
Downloads: 71577
MAP-909E DAB Renewal Form Redacted (2022-01-04)
MAP-909e DAB Renewal (2022-01-04) Redacted Sample with 2023 ACT NOW insert.pdf
HRA Medicaid Renewal Form being sent in 2023 to Disabled, Aged, & Blind (DAB) recipients in the "unwinding" of the Public Health Emergency. Note that the packet contains
(1) a 2-page Renewal Notification letter with the deadline to return the renewal, which is always the 10th of the 2nd month after the notification,
(2) "ACT NOW" alert intended to alert consumers that this renewal MUST be returned, unlike those sent during the Public Health Emergency (MAP-3185 - 2023-01-19),
(3) Renewal form has a new section in Part 6 RESOURCES requiring authorization for HRA to verify resources using data matching (page 6 of the PDF);
(4) Renewal form must be signed by both applicant and spouse (p. 9 of PDF)
(5) Financial Maintenance form - not new - only required if housing costs are more than 70% gross monthly income (p. 10 of PDF);
(6) NEW: Authorization for Verification of Resources - Recipient and Spouse each must sign this and send back with renewal!
(MAP-3179 and 3179a) (pp. 11-13 of PDF)
(7) Renewal instructions (pp. 14-16 of PDF)
31 May, 2023
2.17 mb
Downloads: 15761
Reopening of Chinatown Medicaid Office
2021-09-22 Reopening of Chinatown Medicaid Office.pdf
Chinatown Medicaid Office reopened at the same location (115 Chrystie St., 5th Fl., New York, NY 10002; tel. (212) 334-6114). Open 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday thru Friday.
06 Oct, 2021
78 kb
Downloads: 1600
2021-08-30 Updated Fax & E-maikl Submissions to HRA Medicaid and HCSP
2021-08-30 Fax-e-Mail submissions to MAP - Home Care Services Preogram.pdf
updates earlier fax lists - allowing submission of applications and other documents by fax during COVID-19 emergency, and adds some email addresses for inquiries
04 Sep, 2021
152 kb
Downloads: 7010
CASA Directory Updated 9-09-2020 (Home Care Services Program (HCSP)
2020-09 NYC Home Care Services Program -CASA directory.pdf
CASA field offices have been consolidated. There is one CASA office per borough. Includes announcement of new email address for HCSP inquiries
04 Aug, 2021
309 kb
Downloads: 7148
NYLAG Comments on Proposed Federal "Sunset" Rule That Would Repeal Thousands of Medicaid Regulations
NYLAG Comments - Sunset NPRM (12-4-20 VB).pdf
The US Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) has proposed a "sunset regulation" that would retroactively impose a mandatory expiration date on an estimated 18,000 duly promulgated regulations for programs ranging from Medicaid and Medicare to the FDA and CDC. NYLAG submitted comments on these rules.
04 Dec, 2020
329 kb
Downloads: 1750
2020-10-28 Metropolitan Medicaid Office Closing
2020-10-28 Closing Metropolitan Medicaid Office.pdf
MICSA Alert published 10/28/20
02 Nov, 2020
160 kb
Downloads: 2218
2019-06-04 MICSA Alert Regarding May 2019 Eligibility Renewal Packets
2019-06-04 renewal packets.pdf
18 Jun, 2019
77 kb
Downloads: 2982
Explanation of the Conflict Free Evaluation and Enrollment Center and MLTC Evaluation (rev. 12-2016)
Explanation of the CFEEC and MLTC Evaluation NYLAG Letterhead rev 12-2016.pdf
This outline describes the evaluation process for someone who is on Medicare and Medicaid (approved or application pending) who requires enrollment into a Managed Long Term Care plan. Revised 12-2016 to include change that CFEEC now valid for 75 instead of 60 days.
23 Dec, 2016
413 kb
Downloads: 33298
Newborn Processing Update
2015-05-06 Newborn Processing Update.pdf
Update advised that all newborns born in 2015 submitted via the NYS automated system have been determined processed either automatically or manually
06 May, 2015
191 kb
Downloads: 4779