Dear Administrator Letter January 22 2019
Dear Administrator Letter_01.22.2019.pdf
11 Sep, 2021
73 kb
Downloads: 1705
Nassau County Physician's Request for Personal Care Aide and Orders to the Service Agency (07-2020)
Physician's Order Nassau County Form 517 - (2020).pdf
Form for doctor to complete to request Medicaid personal care services and CDPAP from the Nassau County DSS. Revised July 2020.
26 Aug, 2021
1.46 mb
Downloads: 11201
CASA Directory Updated 9-09-2020 (Home Care Services Program (HCSP)
2020-09 NYC Home Care Services Program -CASA directory.pdf
CASA field offices have been consolidated. There is one CASA office per borough. Includes announcement of new email address for HCSP inquiries
04 Aug, 2021
309 kb
Downloads: 7042
Contact List of CASA Offices - Home Care Services Program (HCSP)
2020-09 NYC Home Care Services Program -CASA directory.pdf
Includes announcement of new e-mail address for inquiries about HCSP cases (7-2021)
04 Aug, 2021
309 kb
Downloads: 36274
Know your Rights: Tips for Requesting New or Increased Services from a Medicaid Managed Care or MLTC Plan
Requesting Services from an MCO 2021.pdf
Fact Sheet prepared by the NYLAG Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program explaining tips on how to request new or increased services from a Medicaid managed care or MLTC plan, including the timeline in which the plan must process the increase. Russian translation posted at http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/782/
If the request is denied, see separate Fact sheet on appealing denials. http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/654/.
03 Aug, 2021
360 kb
Downloads: 4607
Know your Rights: Tips for Requesting New or Increased Services from a Medicaid Managed Care or MLTC Plan (RUSSIAN)
Requesting Services from an MCO - 2021 Russian Translation.pdf
Russian Translation of Fact Sheet prepared by the NYLAG Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program explaining tips on how to request new or increased services from a Medicaid managed care or MLTC plan, including the timeline in which the plan must process the increase. English version is at http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/723/
If the request is denied, see separate Fact sheet on appealing denials. http://www.wnylc.com/health/download/654/
03 Aug, 2021
659 kb
Downloads: 1650
2021-7-22 MAP New Home Care Services Program Inquiry Email Address
2021-07-22 HCSP inquiries by email.pdf
This Alert is to advise Medicaid Providers, Hospitals, Client Representatives, Community Based Organizations, Certified Home Health Agencies(CHHA), and Advocates, that the Home Care Services Program (HCSP) has created an email inbox to allow for the submission of inquiries related to HCSP Medicaid case transactions using hcspinquiries@hra.nyc.gov. Allowed inquiries/transaction include demographic changes, address updates, pooled trust review, county-to-county transfer requests, Medicare Savings Program and coverage updates. This email is NOT FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS or documents related to an application. Please read Alert for required information.
26 Jul, 2021
129 kb
Downloads: 2461
NYLAG Comments on How State Proposes to Implement the "Lookback" for Community -Based Long Term Care Services
NYLAG Comments to CMS 5-6-2021 1115 Waiver Lookback.pdf
Comments filed on May 5, 2021 in response to the State Dept. of Health's proposal to CMS on how it will implemenet the 30-month Lookback, that was enacted in the NYS FY 20-21 Budget, and applies to MLTC enrollment and all other home care and the Assisted Living Program. The State's proposal can be viewed at https://health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/redesign/mrt2/proposals/30-month_lookback-final.htm
16 May, 2021
820 kb
Downloads: 1756
MAP-751K Consumer Request to Change Information on File (3-15-21)(fill-able)
MAP-751K (3-15-2021)(English)(fill-able).pdf
NYC HRA Form to use to notify HRA of change in name, address, mailing address, date of birth, SSN, and to request mail in different languages or formats for disability (Updated 3-15-21). The MAP-751K is also posted at https://www1.nyc.gov/site/hra/help/health-assistance.page in other languages. Upon completion, it can be faxed to HRA using 917-639-0837. (Updated 2-18-2021) NOTE: The 751k is no longer used to request a change in budgeting. For that, use new form MAP-751W posted at the same webpage as above for the 751K.
16 May, 2021
89 kb
Downloads: 9628
"Coverage Determination Notice" - Official Template for NYS MAP Plans using Integrated Appeal process
ICDN_NY_MAP - Coverage Determination Notice 11.15.19.docx
Official template for NYS Medicaid Advantage Plus plans to deny an initial request for prior approval for a service or for an increase in a service. See article at http://www.wnylc.com/health/entry/225/. This form is from a zipped file of MAP notice templates posted at https://www.cms.gov/files/zip/nyiagintegratedbenenotices.zip.
01 Apr, 2021
64 kb
Downloads: 1967