Health Plan Appeal Rights in New York After the Affordable Care Act
Appeals Paper final with 2021 updates - CSS.pdf
Article from the New York State Bar Association Health Law Journal about the impact of Federal health reform on appeal rights under private health insurance plans. By Samuel Salganik, Community Health Advocates (CHA). Community Service Society of New York, NYSBA Health Law Journal |Winter 2012 |Vol. 17 |No. 1
THis version includes 2021 updates on pages 32 and 37.
13 Aug, 2021
125 kb
Downloads: 22043
NYLAG PowerPoint on MAGI Budgeting
NYLAG ACA Part 2 - MAGI.ppt
Training outline on Affordable Care Act - the new Medicaid budgeting for MAGI.
24 Jun, 2014
2.72 mb
Downloads: 15561
NYC HRA PowePoint on New Medicaid application procedures for 2014 under Affordable Care Act
EIS Overview of Upcoming Changes - ACA implementation.pdf
PowerPoint was presented for certified Client Representatives who have completed a certification to be authorized submitters of Medicaid applications to HRA. However, information in this may be generally applicable.
20 Dec, 2013
3.28 mb
Downloads: 3960
Medicaid Eligibility in 2014
Understanding MAGI & the Marketplace.pdf
Training provides framework for understanding the changes to Medicaid effective 2014, including: new categories, new income levels, new budgeting and new benefits.
15 Nov, 2013
1.56 mb
Downloads: 271922
Medicaid Expansion and MAGI Budgeting
Medicaid Expansion and MAGI Budgeting.ppt
17 Oct, 2013
2.8 mb
Downloads: 4914
Additional Resources on Medicaid Expansion and MAGI Budgeting
Additional Resources on Medicaid Expansion and MAGI Budgeting.doc
17 Oct, 2013
257 kb
Downloads: 4622
Low-Income Taxpayer Issues under the Affordable Care Act.ppt
11 Sep, 2013
83 kb
Downloads: 4305
Intorduction to New York State of Health.pptx
11 Sep, 2013
2.52 mb
Downloads: 4189
ACA Resource List_final.doc
11 Sep, 2013
266 kb
Downloads: 4630
Key Players and Subsidies
ACA training Arielle and Rebecca.ppt
11 Sep, 2013
964 kb
Downloads: 4131